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Everything posted by oldsox

  1. oldsox


    That error last night should have been a hit, IMO.
  2. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Sep 19, 2014 -> 12:52 PM) I don't have an issue with the trade. I would just like to know what other offers he had, if any, for Reed. Same here. If Hahn wanted to shop Reed, he could have gotten a lot more, IMO. I would love to know how the trade evolved.
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 19, 2014 -> 03:54 PM) Frankly, I doubt Davidson becomes a contributor. But maybe and I hope, not getting the couple extra wins the Sox might have had with Reed on the team gets them to draft a perennial all star maybe even in a later round instead of a guy who never makes it. Sometimes things work out in the end. Hawk as a GM got ripped for trading Bobby Bonilla after drafting him in the rule 5. Who knows, maybe Frank Thomas or Robin Ventura or Alex Fernandez are never White Sox if that doesn't happen. The Bulls lost a coin flip and got David Greenwood instead of Magic. If they had Magic, they never would have had Michael. I will take Michael. Wasn't that coin flip fixed? Been a long time. I might have the coin flip fiasco confused with the Worthy fiasco with Cleveland.
  4. Why would the Nats DFA him in mid September?
  5. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Sep 17, 2014 -> 05:01 PM) Nobody has said batting average doesn't matter, but it's a very shallow statistic that doesn't tell a hell of a lot. It's like considering the quality of a living room set and coming to a conclusion based on the middle cushion of the couch. This season, solely for the bat and the bat alone, would you have rather had a .260 hitter or a .300 hitter? You're response should not be "the .300 hitter!" but instead should be "What else have they done?" Because then I tell you the .260 hitter is Nelson Cruz, who just leads the majors in home runs, while the .300 hitter is Ben Revere, who doesn't walk and doesn't hit for power. Suddenly batting average has become a hell of a lot less important. Batting average is both important and easy to understand, but no one is saying that Ben Revere is a better hitter than Nellie Cruz.
  6. There is a good chance Sox will catch Houston, too. They have a new manager and might step it up for him. The Rangers, Dbacks, and Rockies will be tough to catch. Since Houston has that comp pick at @2, looks like Sox might get #5 at this point.
  7. Once Eaton got on first with his bunt single, it was gonna be tough to get Abreu to hit. I was hoping Eaton would steal second, then bunt him to third, but they would still have walked Abreu. I'm sure that once Eaton got on, Francona was not going to let Abreu beat him. Nothing Robin can do at that point. What was he supposed to do? Tell Leury to strike out so that he does not advance Eaton? I give Robin a pass on this one. In the bottom of the 10th, when Indians led off with a triple, conventional wisdom says load the bases to get a force anywhere. RV did that, and Surkamp struck out a lefty hitter. This where RV might have screwed up, bringing in Beli. I would have brought in Putnam with his great sinker/splitter and hope for double play. No pass here for Robin. Edit: And if 'bad manager' is the new subject here, be thankful that Bo Porter was not the Sox skipper.
  8. QUOTE (Tmar @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 08:57 AM) I'll go with C, WAR is pretty dumb Best post of this entire thread.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 06:03 PM) 1 big problem. If the White Sox knew this, why did they trade for him? They should not have traded Reed for Davidson. I can't remember if I ever said that before in any other thread.
  10. Not much happening today with short sked. Twinkies play LAA (Code Red pitching), AZ plays Pads late.
  11. Does anyone remember how long before the Danks extension and his injury?
  12. QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Sep 3, 2014 -> 03:35 PM) Weather channel says 100% chance of rain from 7-9. I am hoping not though, as I live in Mpls and have tickets for tonight. Why don't they have a dome in Mnps?
  13. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Sep 3, 2014 -> 07:19 PM) Conor slumping, blah. Got a cookie and popped it up. He's been dropping the head of the bat and pulling that pitch hard all year. Maybe he's tired. You see it; I see it. Been that way for a couple of weeks.
  14. QUOTE (StRoostifer @ Sep 3, 2014 -> 12:31 PM) I just looked at Howard's contract on baseball reference and he's owed 25M each for 2015/16 and 23M for 2017 or a whopping 10M buyout! He will be 35 in November. This is just a horrible idea no matter how one tries to look at it. Philly is stuck with this contract no matter what. How does Phillie GM Amaro keep his gig?
  15. I wonder if Hahn thinks he should not call him up this month so he can use the spot on the 40 man for someone else during nthe off season?? Nooooo.
  16. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Sep 2, 2014 -> 08:50 PM) Who wanted Taylor up so bad? Sierra
  17. Sanchez drilled that one. Optimism for 2015.
  18. Sox can bring Rodon to Chicago (Minnesota) and not put him on the 40 man roster. That way he gets to work out with the team, gets add'l coaching, and does not appear in games.
  19. QUOTE (JamesDean @ Sep 1, 2014 -> 11:09 AM) It wasn't all that long ago when an American pitcher might have thrown 160 pitches either. Who, besides Randy Johnson in recent decades.
  20. Arod and Tanaka = double dose of trouble plus miles of bad road.
  21. "Trade Deadline" is misleading and titled improperly. It should be called something like, "Trade Deadline in which Waivers are not Required". Or, August 1st should be called, "Beginning of Waiver Required Trading Period". Trouble is, announcers and writers might not understand it, and then we are all in trouble.
  22. QUOTE (The Wiz @ Aug 31, 2014 -> 01:45 PM) So if you are saying having Gordon Beckham batting behind Jose Abreu wouldn't be any better or worse for Abreu than having Giancarlo Stanton behind him, I would have to say without a doubt that you are unequivocally wrong. "Lineup Protection" is a cliche'. Announcers and writers use it ad nauseum. Then, the public buys it and uses it ad nauseum. But your argument is flawed, because Beckham, as we know him, should never bat behind Abreu anyway. Sure, I would rather have Stanton over Beckham. Duh?? If writers and announcers keep using the same expression, it's usually gobbledebunk. They copy each other, and then the public picks up on the expression, and everyone gets dumber (figuratively).
  23. Sox just feel like a better team now. Three guys gone, PK will be retired soon, bullpen is much better, Avi will hit, Eaton and Abreu can still get better, Alexi and Gillaspie solid, Semian and Sanchez are ready, Rodon will excel sooner or later........
  24. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Aug 30, 2014 -> 04:00 PM) Two too many in my world. which two?
  25. QUOTE (GreenSox @ Aug 30, 2014 -> 09:10 PM) And even in the 9th, Robin "Gutteridge" Ventura pinch hits for Nieto but lets L Garcia hit. I have not seen that nickname before. I remember him as a first base coach in the 1950's. I think he succeeded Al Lopez as Mgr. in the 60's.....did not do too well.
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