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2020 Election Thoughts


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13 minutes ago, NWINFan said:

Things can change a great deal in four years. If Biden even has a moderately successful presidency in dealing with the pandemic and the economy, the political landscape will be drastically different. People may like four yeas of a more "laid back" presidency of Biden than the constant uproar of Trump. Additionally, it is hard to keep up with the constant lies of Trump in real time. Perhaps, all the lies will finally cause true disillusion when fully examined.

One thing I am fairly sure of is that I doubt that Cruz or Hawley will be able to claim the Trump mantle. I don't think either will get away with things as easily as Trump did. 

I wonder how the Trumpers are going to explain how the US isn't a Socialist nation, the churches are still open and the suburbs still exist in 4 years.

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More in the linked thread. Ties into this:



This is a systemic, national problem highlighted by a fascist mob being welcomed into storming the Capitol building and at least some of them appearing very prepared to take hostages or worse.


more evidence and explanation of their complicity:


Edited by StrangeSox
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It sure was weird that Trump spent December firing a bunch of people at DOD and installing loyalists, and that every living former SecDef felt it necessary to come out with an open letter on January 5th warning Trump to allow a peaceful transition of power, and then on January 6th Capitol Police let a bunch of fascist insurrectionists take the Capitol with little or no resistance while DOD frustrated efforts for outside backup.

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13 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:


More in the linked thread. Ties into this:



This is a systemic, national problem highlighted by a fascist mob being welcomed into storming the Capitol building and at least some of them appearing very prepared to take hostages or worse.


more evidence and explanation of their complicity:


Now compare that video with this video. They are polar opposites.



Edited by Iwritecode
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The higher fault lies with the leadership that seems to have very deliberately and obviously left their frontline officers underequipped, underprepared, and undersupported, and then the DOD efforts to block any outside help from coming immediately. There were plenty of individual cops on video who seemed at best indifferent to the fascist lynch mob storming the Capitol. I'm not going to fault e.g. those cops on one of the videos about 500 yards away from the steps who start getting beat and then abandoned their post because they were hung out to dry.



The scary thought is what if Trump isn't a lazy piece of shit and marches down to the Capitol with them like he originally said he would? How quickly does his mob get into the building, and how many people can the flex-cuff carrying fascists grab before everyone is to safety? We were pretty close to things going much worse on Wednesday.

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6 minutes ago, Iwritecode said:

Now compare that video with this video. They are polar opposites.



I don't believe anyone would say it was all of them, clearly one of them died fighting these people and 60 were injured. But I would say this:

1. The administration conspired to keep the National Guard from assisting.

2. Whether the leadership of the Capitol Hill PD is ignorant or conspiring, I cannot say, but as noted an officer is dead because of their choices.

3. If a handful of them worked with the rioters, that's plenty. "We had a 99.8% success rate at not unlocking doors for armed, bomb-wielding terrorists" is not an acceptable rate. And frankly, whichever ones of them opened the doors, took selfies, stood by as the mob moved on secure areas - they let their colleagues down too. 

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5 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

The higher fault lies with the leadership that seems to have very deliberately and obviously left their frontline officers underequipped, underprepared, and undersupported, and then the DOD efforts to block any outside help from coming immediately. There were plenty of individual cops on video who seemed at best indifferent to the fascist lynch mob storming the Capitol. I'm not going to fault e.g. those cops on one of the videos about 500 yards away from the steps who start getting beat and then abandoned their post because they were hung out to dry.

I've said this before in here, but aside from the selfie, the one that really disturbs me is the moment the woman was shot. There was a crowd approaching a door, trying to breach it. I don't' know for sure, but it looks like it was plausibly the Vice President and his security on the other side, so literally some risk of having a high ranking elected official assassinated. The security has a gun, but no gear. One of them fired. 

On the same side as the crowd, there are 5 armed, geared riot police standing by and watching the mob. They did not try to delay the mob from breaching the door. They rendered aid to the woman that was shot when she was hit. They would not have had to hold that position all afternoon, they could have even opened the door later to retreat for all I care, but literally there were people on the other side of that door trying to evacuate, they had the gear and equipment to at least slow the mob down and buy them several minutes, and they stood by and said "welp, good luck to them".

Those 5 officers standing aside could literally have allowed Pence to be assassinated. 

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Yeah. If that lady doesn't get shot climbing through the window and instead they breach that barrier, there's two scenarios with a lot more dead people probably:

  1. Secret Service or whatever protective forces are on the other side of that door open up on the larger crowd that tries to come through that door.
  2. They continue to fall back, and ultimately we probably have stories of Congress and some of their staff getting lynched.

Either way, a lot more people dead. I mentioned it above, but this is the letter that every living Secretary of Defense felt the need to sign on January 5th. 






Ashton Carter, Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Mark Esper, Robert Gates, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, Leon Panetta, William Perry and Donald Rumsfeld are the 10 living former U.S. secretaries of defense.

As former secretaries of defense, we hold a common view of the solemn obligations of the U.S. armed forces and the Defense Department. Each of us swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We did not swear it to an individual or a party.


American elections and the peaceful transfers of power that result are hallmarks of our democracy. With one singular and tragic exception that cost the lives of more Americans than all of our other wars combined, the United States has had an unbroken record of such transitions since 1789, including in times of partisan strife, war, epidemics and economic depression. This year should be no exception.


Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted. Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived.

As senior Defense Department leaders have noted, “there’s no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election.” Efforts to involve the U.S. armed forces in resolving election disputes would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory. Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic.

Transitions, which all of us have experienced, are a crucial part of the successful transfer of power. They often occur at times of international uncertainty about U.S. national security policy and posture. They can be a moment when the nation is vulnerable to actions by adversaries seeking to take advantage of the situation.

Given these factors, particularly at a time when U.S. forces are engaged in active operations around the world, it is all the more imperative that the transition at the Defense Department be carried out fully, cooperatively and transparently. Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller and his subordinates — political appointees, officers and civil servants — are each bound by oath, law and precedent to facilitate the entry into office of the incoming administration, and to do so wholeheartedly. They must also refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team.

We call upon them, in the strongest terms, to do as so many generations of Americans have done before them. This final action is in keeping with the highest traditions and professionalism of the U.S. armed forces, and the history of democratic transition in our great country.


It sure seems like they caught wind of something ahead of Wednesday in order to feel the need to release this extraordinary letter. And then we saw that something play out when DOD Trump loyalists refused to allow the MD or VA National Guard into DC for 90 minutes until being (illegally) overridden by Pence and other military brass.

Edited by StrangeSox
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29 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

So at what point do we go back and quote the people in this thread who said how dare we say there was absolutely zero evidence and no way that there could have been substantial numbers of capitol police conspiring with the rioters?

In their defense there wasn't a lot of clear evidence of that early on in the crisis. Now there does seem to be some evidence of complicity by individual officers in addition to incompetent and unprepared leadership (or worse). It's also possible that on tape cowardice or retreat looks like complicity.

I am not trying to minimize what happened. This was a massive failure. But I think it's okay for some to want a bit more evidence these days before coming to frightening conclusions.


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32 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

So at what point do we go back and quote the people in this thread who said how dare we say there was absolutely zero evidence and no way that there could have been substantial numbers of capitol police conspiring with the rioters?

Who said this 

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26 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

So at what point do we go back and quote the people in this thread who said how dare we say there was absolutely zero evidence and no way that there could have been substantial numbers of capitol police conspiring with the rioters?

Do I really need to show you all the videos of a substantial number of cops doing their civic duty and actually fighting these terrorists?  Not once did I or anyone else say that all cops did their job on the 6th, but rather I ripped you & Jack for stereotyping ALL cops and saying that ALL of them were complicit in this attack.  There is literally a cop who is dead from fighting these fucks and you still can’t help yourself.  Go cast blame at those cops who clearly failed and/or betrayed our country like the officers at the west front entrance, the guy who took a selfie, and most importantly the leadership who decided for a limited & unequipped security force, but please stop lumping them all together to feed your political agenda.  Your lack of respect for the cops who did their jobs and actually suffered physical harm is appalling.

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38 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

The higher fault lies with the leadership that seems to have very deliberately and obviously left their frontline officers underequipped, underprepared, and undersupported, and then the DOD efforts to block any outside help from coming immediately. There were plenty of individual cops on video who seemed at best indifferent to the fascist lynch mob storming the Capitol. I'm not going to fault e.g. those cops on one of the videos about 500 yards away from the steps who start getting beat and then abandoned their post because they were hung out to dry.



The scary thought is what if Trump isn't a lazy piece of shit and marches down to the Capitol with them like he originally said he would? How quickly does his mob get into the building, and how many people can the flex-cuff carrying fascists grab before everyone is to safety? We were pretty close to things going much worse on Wednesday.

I agree with this.  Clearly there were some cops who were indifferent or worse with these terrorists, but the real problem is the leadership who failed to have the necessary resources in place at an unprecedented level of incompetence at best and at a treasonous level at worst.

Edited by Chicago White Sox
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5 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

Do I really need to show you all the videos of a substantial number of cops doing their civic duty and actually fighting these terrorists?  Not once did I or anyone else say that all cops did their job on the 6th, but rather I ripped you & Jack for stereotyping ALL cops and saying that ALL of them were complicit in this attack.  There is literally a cop who is dead from fighting these fucks and you still can’t help yourself.  Go cast blame at those cops who clearly failed and/or betrayed our country like the officers at the west front entrance, the guy who took a selfie, and most importantly the leadership who decided for a limited & unequipped security force, but please stop lumping them all together to feed your political agenda.  Your lack of respect for the cops who did their jobs and actually suffered physical harm is appalling.

No one said that. In fact, I just checked, there are several posts, including by Jack, saying "we know not all of them did this, but there are a substantial number of them that are complicit". We did cast blame on the ones who did that, and you used the honor of those who did their jobs and were hurt to say "how dare you question the officers at all!". 

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When that woman was shot, I just saw a congressman on TV say he and around 70 of his colleagues were just steps away from the other side of the door trying to get out of the only free exit. the rioters were breaking down, and may of them had zip ties and weapons. There would have been more death and probably hostages.

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1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

No one said that. In fact, I just checked, there are several posts, including by Jack, saying "we know not all of them did this, but there are a substantial number of them that are complicit". We did cast blame on the ones who did that, and you used the honor of those who did their jobs and were hurt to say "how dare you question the officers at all!". 

Show me where I said “how dare you question the officers at all”, cause I’m starting to think you lie more than Trump.

Edited by Chicago White Sox
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3 hours ago, mqr said:

The centrist dem that was run as VP to make a black guy more palatable being labeled a socialist is still the funniest thing to come out of all this. 

the second, is all these Q weirdos thinking they’re having they’re moment in the sun only to have the right wing media call them Antifa Commies. 


This post wins the interwebs. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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23 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

Do I really need to show you all the videos of a substantial number of cops doing their civic duty and actually fighting these terrorists?  Not once did I or anyone else say that all cops did their job on the 6th, but rather I ripped you & Jack for stereotyping ALL cops and saying that ALL of them were complicit in this attack.  

Still sticking with this straw man? Clearly we are talking about the specific police involved in this specific incident but you still want to argue whether that is slander against all cops in the world. It’s getting pathetic honestly

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