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Everything posted by OmarComing25

  1. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Nov 9, 2017 -> 08:18 AM) Nice summary DA. I think the White Sox will make a nice pitch to him but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Would be interesting to see if an NL team would offer him a spot in the OF 3-4 games a week and pitch every 5th day. Seems crazy to have him make max effort throws from the OF on the days when he should be resting his arm. Sounds like an injury waiting to happen. He also hasn't played the OF in years.
  2. QUOTE (ptatc @ Nov 8, 2017 -> 03:31 PM) However there is no proof that pitching for K's do either. No there isn't but there is proof that strikeouts are more effective than pitching to contact in preventing runs. I already addressed this, yes at bats that lead to a ball in play do have fewer pitches on average but they also lead to pitchers facing more batters because many of those at bats will end in a hit rather than an out. Strikeouts average 4.8 pitches while balls in play average 3.4 pitches. However a third of balls in play end up going for hits so a pitcher only pitching to contact will need to face on average 27 batters to get 18 outs at ~92 pitches while a pitcher getting only strikeouts would need ~86 pitches to get the same amount of outs. Of course this ignores walks and double plays and so the end result is basically a wash in terms of pitch count. I don't really disagree with you here and that's why a balance should be struck but there’s a reason teams aren't trying to pitch to contact. Also, with the juiced ball making contact has become even more valuable so it’s not something I’d want my pitchers to generate more of in the current offensive environment.
  3. QUOTE (ptatc @ Nov 8, 2017 -> 02:02 PM) This unfortunately is the opposite of the current trend in pitching with most of the advanced metrics teaching pitchers that K's are a thing they control and the the defense is something they cannot. Thus, they overthrow too much and try to K everyone. This in turn leads to higher pitch counts, shorter outings and more injuries. http://www.twinkietown.com/2011/5/10/21633...hing-to-contact There's no evidence that pitching to contact actually leads to lower pitch counts or longer outings though. At bats that end in a ball in play do have fewer pitches on average than those that end in a strikeout, but while the latter is a guaranteed out (except for rare dropped 3rd strikes), many balls in play fall in for hits and will prolong the inning, so pitching to contact often actually leads to higher pitch counts, especially if you don't have a good defense behind you, which the Sox have rarely had.
  4. Hosmer wins his 4th gold glove, what a freaking joke that award is.
  5. Just finished Stranger Things season two, I too was a little hesitant based on some mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. The kid actors are all still top notch and I love what they've done with Steve's character.
  6. Reading his Twitter is just heartbreaking. He was so excited about flying, man this is so sad. Damn it. RIP Doc.
  7. Right on cue in Longenhagen's chat today. Devon 12:31 Eric, who do you prefer offensively: Acuna or Eloy? Eric A Longenhagen 12:32 I guess Eloy. Acuna is still so young that he gets his lunch money taken by guys who can sequence well (go watch what Stinnett did to him in the Fall Stars game) where as Eloy's approach is more MLB-ready.
  8. QUOTE (ChiSoxJon @ Nov 6, 2017 -> 11:28 AM) Not sure why Grandal gets so much love on here and Fulmer doesn't I lean the other way, I'm not sure why some people seem to think the Dodgers would just give away one of the best catchers in the game.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 2, 2017 -> 08:29 AM) If you've got a team ready to compete right now, "3 years of an all star center of the order hitter at market rate" is something you would totally pay a good price for. Maybe you don't empty your entire system, but it's not unreasonable to expect to pay a solid prospect price for that. If he was only signed for 3 years then sure, but the downside is just way too great to justify paying a solid prospect price.
  10. McCullers actually pitched worse than Darvish, he just got super lucky.
  11. QUOTE (steveno89 @ Oct 30, 2017 -> 01:35 PM) https://scout.com/mlb/scouting/Article/2018...tion--109698859 Article today with an updated top 15 draft prospect ranking for 2018. Interesting to see Singer fall. I’m liking the idea of a De Sedas pick more and more, hopefully he’s there at #4.
  12. The opt out means that it makes even less sense for us to do it. Unless you think that Stanton makes us contenders next year, at best he helps us in 2019 and 2020 when 2019 might still be a year too early anyway and then leaves. And if he doesn't opt out that means he's not performing and we're stuck with a horrific contract. I just don't see any scenario where it makes enough sense.
  13. I blame the new slick balls for the crazy offense we’ve seen this series. This game pretty much confirms that NYT article.
  14. This Houston pen has just been brutal.
  15. QUOTE (daggins @ Oct 29, 2017 -> 09:59 AM) The Giants strike me as the team to bid against themselves for JD Martinez and end up paying him like, 6/110. I think Boston is going to make a major push for JD, they need power badly. I know their OF is currently full but if they get JD they can always trade Bradley or move Martinez to first, it’s not like he’s a good defensive outfielder anyway.
  16. QUOTE (TheTruth05 @ Oct 27, 2017 -> 02:00 PM) Don't understand how SF benefits from that. That would be the ultimate bail out for the Cubs. Saves them around $30 million or so.
  17. White Sox Dave tweeted that the Cubs and Giants have discussed a Heyward and Samardzija/Melancon swap
  18. The opt out is going to kill a lot of his value too. Either he plays well enough and then leaves or he doesn't perform and you're stuck with an albatross. Not a very attractive bet to make.
  19. Zavala’s first 6 games in the AFL: .500/.585/.778 with 2 2B 1 HR and 4 BB to 3 K Thrown out 3 of 6 baserunners. Crushed the HR 460 feet to center today, 113 mph exit velocity
  20. The graphic also missed the 1999 Yankees, who also went 11-1. And it's not like there was a lot of stats to dig through, they only had to check 22 teams. That's a pretty terrible job by whoever did it.
  21. They need to replace at least 2 SP this offseason, and the FA starting pitcher options all look pretty risky. Plus with all the young guys hitting arbitration soon spending a lot on a long term deal for a top FA pitcher would mean drastically increasing the payroll in a few years. Heyward not being good enough to opt out is going to hurt too. I wonder if they trade one of Baez/Russell/Happ/Schwarber for a pitcher.
  22. https://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/the-cubs-al...need-to-retool/
  23. Nathan For You continues to outdo itself.
  24. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Oct 19, 2017 -> 08:40 PM) Cubs Twitter is pretty pissed. What a grade trade by Hahn. Wish Q the best but man he has not had the impact they hoped. Eh he had the highest WAR of their SP in the 2nd half and his first two playoff starts he pitched fine, hardly a bad acquisition for them thus far.
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