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Everything posted by SouthsideDon48

  1. This would be my final meal if I knew it was gonna be my final meal. I'd go all-out and get everything I like, even if it means I'll only be able to eat one bite from each item in order to be able to eat everything on my list... *Chicken Vesuvio sandwich from Ricobene's. *original chicken sandwich from Burger King. *Nacho Cheese Chalupa from Taco Bell. *fish tacos from El Famous Burito. *classic club (ham, turkey, and bacon) sandwich from Quizo's with monzarella cheese instead of cheddar and extra-toasted. *a cold Subway Melt sandwich from Subway. *Country Club #11 with bacon from Jimmy John's. *Bacon Cheeseburger from Burger N' Que. *Chili Cheese Hotdog from Jr's Hotdogs. *Chicken cordon bleu sandwich from Arby's. *roast beef sandwich from Arby's. *chicken nuggets from Wendy's. *chili from Steamer's Hot Dogs. *chili cheese fries. *green bean caserole *pumpkin pie. *moose tracks ice cream. *gold medal ribbon ice cream from baskin robbins. *7-Eleven brand chocolate chip cookies. *falafels. *BBQ Swordfish cooked the same way as the way it's cooked at the buffet at the Bellagio. *breaded shrimp. *Zuppa Toscada soup from Olive Garden. *Cream of Potato soup from the Patio. *slice of sausage pizza from Pizza Hut. *slice of BBQ chicken pizza from Salina's. *couple slices of egg, sausage, and pepperoni pizza from Vito and Nick's. *Dr. Pepper. *Cherry Pepsi. *Cherry RC. *Cool Ranch Doritos. *Jimmy John's potato chips. *a bottle of Yoo Hoo chocolate drink. *ribs from the Texas Roadhouse. *potstickers from a chinese restaurant. ...yea, I'm kind of a fast food fanatic. lol, if it's gonna be my last meal, then I'd rather eat the food I know I like. ***edited to add: *spaghetti and italian sausage cooked in olive oil with no tomato sauce whatsoever. *sliced tomatoes, salted, with some Helman's Mayo on the side.
  2. I always think the commercials for Giordano's are very bad. The commercials makes the food look like s*** and the owner of Giordano's looks ridiculous every time he holds up that tomato. To make matters worse, he started wearing a really bad toupee. In the older commercials, there were lots of "regular" people doing a really bad job of acting, I even remember seeing some chick take a bite of something then raise her arms up in a "yay!" victory pose. And in the newer commercials with the owner wearing the bad toupee, the food they show looks like home-made food in aluminum trays rather than restaurant-quality food displayed on plates. Really bad presentations. :-/
  3. The worst food poisoning I ever had was from a sausage-like beef jerky from avending machine around this time of the year two years ago. ...I haven't eaten beef jerky since. :-X
  4. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 19, 2010 -> 02:03 AM) Honestly I almost kind of prefer the short urinal. I like being able to pee more downward than I can with the other ones, less chance of it getting on me. Also, I hate when you run into a place where they were mounted too high on the wall and you have to almost tip toe to get up there and make sure no clothing or anything hits the urinal. I'm 5'9" so no I'm not short by any means. Who the f*** are the urinals for, 7 footers? I'm EXACTLY the same way as you. I'm 5'9 and I prefer the short urinal as well. In fact, I never see the short urinal as a "kid's urinal", I always see it as a urinal for short folks. I hate how most urinals are mounted so high that it makes me nervous about my dick or balls accidentally touching the rim of the urinal. I prefer the short urinal 1st, then the stall, then the high urinal if there's nothing else available.
  5. Two guys that I think would be perfect for the current situation the Sox is in are Duane Oliver and Brendan Donnelly. I don't know if they're free agents or not, but they seem to be the ideal middle-relief type pitchers the Sox could've gotten on cheap 1-year deals.
  6. I'd have to say Kevin Costner because of how he built those machines to separate oil from water and offered the machines for cleaning up the gulf oil spill.
  7. I finally got my PS3 and now I'm catching up on some PS3 games I always wanted to play. I just beat "Army of Two" and loved it. I'm currently playing "Metal Gear 4: Guns of the Patriots", and it's awesome. I'm a huge fan of the Metal Gear games and I waited so long to play it. I'm usually a late bloomer when it comes to games. Rather than buying them new, I wait until the prices of the used copies drop below $20. lol
  8. Sorry for a late reply: I believe there's people out there with psychist abilities. However, I don't think world-famous people like Ms. Cleo or Chris Edwards are real, I think they're scammers like a lot of other people in this thread think. I think psychist abilities happen spontaneously at random moments, I don't think people with psychist abilities can instantly see the future and, like, win the lottery or anything like that, because I don't think that's the way it works. The reason why I think this is because I've had a couple times in my own life where I had unexplained "moments of clarity" that comes in the form of "photographs in my head" that's either dark images of dead people or photographic images of living people. It's hard to explain, because it just comes to me and it gives me goosebumps when the "photographs in my head" becomes reality later on or it's answered when I find out something or a place was owned by a dead person. I know a lot of skeptics will never believe me, but I really do have some extra-sensory perception. I'm NOT, however, saying I'm a psychist. Here's some events that happened in my life when I had unexplainable images pop in my head, especially since I had no prior knowledge of it. *Incident 1 "Mom's Childhood House": Earliest time I remember was when I was about 5 years old. When my mom told me she was gonna drive me the next day to her old neighborhood in Chicago to show me the house she grew up in, I had an image pop in my head of me looking at the house with dark eyes looking out at me from the upstairs right window. I was 5 at this time and it made me scared to go see my mom's old house, I even told my mom why and explained everything and it freaked her out. It wasn't until a couple years later that she told me why it freaked her out, because the location of the window I described, in a house I never saw before but just described from a vision-like image, was the bedroom window of my mom's dead brother, who's spirit haunted the house according to multiple relatives who have no reason to lie about it. * Incident 2 "the Classmate": The 2nd earliest time I remember having any images pop to my head was before the start of 3rd grade when my mom took me to school to find out who my new 3rd grade teacher was gonna be for the upcoming school year. There was also a list of student names that was gonna be in my class, and I noticed a new name on the list of a kid that just moved into the neighborhood that I never met before or seen before. As I stared at the new kid's name on the list, an image suddenly popped in my head of a kid, and when I met the new kid in person weeks later he turned out to look exactly how I saw him in the mental photograph. What gave me even more goosebumps is that the image I saw of him turned out to be his 3rd grade class picture, which he took months AFTER I met him. * Incident 3 "the Couch": My family and I moved into a new townhome in 2005 and it came with two old blue couches in the living room upstairs. I always had an uneasy feeling about the couches, especially the smaller couch at night time. What really bothered me was an image that came to me in my head of a silhouette of a little old lady sitting on the middle of the small couch in front of the window in the dark. A few days after we moved in, we finally brought our dog over from my grandparents house. We kept her at my grandparents because we were living with them for a while before we found a place to move to. Anyway, when we broughtt he dog over she refused to ever go in the living room upstairs for the first couple weeks, we all thought this was strange and it was freaking my mom out. After a few weeks, the dog started going upstairs, but she kept barking at the small couch I had the mental image of an old lady sitting in the dark. I was still feeling freaked out, so I told my mom about the image I saw, and my mom's eyes bugged out and she looked at me with shock in her face. It turned out that she didn't want to tell me or my sister that there was an old lady that lived in the townhome before us, and she was found dead on one of the couches. * Incident 4 "Mom at Blinds": This happened about 2 years ago. I was sitting on a couch downstairs in the living room around 7pm while watching a Sox game. It was starting to get dark out and I was drifting asleep on the couch in the family room that was getting darker and darker because there was no lights on. I drifted asleep and all the sudden I had an image pop in my head of my mom closing the blinds in the family room with the lights on. All the sudden, I noticed the lights just flipped on through my eyelids and I realized I was dreaming, and I opened my eyes to see my mom closing the blinds the exact same way I saw her just seconds earlier in a photographic image in my head. * Incident 5 "Reading Glasses": This is the most recent thing that happened to me, and the least exciting: I was at work and I noticed a pair of reading glasses sitting on the counter. For some reason I stared at it, wondering who it belonged to, because I never saw it before. I picked the glasses up, and after looking at it some more, an image of my co-worker popped in my head. After the image of my co-worker popped in my head, I took the glasses to her and asked her if they were hers. It turned out they were hers. All 5 of the incidents I described really did happen in my life. I know there will be a lot of doubters and skeptics trying to come up with whatever rational scientific ways to explain what I personally went through. But honestly, it can't be explained. Even I can't explain it. The best I can explain it is that it's random photographic images that pop up in my head and they turn out to be true. They also happen spontaneously and I can't "make it happen" no matter how hard I tried. I can kind of compare it to how spontaneous Miles' gift with talking to the dead is in the tv show "Lost". I'm not saying I'm a psychist, because I'm not. And I cannot communicate with the dead or anything like that. But I do have some weird extra-sensitivity to whatever it is that I can pick up on when I'm in a really relaxed state in the form of photographs in my head. Whatever it is, or why it happens to me, I have no clue.
  9. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Dec 7, 2010 -> 12:32 PM) In other news: jamie mccourt wins case and gets half #dodgers. 2 lawyers tell me ruling is right. A mess now, tho - Jon Heyman QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 7, 2010 -> 12:50 PM) Wow, Jaime McCord gets about $7.5 million a year in spousal support. This is exactly why I think divorce laws in this country is messed up. I don't think one spouse is entitled to half of what the other spouse makes, and I also think if it can be proven that one spouse "did all the work" (such as how the husband owned the Dodgers) that the other spouse shouldn't be entitled to a dime. Wives should get jobs and support themselves, even if they're married to millionaire husbands. This is also why I disagree with how a lot of wives in this country are "homemakers" when they marry rich guys, that's just laziness to me and they don't deserve anything that they didn't earn from income tax receipts with their name on it. Divorce laws in this country protects women too much. And 7.5 million a year in spousal support is ridiculous. Jamie McCourt should just downsize her lifestyle and get a job. Spousal support is ridiculous if the other spouse isn't physically unable to work.
  10. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Dec 6, 2010 -> 09:38 PM) I didn't say he's being unfair, but it's also fair that KW moves on if he doesn't get a prompt answer from Paulie. AJ took less money to be with the Sox and deferred half his 2011 salary to free up money for PK. Dunn deferred part of his salary to free up money for PK. Ozzie, KW, Reinsdorf and the White Sox fans all made it clear to Paulie that they love him and want him back. If he can't make up his mind by tomorrow or so, I say KW had better protect himself and move on to Plan B before Plan B is gone. The fact that Dunn and Pierzynski both deferred money in order to try and get Konerko back, and Konerko still didn't resign, makes me think Konerko is being a big jerk. I'm starting to think "good ridance" to Konerko.
  11. I'd like Jhoulys Chacin. Or Jacob Turner, but he's not mlb ready and we'd never get him from the Tigers.
  12. My entrance music would be "Minority" by Green Day, with emphasis on the following lyrics: "I want to be be the minority, I don't need your authority, down to the moral majority, cause I wanna be the minority." Plus I'd be carrying a singapore cane as well in homage to the Sandman and Justin Credible. ...as for why I picked that song: I'd pick any song that have anarchist or anti-authority themes.
  13. I'm waking up at 4:45am on the day after Thanksgiving. .......because I gotta work a 5:30am-4pm shift.
  14. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Nov 19, 2010 -> 04:43 PM) Suburbs would not be good for the team and make them a redheaded step child of Chicago. I do think if they tore down and built a brand new stadium there, you would still have the fanbase occupying it as the allure is the neighborhood, bars, area and the Cubs as a team. If the Cubs ever moved to the suburbs, I can just see them doing something similar to what the Angels did. Yea, I can just see it now... the Chicago Cubs of Naperville the Chicago Cubs of Arlington Heights the Chicago Cubs of Gurnee the Chicago Cubs of Aurora the Chicago Cubs of Des Plaines the Chicago Cubs of Wheaton the Chicago Cubs of Winetka the Chicago Cubs of Gary, Indiana
  15. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Nov 20, 2010 -> 08:01 PM) I usually like the cheaper cereals anyway because they don't have as much sugar in them. Aside from that it seems they're the same stuff. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I'd rather have Oats 'N s*** for breakfast instead of like Sugar Rockets or whatever. And JMO, but I think it's all part of a wider conspiracy where the drug companies and cereal companies get together and find ways to get kids all f***ing batty in the morning so they can't sit still in class and later on end up all doped up on downers. I think Post gets kickbacks from like Pfizer and stuff. Not really. But maybe... Nothing beats the difference between DayQuil/NyQuil and the Walgreens brand though. It's completely the same thing except the Walgreens brand is so much cheaper, and that's good for me because I love that stuff. I mean, you don't really have to be sick to drink it. You just shouldn't drink a lot of it. And you can't buy a lot of it either because then they think you're going to go cook up some meth. But you can even use it to make Flaming Homers apparently, although I've never tried that personally. : I'd "Like" this. :
  16. QUOTE (3E8 @ Nov 20, 2010 -> 09:51 PM) If I were GM, I would not trade any of them. This. I'd only trade if the Sox were out of contention by July, then I'd trade E-Jax to a contender. I'd also look into maybe trading Buehrle for some package similar to Pods/Vizcaino, like someone else mentioned in this thread. Then sign some cheap free agent starting pitcher.
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Nov 20, 2010 -> 04:32 PM) Only one year in NY so far for Granderson Ah, thanks for the correction. I also think that, despite being a huge Granderson fan, that the Sox shouldn't trade Jackson this offseason. I think Jackson would have more value for the Sox if they waited until they were out of contention by the trade deadline and trade Jackson to a contender for a couple pitching prospects, one of whom would be MLB-ready. Kind of like another Danks/Masset or Floyd/Gonzalez package.
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 18, 2010 -> 12:31 AM) I've always wanted Granderson in a Sox uniform so I'll say thumbs up to the deal. However I am alarmed at how much Grandy sucked this past season. He was not good. I would love to make this deal and find a way to get a middle reliever for Pierre. Wouldn't some team, somewhere, take Juan Pierre off our hands? Please? I haven't seen anyone else mention this, but I think a part of the reason why Granderson kind of sucked the past two years is because he hasn't adjusted to the spotlight and pressures of playing in New York. I think a change of scenery for him, to a team where each player's move is not under a constant microscope, can help Granderson.
  19. QUOTE (Lillian @ Nov 20, 2010 -> 01:40 PM) What I mean is that, as a lead off hitter, playing CF, de Aza would not have to be a big run producer. If he could get on base at anywhere near the rate at which he did vs RHP in AAA, and be a stolen base threat, that would be acceptable. Even if he could come within 50 points of his .420 OBP, and post a .370 OBP vs RHP, wouldn't you be thrilled? The Sox could always use Pierre vs. LHP, if de Aza struggled too badly in that role. Juan actually hit southpaws better than right handed pitchers. De Aza is a better fielder than Pierre, although I must admit that Juan surprised many of us last season, with some pretty decent defense. However, de Aza has a much better arm, and is a better outfielder, who has always been known for his defense. He's a true center fielder. More importantly, he has extra base pop, which Juan does not possess. I'm sure that you know Pierre had just 18 doubles in 734 PA's. Don't you agree that is just unbelievably awful for a guy with speed? Add 3 triples and 1 homer, for a grand total of 22 xtra base hits in 734 PA's. I don't know how you felt last season, but anytime he came up with men on base, I had no expectations of anything good happening. With capable hitters like Beckham and Alexei at the bottom of the order, the Sox should have a more productive guy leading off, one who can drive them in, or at least advance them. Pierre is very one dimensional. He can run. But remember, he's getting old, and at 34, could well slow down more than he has already. I've always been a fan of De Aza ever since he was with Florida. I was really happy the Sox sox got him last year as a minor leaguer, and I was always hoping he'd get a call-up. Hopefully this year De Aza sees time on the major league roster as the 4th or 5th outfielder. I really think he has the tools to help the Sox.
  20. A lot of people are saying it's crazy, but I wouldn't deal Quentin to the Phillies unless the Phillies blinked first and gave up Domonic Brown somehow. Even if the Phillies asked for someone like Eduardo Escobar or Chris Sale in addition to Quentin.
  21. There's only 1 thing I wish they would've changed with the road grey uniform: change to cursive "Chicago" text on the chest to an old-style "CHICAGO" text in all capital letters like how the New York Yankees has "NEW YORK" and how the Cubs has "CHICAGO" as well. Cursive text really annoys me and it's the biggest reason why the road grey is my least favorite sox uniform. If it had the capital letters in an old-style format, similar to the Yankees and old Boston jersey, then I'd like it more and it'd be my 2nd-favorite behind the alternate black jersey but ahead of the home white jersey.
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 14, 2010 -> 03:17 PM) I hope Bobby goes to the NL for reasons I post before which get people so mad at me. Yes I hate when former Sox go against us on a regular basis and oft times beat us. I agree, that's why I hate Thome so much more now.
  23. I'll be sitting out this list as well. I never even tasted a drop of alcohol. ...I'm not straight-edge or anything, my vices just happens to be poker and women.
  24. I won't spoil it, so I won't use any names... But I hope the guy that's the chip leader in the final two wins it.
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