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Everything posted by SpringfieldFan

  1. “…just when it seems like they are down for the count, they get back up and land a big blow.“ This is why it will be a 78 win “ho hum” year and not a 65 win “heads will roll” year.
  2. I could appreciate a low ceiling team that still plays inspired and smart fundamental ball. This team is just an insult to me as a fan.
  3. Oops I meant 79. I sure won’t argue if 89 proves true though.
  4. They won’t even give us that consolation. 89 wins at curtain close. Total meh as they dink around all summer.
  5. This is an honest question. Every year something happens that causes him to miss time or lose effectiveness. Will that ever change?
  6. Plus his pitches are almost like watching a blitzball game. Mesmerizing.
  7. Less than 10 months ago Baltimore had just lost 110 games and the Sox had just won their division by 13 games. With a win this afternoon the O’s will have the better record. Riddle me that.
  8. The team owes its presence here because it made deals with the Devil aka the Chicago and Illinois political machine. No wonder they play like hell.
  9. Cleveland and Minnesota won’t have pleasure of taking that credit with me. I I was out of my misery once they resigned Leury and broke spring training with the roster they had.
  10. Yeah you can’t beat the contrived fan-o-meter, kiss cam and tshirt rolls thrown to the crowds. Totally worth the cost of tickets and parking right there man.
  11. He gets paid, quite well, too endure this. *We* have to pay.
  12. Yes, gotta give credit where credit is due on that signing.
  13. This is the key shortcoming with this team, at least on the field. Sometimes it feels like watching the movie Major League, only a pinup of the owner isn't going to work in this case.
  14. Yes, the pen health is a concern. However, I think it is a concern precisely because 5-6 innings for the starters is *as designed*. Starters going 8 innings pitching to contact and then turning it over to a closer is a bonus and a luxury we shouldn't count on. We have to assume the pen will take nearly half the game and therefore need to have them ready to do so.
  15. As a former (admittedly disgruntled) coworker of mine said, "if the boss has you clean toilets one day and you show you are really good at it, he's gonna want to keep you cleaning toilets."
  16. Leury obviously will need to start and be high in the lineup next game. After today’s late 0-2 he will need the AB’s to get back on track. And Yoan will have to sit after this abomination. Five hits was just rubbing it in by the end. Can’t have that.
  17. I'm beginning to think the modern usage of pitchers is simply not compatible with their physical makeup. Pitching has always been taxing on arms and shoulders and now they are pushed so hard now that eventual injury is becoming the rule rather than the exception. If I'm trading for live arms, especially young ones, I think I would be willing to offer more for a guy who has already gotten his TJS out of the way versus one who hasn't .
  18. I am not 100% sure this isn't a tongue-in-cheek post, but I will take it as legit. For me its all cool anyway. When the team spirals the exasperation here rises, there comes a point Soxtalk is more entertaining than the on-field product - and that's exactly where we are now. This place is the last vestige of salty southside fandom amid the sanitized product the organization now provides.
  19. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 8 laughing smileys on a thread post.
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