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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. that was a horrible call... But Abreu is just slapping the ball around right now ... He like the rest of our hitters are just soft this year.
  2. Danks vs Tornonto was a bad idea... This team sucks but allowing Danks to face this lineup was a loss waiting to happen.
  3. didn't like the hit and run with LaRoche... On the other hand LaRoche with two strikes just scares me... ridiculous how we cant score runners from 3rd.
  4. Hawk says we will score more runs.... I'm not so sure.. history says otherwise.
  5. Yeah we have a lot of other guys that can't hit lefties... but some of those players server defensive purposes. Zero point in putting a guy into who hit... who's only purpose is to hit when he flat out can't do it. I think Soto would be the best possibility. Against lefties.. Laroche is .194 with 0 hr's Soto is .286 with 1 hr
  6. DH Soto or something.... This team is so GD frustrating... this offense is just god awful.
  7. Chris has a great fastball... but not quite as great as he thinks at time. Donaldson kills fastballs and he gives him one with 2 strikes.
  8. Can the Sox score enough runs to get back in this one? Sadly I'm not sure...
  9. The White Sox success at St Louis kind of shows me how this team does have potential. I did like it when Eaton scored on that dumb base running play and he walks in and people are high fiving him... Robin just leaves his hands at his side and shakes his head like NO. Robin is probably a smart guy... I say this because of his witty sense of humor. But I just don't think he has the "It" factor... its something that's hard to quantify for sure. It doesn't matter if its a laid back type like Robin or a fiery type... some coaches just have that knack. After seeing Robin for all these years I'm about 90% sure he doesn't have it.
  10. ventura is just so bad... Why pinch hit Beckham? Why pinch hit Bonifacio?
  11. Robin is good material for some kind of coach... just not the main guy. It was a failure of an idea.. it happens. But re-tread Ozzie ain't ever happening.
  12. Avi's lack of discipline at the plate kills his potential... if he (like many other players) can't figure that out he wont evolve into anyone to remember.
  13. QUOTE (SCCWS @ Jun 29, 2015 -> 07:03 PM) Hahn tried and failed but you don't blame him as much??? Not sure how you are separating the fact that it looks like both Robin and Hahn failed their jobs. Hahn loaded the roster with players w/o any regard for defense. His plan was to start the season w Flowers, Johnson, Avi, Gillaspie, Abreu and Melky????That is 6 below average defenders and I guess he didn't think that Alexei may have been slipping. Did he think Robin was going to take them and turn them into better fielders??? Hahn gave Robin garbage and he found a way to make it even worse. Most people thought what Hahn did was going to make the sox contenders... ALOT of people And not just fans... hall of fame baseball players/writers ect. So we can look at it now with hindsight... but most people thought Hahn made good moves. I did also... not going to change that now because it hasn't worked.
  14. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jun 29, 2015 -> 02:06 PM) So help me out here, since 2006 here are the players I came up with that were drafted by the White Sox and played any appreciable amount of time with the big league team. I may be missing some...and of course it may not be fair to not include minor league players who were traded for, but the player development picture remains pretty bleak in my opinion. I left Frank off intentionally. POSITION PLAYERS Crede Iguchi* Anderson Fields Owens Getz Sweeney Stewart Andy Gonzalez Beckham Viciedo* Ramirez* Morel Escobar Jordan Danks Gimenez Phegley Semien Wilkins Abreu* There are a lot more pitchers drafted that the Sox have had success with, like Buehrle, Hudson, McCarthy, Richards and Sale. And like I said, when minor league trades are factored in, the likes of Garland, Jenks, Danks and Cotts. But when it comes to position players, I just don't see it, even with minor league trades. The biggest names might be Flowers and Gillaspie. To me that seems like a real dearth of quality talent drafted and developed into successful, consistent contributors. Crede's the only one who was an All-Star who didn't play pro ball before coming to the Sox (like the cubans). Looking at some more notable names drafted by other teams in our division over that time... CLE VMart Peralta Kipnis Chisenhall DET Granderson Avila Raburn Dirks Kelly Castellanos MIN Mauer Morneau Hunter Cuddyer Kubel (I'm going to stop there because it's ridiculous) KC why bother - it's pretty obvious The other teams in the division have also done a helluva lot more with minor league trades if you factor in those. It's not even close. So blast away - am I being unfair? Leaving off obvious names that destroy this amateur analysis? Minnesota and KC look good.. the rest look just as crappy as the White Sox or worse.
  15. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 29, 2015 -> 10:59 AM) I think your comments are very valid. I also disagree that RV is not held in high regard by his players. I remember omplaints about Ozzie and his style of managing and RV is probably about a 180 from Ozzie. Now we complain about him. Professional ballplayers have pride in how they perform. I am sure none are happy with what they have shown so far. A team effort means a team effort in motivation also. Hearing that the players "have a high regard for the manager" is usually a sign that the manager is losing. I never hear about players "having a high regard " for... Bill Belicheck, Phil Jackson, Mike K... not even going to spell his name from Duke, Tony Larussa... not saying players don't say anything good about them, but its neither here nor there... I could go on forever but Robin being a nice guy... which he really is a nice guy... means nothing, nor does it matter if the players hold him in high regard. Pretty much when you are losing you better know that the players to blame themselves but also look at the coaches around them and make some conclusions. It's a simple question to answer: What has Robin done to make things better? Hahn tried and failed which is why I don't blame him as much in some respects. KW im on the fence about to fall to the wrong side also.
  16. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jun 29, 2015 -> 08:04 AM) There is one overriding constant to being a really good coach though: they all have/had really good players. On paper mass amounts of writers/pundits and baseball fans thought the Sox were going to be good (because of the roster/and moves). Now we have a ton of guys underperforming (nearly everyone). It's a little bit silly to think that has NOTHING to do with the coaching. I could start giving you some rosters of some other teams with good records that do not look any better than ours.
  17. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jun 29, 2015 -> 12:54 AM) Stop with the bulls*** reasons to fire RV, there's only one reason to fire him and that's because you can't fire 25 players. If he was making one ridiculous substitution after another, or running into outs with his stupid calls from the dugout or if guys were constantly out of position on defense then yes, by all means, the manager is leading to losses. But these guys are playing like horseshiit and that's why they're losing and that's why we want the manager fired. He's the boss. He's as close as we can get to firing some or all of the players. Motivation my ass. If you need to get motivated to play professional sports you're in the wrong career. And ask yourself something: would Gillaspie, Flowers, Sanchez and Ramirez be STARTING on a winning team right now? Not likely. That's about half your lineup. I'd throw LaRoche in there if he hadn't finally started to heat up. And you might wonder whether or not Avi would be starting in RF on a winning team. Fire Robin, don't fire Robin, who gives a s***. All it is is red meat to the fans and a complete "Who, me?" by management. How about firing Buddy Bell who has nothing down in the minors that's developed into MLB talent that can help right now? That'd be a nice start. And I'd take a long look at Doug Laumann too. Over 2 decades heading up scouting for the White Sox. Like what you see? The Cardinals have massive injuries and a host of nobodys filling their lineup - yet they win. On paper our starting pitching looks superior. Talent does matter but just thinking its all talent is no more enlightened then blaming it all on Robin.
  18. The White Sox probably will split this series... but.. Pretty good case of How it's done and How it's not done in the business of MLB in just about ever facet of the game. The Cardinals seem like they could pitch Steve Stone out of the booth and win. They just have it figured out top to bottom in their organization.
  19. Post season? 1. Manager should have been gone even before this year TBH. 2 Stop signing old retread Left Handed DH's. 3. Don't over spend on bullpen. 4. Get Danks out of here fast. 5. Kenny Williams... grab some bench. 6. Horrible 3b/2B... Gordon great on D can't hit. I'll start with those.
  20. QUOTE (scs787 @ Jun 28, 2015 -> 11:17 PM) Uhh, didn't Jeff have like 90 pitches going into the 8th? Why would the pen be up in the 6th or even the 7th. Admittedly I missed the 5th 6th and 7th, was he starting to get roughed up before the 8th or something? Edit looking at the play by play... He gave up 2 hits in 7 innings and was under 100 pitches going into the 8th. Why on earth are you complaining about the bullpen nit being up in the 6th or 7th. Thats just beyond silly. I thought it was a clear mistake when Robin took out Sale. I kind of don't care as much as I did even a week ago... but yeah Jeff was starting to crumble, but it was much more of a toss up for Robin. However in this case I'm not sure any bull pen pitchers could have saved it... BUT Why not Roberston? Save chance and not his runners on base.
  21. I certainly don't blame Robin for all of it... I love the guy's personality. But coaching and winning is a fickle beast.. Robin just doesn't have "It". It's a different thing for different people but you either win or you don't. Robin will be gone sooner or later and out of coaching most likely. I don't really blame him however... they pretty much forced him to do this and now he cares and doesn't want to fail. They really messed it up and now Robin doesn't want it to be on him.
  22. well that sucked... but it didn't hurt as much being that ive already given up on the post season...
  23. one difference is that Sandberg wanted to manage desperately... Ventura had to be coaxed. Not saying the latter is better but....
  24. yeah at this moment all of them are saying how its no on the coaching... Is it ALL on the coaching ? Of course not... but you can expect to see more bad baseball for the next two years at least.
  25. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 09:12 PM) Have we ever had a single minor leaguer come up and execute a sac bunt in a key situation? If slappy middle infielders can't even do it, there's no prayer for anyone else. Ventura's decision-making the last two innings didn't help. Where was Putnam? Why is it assumed Duke matches up equally well with righties and lefties? For an offense that's only scored 50 in their previous 20...with the bottom of the order up, you have to think tie more than big inning, and that the Sox bullpen can beat the Tigers' pen eventually. this
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