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Everything posted by Boopa1219

  1. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 01:55 PM) So all these movie critics who are paid for this stuff are just conditioned to not like these movies? Amazing how the Marvel stuff was able to get around that after Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy conditioned everyone to want the darker movies. I also don't think anyone has ever said DC hasn't had good movies or that all of Marvel's stuff has been perfect but the way you defend some of the recent DC stuff is just bizarre. I'm not saying they're conditioned not to like them, I'm saying thats it's not what they're used to and comparing one to the other does no good and if you go to a DC flick expecting the Marvel experience (and vice versa) then of course you're going to dislike it. I defend it because I like it, what's bizzare about that? Anyway the first audience score is out and it's at 85%. There are more select screenings tonight (There's one in Vernon Hills, if you're interested and live near the area), so that will change by the end of the night. I do have problems with the current state of film criticism, it's seem like ever since Roger Ebert died people stopped judging movies for what they're and started judging them on what they're not. Coming from someone who puts zero stock in it. But that's for another thread.
  2. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 01:41 PM) Sematnics, but JJ's Alias wasn't part of Marvel Knights. It was part of Marvel's MAX imprint, which was even more mature and adult than Knights. That's not JJ's Alias. The Max imprint was used mostly for one off stories. Jessica Jones/Alias was the only mainstay and she wasn't considered to be part of the larger Marvel universe by most people. My point still stands that because she was under the MAX branch, Alias' mature tone was forgiven.
  3. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 01:24 PM) Nobody cares if these movies are lighthearted or dark it's just if they're good or bad. For the most part Marvel movies have been good and DC not so much, not much else to it. It's a matter of what people have become used to. People are used to the Marvel tone and formula, it has conditioned them. After BvS ended, at least 30 people stayed after the credits waiting for a post credits scene, when DC has repeatedly said they won't do that in their films. The Marvel films have conditioned them to do that. People are used to going to the theater to watch a CBM and having the Marvel experience. They've been releasing at least two movies a year since 2008 and have dominated the market with their films. And let's not act like DC hasn't had good movies. Superman 1+2, Batman, Batman Returns and Forever, The Dark Knight Trilogy. They had good movies. Yes they had missed but Marvel has had some too. Let's not forget that.
  4. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 01:26 PM) For real. If you took the first four episodes of Daredevil Season 2 and edited them into a film, it'd be dark, gritty and really f***ing good. Because of their placement on Netflix, those shows aren't considered a part of the MCU when they are by GA members. I view the Netflix stuff as the MCU's Marvel Knights, if you don't know that was a branch of comics that were more mature and adult. Daredevil, Punisher and Jessica Jones were part of the MK branch and those comics were always forgiven for not being tonally similar to the rest of the Marvel universe. DC has books that were very light compared to everything else too. If Marvel released a DD film as dark as the show, it would bother and confuse people.
  5. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    Let's remember that RT is not the film's grade but the percentage of people who would recommend it others. The closest thing to the film's grade would be the CinemaScore which is a survey of audience members. This is something that I have never seen before in regards to the difference between IMBD and RT%. Critics have been very mixed but audience members love it and if I'm WB that's all I'm worrying about. A lot of the reviews that I've read are comparing the film to the Marvel brand and formula rather than critiquing the film, which is totally unfair. DC and Marvel are two totally different things. Marvel has always been the more fun and lighthearted of the two companies and DC, always always been the more serious of the two companies especially since Crisis. Zack Stentz, who's a screenwriter and producer, he worked on Thor and XMen First Class amongst other things, tweeted last night that he feels like a lot of reviews have been written in advance by people who hate the 'DC Approach' and Zack Snyder. Its funny how in 2008, after the release of The Dark Knight everyone thinks CBMs should be dark, mature and serious, and now in 2016 everyone thinks CBMs should be fun, lighthearted and comical. There's not a correct way for a movie to be, the fact that DC and Marvel films are so different in terms of style and tone is a really good thing for the longevity of the genre. If every was like Marvel or DC, people would get sick of CBMs pretty quickly. Ive been following movie productions online since after I saw the first Spider Man film. I've never seen so many 'think pieces' judging a movie before it hits theaters. There's definitely a hangover from the reaction of Man of Steel and its ending. It's kinda funny that Man of Steel came out three years ago and people still write about it as if it just came out. With that being said, it would take a tremendous disaster at the Box Office for Warner Bros. to remove Zack Snyder off Justice Leauge (Part 1 and 2) and the DCEU. Warners had a historically tough year at the BO last year and are more concerned about the numbers at the BO rather than critical reception. If this movie fails at the BO, there could be a major shakeup at the studio. Keep in mind that BvS is the highest selling pre-sale CBM in the history of Fandago and that its opening worldwide on the 25th on like 4,000 screens worldwide. It's projected opening is very strong and it's at 31% first choice amongst the general audience, which is amazing considering that blockbusters like this are usually around 23% first choice rating. JL starts shooting on April 11th, if the movie fails WB is going to have to move quickly. George Miller is a producer, so that's something to keep an eye on if they remove Zack Snyder, which looks unlikely.
  6. QUOTE (glangon @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 05:38 AM) My Prediction Rotation Sale Quintana Rodon Latos Danks Pen Robertson Jones Albers Duke Jennings Petricka Putnam Line up Eaton RF Jackson CF Cabrera LF Abreu 1B Frazier 3B Rollins SS Garcia DH Navarro C Lawrie 2B Bench Avila C Shuck OF Saladino 2B/SS Davidson 1B/3B No way Jimmy Rollins bats sixth.
  7. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 10:15 PM) Yeah, I experienced something similar when I would play video games after I had taken a class in game programming. "I wonder what code they used to make ___ happen..." etc. rather than enjoying the game QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 07:50 AM) If anything, it made me want to go see films I wasnt open to seeing before and appreciate them. I just can't enjoy them or myself. Im sitting in the theater and everyone's cheering and I'm just like wondering how they did things with a massive headache. Movies that I thought were terrible, I have a deeper appreciation for. There are some people who's work I really hate but I appreciate their craft so much more now than before.
  8. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 08:59 PM) If you want to talk about it then make a dedicated thread with a subtitle indicating spoilers beware, like we did with avengers and TDK and also GoT I'll post it up Thursday morning. If I can't contain myself, I'll do it tomorrow.
  9. Didn't want him or his horrible contract anywhere the Sox.
  10. I've noticed that it has become harder and harder for me to lose myself in the movie going experience, the more filmmaking I do, the more I learn about the craft and what goes into it as I climb the ladder. I noticed this when I saw The Force Awakens, I was so excited and pumped up but when the movie started I could stop thinking about how they did stuff, why they made the filmmaking and aesthetic choices they did, etc. rather than losing myself in the film. I thought the movie was great but I couldn't enjoy myself. Ever since that, everytime I see a movie for the first time in the theater it's been like that. Does this make sense to anyone?
  11. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 06:39 PM) JS, I have to say that your above review starting off with you saying you were merely satisfied is a huge red flag for me. The RT and IMDb reviews don't really matter, you have been championing this movie for months and just satisfied is not something that would make me want to go out of my way to see it. The critics seem to be echoing the same thoughts, the movie is distracted and incoherent, explosions and fights are put in place of plot and character development Oh, my bad. I really loved this movie. I didn't mean to undersell it, I was tired of writing the same thing on different sites and blogs. I wrote and talked about it a lot last night, got home at 2am and still haven't slept. I meant that as a very good thing. I would personally put this up there with the best CBMs of all time. It was everything that I personally hoped it would be and my expectations were succeeded. It's also hard to explain why I love it because everything is a spoiler. But again, don't read the reviews and watch the movie unbiased. And please, please see it because I need people to talk to about it because I'm going crazy over here.
  12. http://m.nydailynews.com/news/election/kin...ticle-1.2573760
  13. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 05:45 PM) 29% on RT. This might be the largest disparity between IMDB rating and RT score EVER. But more reviews are coming in and I urge you to see it and judge it for yourself. I loved the movie but I did have a couple complaints regarding the filmmaking, once people see it I'll share them.
  14. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 05:15 PM) Early reviews are pretty much terrible across the board thus far. Not surprised at all given this is a Snyder joint. Go see it for yourself. I like to read reviews after I see a movie, never before.
  15. QUOTE (BrianAnderson @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 12:08 PM) I may be in the minority here. But does anybody really have any more faith in Latos, Danks, or Johnson to throw better than Fulmer? Even with his inexperience? I'd rather take his lumps in the majors than suffer through Latos or Danks lumps. I sincerely think I'd take his 160-180 innings in the majors helping us win and hopefully acquire talent at the deadline. Don't want to destroy his confidence. If rather him come up late than early.
  16. Warner Bros just announced a top secret, event film that comes out on 8/11/17
  17. I had Fulmer taking Danks' spot in the rotation next year but if they ways he's been pitching, I think he comes up after the break in a bullpen role before joining the rotation late this year. Edited
  18. Boopa1219

    DC Films

    So the DCEU is underway and we're getting at least two movies a year from here on out: 2016: Batman v. Superman & Suicide Squad 2017: Wonder Woman & Justice Leauge (Part 1) 2018: Aquaman & The Flash 2019: Shazam & Justice Leauge (Part 2) 2020: Green Lantern Corps. & Cyborg Here's a place where people can talk about the movies and what's going on with the DCEU ************************************************************* Just saw BvS last night and I was satisfied as a fan of the lore, as a fan of films and filmmaking. There is a lot of stuff in the movie but none of it felt rushed or crammed. Everything had a place, every character had a role and everything had room to breathe. How the filmmakers were able to fully establish an universe in one movie (Granted we did get Man of Steel) is impressive. The world building was insane. The movie is somehow darker than Nolan's trilogy but it was quite funny. Never a dull moment, not a lot of unneeded fat if any. Henry Cavill had the best performance of the movie in my opinion. Jesse Eisenberg and Ben Affleck were great, Gal Gadot was a scene stealer and Amy Adams had a lot to do. One of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, all done in one take no less. The sound was great and the IMAX stuff was awesome. If I could describe the movie in terms of style it's a combination of TDK Trilogy, Wathmen, and the Empire Strikes Back. With shades of Mad Max and a trippy Terminator beat. There's some supernatural element to it, which I'm sure will be explained later on. I think it was easily better than both Avengers movies and is up there with the TDK films in terms of quality. I own and have read a ton of comics regarding these characters and I have no idea where they're going from here. It's exciting. Go see the movie.
  19. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Mar 10, 2016 -> 12:49 PM) I understand Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes Captain America is on the rebellious side of the Civil War to protect Bucky, but can anyone who has read the Civil War comics explain why Tony Stark is the "play-by-the-rules, yay government oversight" guy? It's been a while since I read it but here you go. The New Warriors fight Nitro and their battle levels a city, resulting in the destruction of an elementary school and all the students are killed as a result. Tony was against the bill at first but this changes his mind and he supports it, remember he's on the few Marvel characters where his secret identity is known to the public. The guilt from his years of fighting crime and his struggle with alcoholism really make him see things differently. In supporting the SHRA, he forgets that not everyone is as privileged as him and other heroes are struggling in their day to day lives and revealing their identities would be extremely dangerous Iron Man represents conservative thought and as always, Captain Americs represents liberal thought. People forget that Capt. America has always been a liberally progressive character. Some of the best Capt. comics are from his days stationed in Harlem in the 70s.
  20. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 10:20 AM) Daredevil Season 2 is the best superhero live action production by far, film or TV. It somehow blew its first season and Jessica Jones out of the water. It was good, it had some great moments, the third episode in particular.
  21. QUOTE (Real @ Mar 21, 2016 -> 11:12 AM) Is Sale projected or Quintana? too early to tell? edit: Home opener. Sale is the OD, it's been announced a while ago and who else would it be.
  22. http://minorleaguemadhouse.com/2016/03/21/...2018-mlb-draft/ Seth Beer was one of my favorite high school players for the 2016 draft class and I was shocked when he announced that he would be enrolling in college early and forgoing his senior year in high school. I was even more shocked to see that he's one of the best players in the sport. #BeerTank
  23. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Mar 21, 2016 -> 02:22 AM) Yeah, sorry. Just like I can't ever hate Ozzie, I can't ever hate Kenny. Without them, no 2005. I was joking. I actually like Kenny more after all this LaRoche crap
  24. JR said the issue is resolved but I think Adam Eaton and Chris Sale especially, should issue an apology to Kenny Williams
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