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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 10:04 PM) Who didn't love to see the substitute teacher come into the classroom? This is exactly how I feel about Ventura. Great White sox player - monumentally misplaced as a major league manager.
  2. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 08:42 PM) Why did LaRoche bunt? Yeah that made me lol... bunt with 2 outs and a guy batting .222 behind you...
  3. I like how we have a guy batting .172 0 Hr's as a right handed batter cleanup.
  4. hawk is right about the defense... but he better include Danks in that. Might as well just let the other team hit off a tee.
  5. QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 05:11 PM) I'm not. I'm simply puppeting things people would say if that happened. If Robin gets blamed for putting his closer into the game in the ninth then he cannot win with anyone. That could be. If he left Sale in and Sale gave up a couple base runners - then he should bring in Roberston to be a hero. Ventura has been watching the same Robertson we have been. The guy has been very shaky lately (tied for league lead in blown saves). It was the wrong move. Today was different he didn't have the option to leave the most dominating pitcher in baseball in for 10 more pitches. Robertson was the only choice.
  6. QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 04:48 PM) Hilarious. If he leaves sale in and sale blows it you'd tear him apart. Or if sale blows his arm out in July people would b**** about riding him too hard earlier in the season. Your closer blowing it isn't robins fault. The defensive miscues and complete lack of offense might be robins fault. Pretty much ignored all the details I posted about the situation. How and why pitchers blow their arms out is highly debatable... I see you are another believe in the fallacy of pitch counts.
  7. Looked it up - Robertson died for AL lead in Blown Saves
  8. Yes was good for Roberston - he needs to go on a good run if he gets opportunities.
  9. QUOTE (Mike F. @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 04:18 PM) You guys are complaining after a win? Jesus. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY WE WON!!!
  10. Yeah.... I guess Robertson was better. Besides that this team still sucks hard.
  11. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 03:37 PM) Sure, they're performing to expectations, but they would have sucked anyway. It's really poorly put together baseball team. You were one of the few people not fooled... Talking heads all around baseball... including some pretty respectable ex players/managers of the hall of fame variety thought we were going to be a contender with our moves.
  12. Josh Strong ... I'm not sure you have watched a lot of games or the games Robertson has pitched. Robertson has been not very good at all lately. It was the wrong move in every way.
  13. QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 01:59 PM) I would've taken Sale out too, he threw 125 pitches his last start and you're playing a guy $11M to close games out in Robertson, who has been money but unfortunately had a bad outing. If it was anything but a 1-0 game I MIGHT have put in Robertson. I don't give a flying eff what I'm paying Robertson. Win the game. I'll put Robertson in when its the right move not just because I paid him (Robertson has been far from money lately) But at the least I let Sale start the inning. Pitch counts are so overrated.
  14. Hahn made good moves... Most of it is on the players they have performed horribly. But when the VAST MAJORITY or your players absolutely play well beneath there capability. How can you know look at the coaching staff? It's all just bad luck?
  15. QUOTE (scs787 @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 12:21 PM) Takes me back to the Angels game last year. Sale was dealing but up over 100 pitches. He ended up giving up a HR to Trout and Robin got absolutely blasted for not pulling him sooner. Hindsight is a funny thing. Not even close to the same thing - Was a 5-0 game and a bunch of other factors. I'm not even going to argue that game because there were a lot of other things that happened (one being which I mentioned above,,, Sale giving up a couple baserunners) That's just another example of failure though and its has Jackchit to do with hindsight - Not one thing do to with it. I'm sitting there and watching the game- RIGHT when I see Robertson on the mound I turn to my wife and tell her this game is over- another loss. She looks at me questioningly and I say this pitcher right here doesn't have his confidence lately. Minutes later its a 2-1 game. My wife says "If you know that ... how come the coach doesn't?" Hindsight my rear end. Now you could say well you just got lucky in the prediction there... But be honest when we saw Roberston come in we knew what was going to happen.. we all did. It was so obvious.
  16. QUOTE (reiks12 @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 11:25 AM) And if Sale was left in and gave up a run or two you would have made a thread stating we should have put Robertson in BullS*** I guess you missed the part where I said if Sale gave up a baserunner or two then put Roberston in. But if they left Sale in we wouldn't have been having this discussion. Sure as can GD be sure - they weren't touching him all game and he wasn't getting tired. Those thinking Robertson was supposed to be the guy... well yeah earlier in the year I would have believed it. But lately the guy has been shaky, he hasn't looked confident. - the situation, the losing streak - a 1-0 game. The guy with the stones to handle it in this situation was Chris Sale and only Chris Sale. I
  17. QUOTE (jeffro2525 @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 08:05 AM) The bottom line is that the offense and defense is an abomination...the offensive futility is the story of the game(and the season) Not Robertson blowing a save or Ventura pulling Sale. sure that been the bottom line all season and I don't disagree. But the decision making and quality of play also falls on the coaching. Maybe it was just me - but I saw that lose coming 3 innings ago when I knew Sales pitch count was going to be borderline. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw he could get one more inning. Then I see Robertson up there and I knew it was game over for the Sox.
  18. As soon as I saw Robertson on the mound I knew what was going to happen. The absolute stupidity of this coaching staff is amazing. Roberston has been shaky for awhile now... 7 game losing streak - all the pressure. You let Sale go out there- if he gives up a base runner or two then you bring in Robertson - give him a chance to be a hero. All Robin did was give a scared pitcher a chance to be the goat. I had enough of Robin. I knew he was a fraud at the end of the 2012. At some point you need to win a F****** game and not worry about 10 GD pitches.
  19. Wow .... I'm sure some people will bury their head in the sand. Robin needs to go NOW. I'm sure there will be some disagreement but I knew that game was over as soon as he pulled Sale. We all knew. 7 game losing streak only 1 run... just too much pressure on Robertson (who has been mentally shaky to beging with) Leave the pressure on the guy that can handle it. Robin has ZERO feel for this game ZERO. Wow what a total joke. Not to mention this despicable offense.
  20. Yeah they can all go... Cooper is probably the one I like the best but I don't mind if they all go.
  21. Was baffled by the move back then... Vast majority didn't like the move however 249-302 later... (beyond abysmal the past 3 years) just remember "manager doesn't mean much guys" The multitudes saw this coming.
  22. Our defense is poor yes - and that is the most important aspect of baseball. But WOW this team from an offensive stand point is beyond putrid. No power, no patience, strike out happy.
  23. Failure from top to bottom... To think I got fooled into thinking this year would be different than the last couple. Coaching staff and a few of the players need to be gone/reassigned. The holding hands/care bear way hasn't worked for the past 5 years.
  24. QUOTE (Whitewashed in '05 @ Jun 17, 2015 -> 10:56 PM) Honestly who is to blame at this point? Everyone says baseball managers effect the result of a game the least in the major sports. Everyone was happy here with the moves Hahn had made the past few off seasons. So what the Hell is the problem? Is it the fact that we're getting bad luck because a few guys are having bad years to an already weak offense? Is it the poor defense? Base running? Where do you start fixing at this point? Upper management and coaching... The record over the past years has been bad or worse... players have changed but still same bad results. Can only pretend for so long.
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