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Everything posted by Boopa1219

  1. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Feb 24, 2016 -> 08:20 AM) Great points and going by Anderson's recent comments, picking Rollins' brain is exactly what he will do. Saladino will likely be doing the same. I'm hoping Rollins has two shadows following him everywhere he goes throughout ST. Anderson is a very bright kid and will benefit from spending time with Rollins this ST. I think the Sox deserve some credit for signing Rollins. There's a bigger picture than just signing Rollins to compete for the SS position. The additions of Frazier, Rollins, Lawrie should liven up the club house quite a bit. As an African American myself, I always wonder about how hard a time black prospects have adjusting to a ML clubhouse when the number of black players is constantly diminishing. I know that whenever I am in a unfamiliar environment/situation I always feel more comfortable after seeing someone who looks like me. I think this will do wonders for Tim Anderson's development.
  2. I hope Rollins makes the club in a utility role. I was initially meh on the signing but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. I wonder how much the Sox had Tim Anderson in mind when they made this move. I think that it will do wonders for his development off the field and in the clubhouse to be surrounded by an African American player as distinguished as Rollins. Tim Anderson can go to Jimmy Rollins and instantly be able to relate with him and as a result when Rollins and Anderson are going over stuff (Assuming that Tim Anderson picks his brain) the impact will be that much more immediate.
  3. I think the Sox had a good off-season. They were able to bolster the weakspots on the roster with the addition of Lawrie and Frazier. They were able to the bolster their biggest strength (The rotation) with the addition of Mat Latos and Jacob Turner to a lesser degree. And they were able to both without having to mortgage their long term future or give up and valuable young assets. Yash Thompson, Montas and Johnson are nice players but they're nothing more than a fourth outfielder, a bullpen arm and a utility player/pinch runner. Also they were able to improve their team while managing to hang on to their supplemental pick.
  4. Trying to set up some kind of interview with Jason Groome at the subreddit.
  5. The Witch, holy f*** that was nervewrecking. There was been a resurgence of quality in the horror genre over the course of the past few years. The Insidious films, Occulus, Babadok, It Follows, Sinister to name a few.
  6. QUOTE (Hatchetman @ Feb 19, 2016 -> 01:48 PM) Looks like he got his notes mixed up with Gar Forman. Thank you for making my day
  7. I told my partner that I would propose to her if the Sox win 90 games. In all seriousness, I had the Sox winning about 84 games after the Latos signing. For the Sox to win 90 games, everyone on the roster has to perform to the back of their baseball card and the team has to stay healthy, which is going to be interesting to watch considereing that the team signed some guys with reputations of being injury prone (Latos, Avila, Turner, etc).
  8. QUOTE (raBBit @ Feb 11, 2016 -> 02:14 PM) I work with a dude who has sex with anywhere from 2-10 dudes a week. He's famous where I am from, but it happens in extreme cases. My partner's ex, is an old friend of mine and he's been out for a few years, he would stay with us every so often. He's appears to be very innocent, church going, nice dude. This past summer, we shot scenes for the miniseries I've been working on in a strip club in Boystown (The location acted as this mob joint). We were setting up our gear and the dancers were getting in position. It was a small crew, about 5 of us: me, my co director, DP, gaffer and our make up artist and only three actors. We wanted this to look as authentic as possible, so we blacked out the windows, the DJ started playing music and we told everyone to have fun and surely enough there's half naked men dancing everywhere and people making out and were shooting all of this. Because I was going over the script, I couldn't meet with the extras we had. A hour into the shoot, Imwe were filming a scene where our protagonist walk in the room. And when they walk in, they get stink eye from these two guys. Our actors kept missing their mark and we had to do a few takes. And every take these two extra get way too into the scene and we had cut because things were getting too real, really nasty stuff. Me and the other director, go up to the actors and tell them to scale it back. One the extra pulls their face out and it's my partner's ex. I was completely shocked, I would never expect someone that innocent to be in a place like this, doing nasty things. They got a little embarrassed but he calmed down and was able to get through the day. We get what we need and I go home. I walk in and my partner tells me that, her ex was supposed to spend the night and my stomach sinks. As I was having a panic attack (I love awkward situations but this was too much), she tells me that he made other plans and cancelled. Ive never been more relieved in my entire life. So everytime, me and her ex see each other around the city, he say don't tell Hannah to each other. Not relationship advice but a funny story.
  9. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Feb 11, 2016 -> 05:00 PM) That is awesome. Congrats! QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 11, 2016 -> 05:03 PM) Nice, hope it's everything you want it to be. Thanks a lot and I look forward to seeing Michael Bay in action and you know... THE EXPLOSIONS
  10. My first job on a major film set was secured today, I will be working with the Chicago team on Transformers 5. It seems like my hard work is beginning to pay off.
  11. Saw Triple 9 last night and its absolutely fantastic, forgot how good Casey Affleck is as a lead actor and the ensemble is top notch. The music and editing are great too.
  12. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Feb 10, 2016 -> 09:29 PM) You'd really rather have Avi as your starting RF than lose a late 1st round pick? Yes, the Sox farm has really taken a hit over the course of the past year. Yes, they didn't lose their core guys but they lost some depth and not having a second and third round pick hurts. While I do think that Avi is a weak spot for the team and he's horribly out of position, let's not forget that he's only 24 years old and has only played one full season in the bigs. Lets give him another year to see where he's at. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Feb 10, 2016 -> 10:23 PM) JS is all about draft picks and prospects. Pretty sure he hated the Frazier deal. I did not like the Frazier deal at first (Yes, I will admit that I was upset to see Trayce go) but then I came to my senses and realized that the Sox gave up a bullpen arm, a pinch runner and a fourth outfielder (in other words scraps) to get an All Star third baseman. It's a great move for the Sox.
  13. All the team needs is for the Cubs or anyone else to sign Fowler.
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 10, 2016 -> 03:55 PM) The teams are more worried about their staffs' safety in a lawless collapsed country. It is also worth noting that one of the Sox bigger signings was from Venezuela last year. I don't know if that means they have a presence there, or if it was just luck, or what. Maybe you can hire people who already live in the country, establish a pipeline but that might be breaking the rules.
  15. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Feb 10, 2016 -> 02:50 PM) Keith Law says the Dodgers already signed him, just can't announce until July 2 passes. Could be why. He's going to the Braves, it's been known that they had a deal in place for a long time. Kiley McDaniel broke that news. I know a lot of the top talent is coming from Venezuela, I know a lot of teams have left the country to the to political/social tensions and the certain possibility that the country defaults and I wonder how this affects the market. If I were running a INTL department, I would send more scouts/buscones there because I could get premier talent for pennies on the dollar.
  16. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Feb 5, 2016 -> 08:46 AM) HS SS Nolan Jones could be an option for White Sox at #10. Multi-sport athletic type that they like. Mickey Moniak is another HS OF that could be an option around #10. http://www.baseballamerica.com/draft/draft...rt-nolan-jones/ http://www.baseballamerica.com/draft/confi...-mickey-moniak/ I am writing a report on Nolan Jones and he reminds me very much of Michael Young. Scouts are divided on his home on the diamond, some think that he can stick at short, some see him moving to third as he physically matures and according to MLB Pipeline, some see him as a bigger second baseman. He has some solid bat speed and the the ability to hit is there. He can throw low 90s off the mound too, but his future is with the bat. Right now, I think 10 would be a bit of a reach for him and I think he gets drafted in the supplemental round, but if he has a hot spring, I could see him being drafted in middle/bottom of the first proper round, as high as 15.
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 9, 2016 -> 10:20 AM) Phil Rogers ‏@philgrogers 10h10 hours ago Cuban phenom Lazarito nearing decision. Sent with @MLB At Bat Cubs among the teams believed to be in picture. http://mlb.com/r/article?ymd=20160208&...lb&c_id=mlb … Why wouldn't every team that went over be in on this. I think he signs during the upcoming period, but he did say that he is close to making a decision.
  18. This gives the White Sox some options, I wonder if another move is coming. I also wonder what this means for Erik Johnson. I do like this move because if the Sox were to fall out of contention, they have an asset that they could flip at the deadline.
  19. QUOTE (Condor13 @ Feb 5, 2016 -> 03:21 PM) I still need a playing card from ChrisLikesBaseball and Joshua Strong. How are everyone's feeling about the "offline draft"? If everyone will be pretty active and online fairly often I would love to do this idea. If everyone likes this idea I will set up a free forum where we can have the draft and discuss the league etc. On a side note, I think the idea of everyone putting $5 in a "pot" to send the winner is a great idea. I will not make it mandatory though. The league will remain free with a "pot" on the side. The "pot" will go to the person who finishes the highest out of those who put into the "pot". Ideally I'd like at least 3 more people (not counting BigHurt3515). 7 of spades.
  20. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 10:10 AM) if they do that, imo i think it will be the wrong move. the fans will really protest...... Since do you have to make a move just to please the fans, the Sox have an interesting team that figures to be both competitive and they are better on paper compared to last year. Cespedes would be icing on the cake yeah, but he is not going to make the break the season. If you convince me that signing him guarantees the Sox a ring, then I'll change my stance.
  21. Star Wars Episode 8 is being pushed back seven months to December 15, 2017, after originally being scheduled to come out May 26th, 2017. This was done to accommodate Rian Johnson who decided to rewrite the script, he wants the film to focus more on the characters introduced in Episode 7 instead of introducing new protagonists. This makes sense since he wrote the script before Episode 7 hit theaters. Its going to be interesting to see what the fallout of this is and how it affects other movie studio's slates because Star Wars dominates the box office by eating everything that comes out before or after it. The new Pirates of the Caribbean takes EP.8's old release date, the new Spider Man moves up and the Jumanji reboot is pushed back. The Justice Leauge film might move up too a couple weeks to early November.
  22. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 19, 2016 -> 05:27 PM) In the end though, Cooper has just as much right to rip the fans as the fans do to rip the FO. As a fan, I am not in the least bit offended by Cooper's words. I see nothing wrong with people speaking their minds. Totally agree
  23. The DC Films slate looks phenomenal. It seems like in building their cinematic universe, they're prioritizing the individual characters and their respective universes. I know it's not even a minute, but the Wonder Woman movie looks pretty good and Gal Gadot looks to be the perfect choice to bring that character to life. I know that there are some doubters but remember this, Gal Gadot was not given the the role, she had to audition and she beat out God knows how many actresses to get that part. Apparently the final audition was the final reading a scene from Pulp Fiction with Ben Affleck, dressed in the Lynda Carter suit. If she can pull that off, then I have all the confidence in the world about her. The aesthetic choices of the WW film are outstanding too based on what we were given. ******************* Saw Pride, Prejudice and Zombies last night and it was not great but it wasn't good either. I watched 13 Hours before that and it was pretty good. I wish the first act was shorter as the movie did drag a bit in the beginning. The movie could have benefitted by being edited tighter. I hope that Michael Bay is done with the Transformer films and goes back to doing original stuff, say what you will about his movies but he is a good director and when given a good script like he was with 13 Hours, you can get a really good movie. However, I do think he is at his absolute best when he is working with someone more powerful than him like a Spielberg or a Jerry Bruckheimer.
  24. If they miss out on Cespedes, I think they go in with the team they have. Sometimes the best move is no move.
  25. If I remember correctly, his job in sports was an internship with the Ravens and he played football in high school and college, so he's definitely a football guy.
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