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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. If you want to move the needle maybe ask how much better the team would be if Ozzie owned it...
  2. Well I go back to the 70’s and 80’s. A fair amount of those teams stunk but they had a certain personality and funky flair that had a fitting home in the old park. It’s odd; you liked them and there was a tangible player-fan relationship. You wanted them to win often accepting they just weren’t going to. I don’t get any of that right now. Maybe winning will inspire it but it was there with or without the wins in the old days. …Or maybe I’m just old and crotchety
  3. Right, I can't see myself letting go either. I've got those great, great memories of being a lifelong fan. That said, it's got to be more than memories because I am attached to the team in the here and now. Just wondering what exactly it is I'm attached to.
  4. OK, this hits and I get it, I need to understand something though, because I even question myself. Indulge me... We love the White Sox, but: We hate the ownership We hate the management. We can't stand the current players because they have poor ethic, talent, and interest. Any worthwhile players now or in the future will be let go once they become too expensive anyway. So, what exactly are we fans of?
  5. If they manage to play .500 ball the rest of the way they still wind up losing 90. 😬
  6. Even swapping the Sounds for the Sox might be a downgrade in talent at this point.
  7. We could hope against hope it will incentivize the ownership to make comprehensive and structural changes rather than rely on a quick shiny object or two.
  8. So we’re only three or four players away!!! /sarc
  9. So, Detroit lost 119 in 2003. What were they able to do to get to the WS three years later (aside from #1 picks which don't happen anymore)?
  10. If my paycheck went up at the same rate...I'd be driving a nicer car.
  11. Me feeling is like just kind of floating in limbo. I know this team roster has to completely turn over at least twice before it has a chance to be playoff viable. That known, it’s impossible to even hang hopes on what I will see on the field thinking it might be a step in building a path towards any future contention window. This now just is what is and will be.
  12. Agreed. Corner OF doesn’t demand much defensively so that’s where teams put the mashers who can’t field (unless they DH). Therefore, to be really worthwhile he needs to be *at least* as good offensively as the typical corner outfielder who already hits well.
  13. Knowing this org, Titanic Inc. would soon buy the naming rights to the stadium.
  14. Funny, I could have sworn I put Soxtalk in my browser address and not Bearstalk.
  15. I don’t think we (the taxpayers) should just give JR a stadium, but should we expect him to just give one to us? Where’s equilibrium? Maybe we should pony up escalated ticket prices?
  16. I'm a simpleton but I don't know why I should have to pay for the venue to be built and then pay again to get into it. If the thing makes money, shouldn't it pay for itself?
  17. Funny, I thought the name was spelled “Leury”.
  18. Just have lunch at Bob Evans on Thursday and again on Sunday to see dynamic pricing. How is this different? Will Wendy’s AI work in real time factoring in weather, special events in town, etc.? I’d be down with $1 burgers when storms roll through town. Maybe the same for game tickets?
  19. Neither here nor there but I’m not sure about Einhorn wanting to start a USFL team. The USFL Blitz had already died in 1985 and I recall hearing Einhorn briefly mentioning wanting to start a Chicago *baseball* franchise in a new offseason league. Anyone recall that?
  20. At this point I’d be happy enough staying at GRF if they go back to decent scoreboard fireworks and not the cheap generic ones they use now. How about opening up early enough to let us in the place to watch batting practice? This is all the kind of thing that strips the culture and that’s what diminishes the “ballpark experience” more than anything. It’s not the park alone; Comiskey 1 smelled funny and it always seemed like something was dripping on you - but the experience was undeniable. Would it hurt them to put out a little and not go cheap and “managed” with everything?
  21. This makes sense. I would think the Nashville folks would see them as a new creation as well and leave the past as the past. I do not think identities should be portable to different cities. It just doesn't seem right. I am not a Chicago native but I think a similar argument could be made if they moved to another Chicago location completely removed from the south side. The south side is just baked into the cake.
  22. It's interesting. As fans if makes us wonder what exactly we are fans of. Its surely not the ownership. Neither is it completely the players because they come from all over and come and go, understandably seeking the best contracts. That said, I grew up and am still four hours away from the games but only being able to get up a couple times each year just made the experiences more special. Would it change if they moved to be five hours south of me? I don't know. In a sense it would seem they would effectively become a different team, even if they kept the name. I guess I would remain a fan, if for no other reason that there would be no Chicago alternative outside of the Cubs. Its all hypothetical though anyway...right????
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