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Everything posted by OmarComing25

  1. Both Cameron and Sawchik on Fangraphs mentioned us as a possible trade partner for the Yankees to dump Ellsbury to buy a prospect like Frazier or Sheffield. Not that big a fan of that idea however. EDIT: Didn't see that this idea was already posted in the Frazier thread.
  2. Awesome, aside from here that's the place I wanted him to go to the most.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 8, 2017 -> 11:25 AM) Bob Nightengale‏Verified account @BNightengale 44m44 minutes ago Free agent 1B Eric Hosmer met with members of the San Diego #Padres contingent Thursday as the Padres increase their aggressive pursuit. But... why?
  4. QUOTE (steveno89 @ Dec 7, 2017 -> 02:45 PM) If we actually want to contend, we need to open up the checkbook and invest in several key free agents eventually. A deep team of average players won't get us through the AL in the playoffs. Look at what any serious contender has done lately, especially the Astros and Cubs in order to win. A big reason why teams like the Dodgers, Cubs and Astros are so good is because they are deep in average players. Average players are valuable. It's the utter lack of average players that killed us this past decade.
  5. That Callis report seems glowing but Longenhagen has said if Ohtani was purely a hitter he wouldn't have him ranked in the top 100 prospects. I'd love to see him become a star on both sides of the ball but having to focus on both will probably be too difficult, I would be surprised if he managed a 100 wRC+. But who really knows.
  6. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 03:29 PM) Man the Tigers are going to suck for a long time. Their window was open for a while but just couldn't get the W. I think the Royals future outlook is worse IMO, the Tigers got two decent hauls for Wilson/Verlander and got a lot of money off the books this season. Meanwhile the Royals currently have arguably the worst farm system and although they'll get 4 picks after the first round I'd rather have the #1 overall pick that the Tigers have than all of those picks.
  7. QUOTE (TheTruth05 @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 01:03 PM) Jordan Guerrero is the top LH available.He's as good as gone. Yeah KATOH also ranks him as the third best prospect available for the Rule 5 draft, I don't see any scenario where he isn't taken.
  8. Well I hope he signs with the Angels now, that would be the most fun destination.
  9. https://twitter.com/thestevenwoods/status/936609044248137728 @thestevenwoods I’ve heard from someone in the know that Otani doesn’t want to join a big market team that’s ready to win now. He wants to be THE guy that brings a team to glory and doesn’t mind a rebuild. Know any teams like that? https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20171201...9-nksports-base This article in Japanese indicates that Otani has narrowed his list to 5 teams: the Dodgers, Yankees, Padres and two unnamed teams. Not sure if either of these things mean anything, but just putting it out there.
  10. Great move, hopefully his improved framing holds up. Also just checked out his xStats and they say he actually underperformed offensively (.344 OBA vs. .354 xOBA).
  11. JBJ has more trade value than Abreu so we're not getting him plus another guy. There are a lot of first basemen on the market too and Abreu isn't going to be super cheap the next two years either. I think the best we could hope for is Groome/Chavis and given that I'd rather just keep him.
  12. I'm watching it now and currently halfway through Season 8. They're all pretty good but I agree with flavum that Season 3 is probably the best although Seasons 4-6 are right there with 3. Leon is my favorite character on the show and he doesn't show up until Season 6.
  13. QUOTE (Dam8610 @ Nov 21, 2017 -> 01:29 PM) 3B is a pretty glaring org hole, and the second best free agent in next year's class, who will be 26 at the time, just so happens to play 3B. Machado matches this team's needs so perfectly it doesn't make sense for the White Sox to not pursue him, and most teams who would hand out the kind of contact he'll want have their 3B situation resolved. Machado can also play SS though, so I could see a team signing him and moving him over.
  14. Surprised at the lack of the support for Walker in this thread, he was better than Guerrero. Also Rolen feels like the infielder equivalent to Beltran.
  15. Maybe if the opt out was a couple years later it might make more sense, but it's basically right when our window (hopefully) opens.
  16. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Nov 20, 2017 -> 03:34 PM) Protecting Clarkin over Guerrero is absolutely crazy to me. Guerrero will almost certainly be picked, Clarkin was a huge long-shot IMO. Yeah I really don't get not protecting Guerrero.
  17. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Nov 20, 2017 -> 12:23 PM) Who is Hulk? QUOTE (Dam8610 @ Nov 20, 2017 -> 12:24 PM) Da bessss, aka Eloy Jimenez. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 20, 2017 -> 12:27 PM) "Eloy fight big monster!" But you already have Eloy in LF, unfortunately we can't clone him.
  18. QUOTE (Dam8610 @ Nov 16, 2017 -> 01:54 PM) Then journalists need to get their facts right. The article I read said he made one pitching appearance all year and got touched up for 4 runs in 1.1 innings. https://www.baseball-reference.com/register...id=otani-000sho
  19. Great move, way more interesting of a prospect than I thought we could get for just bonus money.
  20. I'm not on the "they're going to contend" wagon but I've always found the pressure argument nonsense anyway, there's always pressure because guys are playing for their next contract/their livelihood.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 15, 2017 -> 10:36 AM) Plenty of teams can offer his bat ABs. This is false. In fact being in the AL would cost him ABs because of the DH. If he started and the Sox didn't use the DH, you don't get the DH back once a reliever comes in. The Sox would either have relievers hitting or need potentially multiple pitch-hitters in a game if they went without the DH. If he went 6 innings, that is still 2ABs that need to be covered. If the latter were the case, they would need to carry a bigger bench than they have to cover the extra possibilities. In the NL he can bat on days when he pitches, get pinch hit opportunities on his days off and maybe start in the field one game a week or so, because there's no way teams are going to want him making max effort throws from the outfield on the days right after he pitches and the day before he pitches. However he hasn't played in the outfield since 2014 so I doubt any team is going to have him do it anyway. In the AL he can DH 3-4 games per week without having to tax his arm in the field. That will add up to more opportunities to bat than he can get in the NL unless an NL team is willing to use him irresponsibly which I don't see happening.
  22. Upton was not a bad contract though, he’ll be worth the money.
  23. https://twitter.com/jimcallisMLB/status/928669050728796160 Ben @benhard_allday @jimcallisMLB Which trio of prospects would you rather have: Moncada, Eloy, Robert or Acuna, Albies, Maitan? Jim Callis @jimcallisMLB Give me the @WhiteSox trio over the @Braves trio.
  24. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 9, 2017 -> 10:30 AM) And a bad OF at that in an era where defense is counted more than ever before. Although you could also argue that OF defense is also less valuable than it's ever been before, as the league has been trending to fewer and fewer balls in play. I wonder if Boras is actually arguing this. That said, I think 6/180 would be the absolute highest anyone would go, and even that seems like a big stretch.
  25. QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Nov 9, 2017 -> 10:48 AM) I'm just not convinced Rutherford is really a blue chipper. Obviously hope I am wrong there. Yeah I'd feel good about the deal if Rutherford was actually performing like a blue chipper, but at the moment he's still pretty much all projection instead of results.
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