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MVP 06 NCAA Baseball


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At least we'll have some good baseball on our screens next season; :bang




Well, first it's an NCAA game, not a professional game! Seriously, I don't know where to begin. With MVP 06 NCAA Baseball we return the depth and gameplay that people have loved over the years but have added a bunch of features that we believe will put this game above all our previous offerings. There's almost too many to count, but I'll give you an idea of some of the today and we'll go more into depth on each of these over the coming months as we continue development. The biggest new feature is that we have a new batting system that we're calling Load and Fire Batting that I think is going to completely change the way you think about batting in a baseball game. We have Precision Throw Control, all-new Online features, a new announcer team, a deep new Dynasty Mode tailored to college baseball, and a whole lot more.


MVP 06 is not a "fresh coat of paint" on an outdated an antiquated game or a re-release with a new mode and a DVD bundled inside. This is MVP Baseball. I believe the leap we made this year versus MVP05 in terms of depth and features is on par with the leap we made between MVP03 and MVP04.

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i honestly don't think i've ever been so excited for a game to come out.

This is going to be such a breath of fresh air in the baseball videogame world.


A baseball videogame.........where there will actually be a franchise mode that you can play through multiple years?



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QUOTE(SnB @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 03:07 PM)
i honestly don't think i've ever been so excited for a game to come out.

This is going to be such a breath of fresh air in the baseball videogame world.


A baseball videogame.........where there will actually be a franchise mode that you can play through multiple years?




Hopefully with the recruiting like you get in the college basketball and football games :drools

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QUOTE(SnB @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 02:07 PM)
A baseball videogame.........where there will actually be a franchise mode that you can play through multiple years?



I did always like WSB 03 when it came to that. The development of players sucked, because there was nothing you could really do to make it consistent...some guys would sit in the minors and just explode, while some guys would do the same and just sit there. Other guys would get called up and explode, and others would sit there. Some guys would put up huge numbers and have their ratings stay the same, yet the next year they'd suck and then get injured and they'd be an all-star after that. That's about the only thing that really sucked.


I got ESPN 2k5...and while it reminds me a little of WSB 03, it doesn't have the same feel at all. Hitters and pitchers alike develop way too well - when your entire lineup has guys with 100 AVG ratings against both RHP and LHP while all being able to draw a walk, and then you have guys in the minors with ratings of 95-100 AVG wise because you are just too deep, you have a problem.


Kills time though, I do I like that aspect of it.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 05:13 AM)
Soxtalk needs a drooling smiley. This game is going to take over my life im sure.

Ya, I can't wait. Its going to come in really handy with my last semester (and what should be my easiest one).


I probably will not buy any pro sports games this year (which would be a 1st). I bought no NFL games and so far no NBA games. I take that back, I do have an NHL game. But right now its all about the NCAA games for me. They are so way fun.


Plus I think with college baseball and the shorter seasons it will be easier to get farther into the dynasty mode.

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Those videos are absolutely amazing. I love the sound of a great PING over a big CRACK. The gameplay just looks a little to herky-jerky though. I'll definitely miss the aspect of having the Sox though. Especially since they'd be ranked #1. Boohoo.

Edited by SoxFan1
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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 10:01 AM)
Im guessing it will be on both systems.


Im sticking with the Xbox for now I think.




Go try the demos they have for 360 at Best Buy, I almost wet my pants trying out King Kong. Its gonna be an AMAZING system. As for this MVP NCAA Baseball, this is gonna horribly fail. The majority of baseball fans out there couldnt name 5 college baseball players, let alone know what the best team in nation is. 2k sports will own baseball for here on out becuase it has the MLB license, much like Madden did for football this year. Hell, 2k sports already came out with a World Series Edition for this year's game... which I suggest picking up, updated rosters (though no Bobby Jenks) and realistic pennant chases from this year. EA Sports is the biggest joke in the gaming industry.... same game year after year, different player on the cover. This year's Madden is one of the worst football video games Ive ever played.

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QUOTE(watchtower41 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 12:42 PM)
Go try the demos they have for 360 at Best Buy, I almost wet my pants trying out King Kong.  Its gonna be an AMAZING system.  As for this MVP NCAA Baseball, this is gonna horribly fail.  The majority of baseball fans out there couldnt name 5 college baseball players, let alone know what the best team in nation is.  2k sports will own baseball for here on out becuase it has the MLB license, much like Madden did for football this year.  Hell, 2k sports already came out with a World Series Edition for this year's game... which I suggest picking up, updated rosters (though no Bobby Jenks) and realistic pennant chases from this year.  EA Sports is the biggest joke in the gaming industry.... same game year after year, different player on the cover.  This year's Madden is one of the worst football video games Ive ever played.


why do some people feel a great need for such company loyalty?


I enjoy ea games, but i also enjoy 2k games as well......i've seen way too many nerd fights over this.


whoever comes out with the better product, i'll buy.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:53 PM)
Aside of 2k fanboys, the MVP engine is the best sports engine there is. MVP 06 will outsell MVP 2005.



You honestly think an NCAA baseball game will outsell an MLB liscensed game?? It will NEVER happen. I never said I didnt like the MVP series, I think its a great game. When it comes to next year and what game I will buy, it will be a no-brainer because only 1 will have the World Champion White Sox and the rest of the MLBPA in the game. My main gripe with EA is Madden. Its kinda like the way the Cubs used to operate, they know everyone will buy into the product, so why improve it?? It used to be nice to have options on which game each individual liked the best....those days are gone.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:57 PM)
why do some people feel a great need for such company loyalty?


I enjoy ea games, but i also enjoy 2k games as well......i've seen way too many nerd fights over this.


whoever comes out with the better product, i'll buy.

This coming from the biggest nerd of all. :P

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MVP baseball sucks end of story... People cream their pants because it has EA on the label... Even though it has worse graphics and crappier features then every other game on the market... But the guillible people will buy it because of the name on the front... It's so sad that those crappy Madden games are the only options out there for football.... because i'm stuck with 2k5 till that license runs out...



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