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  1. Jason wasn't good, but this guy is worse.
  2. He should have worried about hiring someone to teach him how to pitch before hiring that clown.
  3. I mean, that's literally what I said.
  4. The last time I was in Baltimore I saw two bums at the same time taking a s%*# in one of the fountains near the inner harbor. It does suck. But I'm sure that happens all over Chicago too, I just never witnessed it despite being here far more than I ever was in Baltimore.
  5. I still remember being at Big Franks first game back with the A's. First HR he hit the crowd absolutely went insane. The second one, most there still cheered it, but it wasn't as loud as the first one that he hit. Sometimes legends get booed. Right or not, deserved or not, it happens. Sports fans gonna sport fan.
  6. Yea, it's pretty wild. I've had a few friends that were on the juice for a cycle or two and the progression and gains they made was pretty noticeable in a short time. That said, they still put in the work in the gym. In fact, they were there more than the rest of us that didn't, because their recovery time was so much quicker. Normal people assume you take them and instantly get jacked, but really, you have to put the work in. But yea, 15 years ago, you could easily tell the few guys that were on it. Now, it's all over the place.
  7. I see you've never met my Mom then...
  8. "You know what Stone Pony, there isn't a man in baseball I'd rather see posed like that, except maybe Yaz." -Hawk Harrelson, probably.
  9. Rowand also got hurt that year smashing into a fence making a catch. Why was Mackowiak in CF anyways? Because the Sox traded their CF and Anderson sucked at the plate. Sure, he glove was great, so was Rowands. My point was, they created a hole to bring in Thome that could have still been filled by Big Franks production at the plate for the next two years. But yes, pitching was a big issue in 2006. I remember sitting behind home plate that year and Mark Buehrle's wife was sitting next to me. It was a week night game and if I remember correctly Mark had just pitched a few days before and got shelled. Anyways, guess the fans at that game were pretty shitty and she couldn't believe how they reacted to him having another bad game. You do wonder if they had given some of those guys more rest early in the year if that would have made any difference.
  10. One name. Brian Anderson. Keep Rowand on that team along with Big Frank and they are a better team.
  11. Weird, it's almost like he's not very athletic.
  12. Hey if Tim Anderson at catcher was a thing here...
  13. Yea, I won't disagree with that at all. Still a few more pieces to go, but I think the offense will start heating up soon though. Now if they blow it all up and trade off anyone of value at the deadline, under 60 almost certain. But as is, it's the over.
  14. They are 8-6 this month. They can play .500 ball. It's still early. Anyways, I would have taken the over on the 61.5. But hey, that's just me. I've looked at the roster this year as massive additions just from the subtractions alone. It ain't a perfect roster by any stretch of the imagination though.
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