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Everything posted by Boopa1219

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 9, 2016 -> 10:20 AM) Phil Rogers ‏@philgrogers 10h10 hours ago Cuban phenom Lazarito nearing decision. Sent with @MLB At Bat Cubs among the teams believed to be in picture. http://mlb.com/r/article?ymd=20160208&...lb&c_id=mlb … Why wouldn't every team that went over be in on this. I think he signs during the upcoming period, but he did say that he is close to making a decision.
  2. This gives the White Sox some options, I wonder if another move is coming. I also wonder what this means for Erik Johnson. I do like this move because if the Sox were to fall out of contention, they have an asset that they could flip at the deadline.
  3. QUOTE (Condor13 @ Feb 5, 2016 -> 03:21 PM) I still need a playing card from ChrisLikesBaseball and Joshua Strong. How are everyone's feeling about the "offline draft"? If everyone will be pretty active and online fairly often I would love to do this idea. If everyone likes this idea I will set up a free forum where we can have the draft and discuss the league etc. On a side note, I think the idea of everyone putting $5 in a "pot" to send the winner is a great idea. I will not make it mandatory though. The league will remain free with a "pot" on the side. The "pot" will go to the person who finishes the highest out of those who put into the "pot". Ideally I'd like at least 3 more people (not counting BigHurt3515). 7 of spades.
  4. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 10:10 AM) if they do that, imo i think it will be the wrong move. the fans will really protest...... Since do you have to make a move just to please the fans, the Sox have an interesting team that figures to be both competitive and they are better on paper compared to last year. Cespedes would be icing on the cake yeah, but he is not going to make the break the season. If you convince me that signing him guarantees the Sox a ring, then I'll change my stance.
  5. Star Wars Episode 8 is being pushed back seven months to December 15, 2017, after originally being scheduled to come out May 26th, 2017. This was done to accommodate Rian Johnson who decided to rewrite the script, he wants the film to focus more on the characters introduced in Episode 7 instead of introducing new protagonists. This makes sense since he wrote the script before Episode 7 hit theaters. Its going to be interesting to see what the fallout of this is and how it affects other movie studio's slates because Star Wars dominates the box office by eating everything that comes out before or after it. The new Pirates of the Caribbean takes EP.8's old release date, the new Spider Man moves up and the Jumanji reboot is pushed back. The Justice Leauge film might move up too a couple weeks to early November.
  6. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 19, 2016 -> 05:27 PM) In the end though, Cooper has just as much right to rip the fans as the fans do to rip the FO. As a fan, I am not in the least bit offended by Cooper's words. I see nothing wrong with people speaking their minds. Totally agree
  7. The DC Films slate looks phenomenal. It seems like in building their cinematic universe, they're prioritizing the individual characters and their respective universes. I know it's not even a minute, but the Wonder Woman movie looks pretty good and Gal Gadot looks to be the perfect choice to bring that character to life. I know that there are some doubters but remember this, Gal Gadot was not given the the role, she had to audition and she beat out God knows how many actresses to get that part. Apparently the final audition was the final reading a scene from Pulp Fiction with Ben Affleck, dressed in the Lynda Carter suit. If she can pull that off, then I have all the confidence in the world about her. The aesthetic choices of the WW film are outstanding too based on what we were given. ******************* Saw Pride, Prejudice and Zombies last night and it was not great but it wasn't good either. I watched 13 Hours before that and it was pretty good. I wish the first act was shorter as the movie did drag a bit in the beginning. The movie could have benefitted by being edited tighter. I hope that Michael Bay is done with the Transformer films and goes back to doing original stuff, say what you will about his movies but he is a good director and when given a good script like he was with 13 Hours, you can get a really good movie. However, I do think he is at his absolute best when he is working with someone more powerful than him like a Spielberg or a Jerry Bruckheimer.
  8. If they miss out on Cespedes, I think they go in with the team they have. Sometimes the best move is no move.
  9. If I remember correctly, his job in sports was an internship with the Ravens and he played football in high school and college, so he's definitely a football guy.
  10. I think that Heyward is going to have a tough transition playing CF. He's 6'5 240, it's going to take a tremendous toll on his body and affect his performance. I usually like what Theo and Jed have in store but I think that moving Heyward to CF is a terrible decision.
  11. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Jan 14, 2016 -> 02:37 PM) Nobody cares about Aquaman. Aquaman sucks. And until WB proves they can make a good DC movie not directed by Nolan I have no interest in any of their stuff (including Batman v. Superman which just doesn't look remotely interesting). I hope you realize that Aquaman is comic book character and has been appearing in books since 1940, not just the Super Friends. Aquaman is the exact opposite of what the public perceives him to be, he's the cut throat King of Atlantis that will do anything for his people. He's one of the strongest characters in the DC universe and he has a solid rouges gallery. Another thing that makes him cool is that he is conflicted by his heritage and although he finds himself from time to time wondering why we won't take over humanity. The dude's trident can cut Superman's flesh for crying out loud. Watch these vids: And you said nobody cares about Aquaman, after the New 52 was launched Aquaman was third highest selling book behind only Batman and Superman. He ranked pretty high too when you combine both DC and Marvel. Read the New 52 Aquaman books, they're some of the best comics to come out in a while. I would only recommend the Geoff Johns run. ************* Some of the people that I learned under, work on WB projects (that's how I was able to get the True Detective screener) and according to them everyone is really really confident in BvS. Does anyone else here have preview tickets?
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 14, 2016 -> 11:02 AM) I'm not sure Benicio Del Toro playing Benicio Del Toro has the same acting pull as when someone actually acts like a different person. I didn't know he moonlighted as an emotionally anguished, politically washed out, suspicious and manipulating assassin. And I don't think he has played a character similar to that. He gave an extremely layered performance in that movie and dominated every scene he was in. The scene in the kitchen and in Kate's hotel are nothing short of amazing because of him.
  13. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 14, 2016 -> 08:12 AM) I was told Sicario was going to be nominated for everything. I know I'm in the minority but outside of the way it looked, that movie was a bore fest. Liked the first 30 mins but than splat. That was easily one of the best movies of last year. It filled with suspense and dread. It is a travesty that Benecio Del Toro was not nominated for Best Supporting Actor for one of the best performances of the year.
  14. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 13, 2016 -> 10:49 PM) Saw the Revenant tonight. Very disappointed. Inarritu does very safe movies with high technical skill. I liked Birdman, but it was a wink wink nod nod inside show business movie that the academy had been eating up recently. This was a story with no hard choices. It was a basic tale of chase and revenge. The physical effort was impressive, and yes, he can do tracking shots all over. I wouldn't hold a 'safe basic story' against anybody. How many great stories are basic in nature? Being complicated isn't a guarantee for being a good story.
  15. QUOTE (Charlie Haeger's Knuckles @ Jan 13, 2016 -> 03:14 PM) Todd Frazier hit .233 away from home last year. You gonna s*** on him while you are at it? Frazier while the same age has had a clean bill of health, whereas Gonzalez is an injury magnet and has suffered some major injuries (Did you read the article?). Gonzalez is always dealing with something and as he gets older their taking their toll on his body and skill set.
  16. QUOTE (shipps @ Jan 12, 2016 -> 10:05 AM) Its funny because I see Cleveland as the least threatening of all of the teams in the division. If they trade for an OF, like a Jorge Soler (Who I still believe has the tools to be as good as Kris Bryant if he stays healthy) to help hold the fort down till Brantly is healthy, I think they could win 83+
  17. Amber Heard is going to play Mera, the wife of Aquaman and warrior queen of Atlantis for those not familiar with the comics. Word around the campfire was that WB was looking at minority actresses for the role. She could, along with Atlantis appear in Justice Leauge Part One before the solo Aquaman film.
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 13, 2016 -> 01:32 PM) The decline of a guy who hit 40 bombs last year? Ok. He was a .240 hitter away from Coors...
  19. I hope he's a good 240 and not a Bartolo Colon 240 if you will. Hopefully the Sox are turning that baby weight into muscle. Who knows how big sports science and advanced physiology and nutrition are in MLB as they are in the NFL, maybe that's something to look into
  20. I've been working with the Hilary Clinton campaign in Iowa this past couple weeks, did some independent work during the Town Hall Meeting on Monday in Des Moines. It's totally refreshing to get a look at the candidates when their guards are down. Martin O'Malley is quite the ladies man and is surprisingly funny. Bernie Sanders will give anyone the time of day and Hillary in my very limited encounter leaves quite the impression.
  21. http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/the-decline...ez-star-player/
  22. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 8, 2016 -> 11:58 AM) more like every other year contender Are they not always in the mix for a playoff spot? And don't the Pats win it all every few years?
  23. The Giants are MLB's version of the New England Patriots. All time great coach and GM duo (In NE they happen to be the same person). A couple great players (Bumgarner/Posey, Brady/Gronk) and a supporting cast stocked with good players. Annual contender.
  24. QUOTE (farmteam @ Jan 7, 2016 -> 09:26 PM) Top of my head, no order: Ferris Bueller's Day Off The Sandlot Shawshank Redemption Major League Zoolander Dark Knight The Patriot Good Will Hunting Remember the Titans Pitch Perfect Saving Private Ryan In Bruges Dr. Strangelove A Gentleman's Game Forrest Gump In Bruges, along with Batman Returns is my favorite Christmas movies of all time. My mom took me to see it when it came out. Zoolander is the funniest movie ever made:
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