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QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Feb 5, 2009 -> 10:53 AM)
What about Walt? Walt had special "powers" that were never really addressed.


I believe Walt was thought to be a future leader of The Others. They take interest when they are young. His special ability was talking to Jacob...is my guess.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 5, 2009 -> 01:21 PM)
Has anyone come up with some ideas about why they titled the episode "The Little Prince"?


From lostpedia...


I just posted this in "The Little Prince" discussion thread:


Woah! I just googled Besixdouze (which was written on the tin that Locke kicked over) and guess what it refers to: "The Little Prince"





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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 5, 2009 -> 01:47 PM)
what about the folks from the freighter that got the same thing?


I think the people who have been there the least are getting the nosebleeds. Juliet and Daniel are the two with the most island time and both do not have the issue.


Hence the mystery behind Charlotte and Miles being on the island before.

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Just throwing out a theory here:


Is it possible that Locke might get "lost in the past" somehow in another flash, then he lives on the island from that time and eventually becomes the person known as Jacob?


Then in 2004, the plane crashes with 2004 Locke aboard and the original Locke is already on the island as Jacob.


Any possibility to this theory?


This Locke is Jacob theory has been on my mind for the past 2 weeks now.

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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Feb 6, 2009 -> 12:07 AM)
Just throwing out a theory here:


Is it possible that Locke might get "lost in the past" somehow in another flash, then he lives on the island from that time and eventually becomes the person known as Jacob?


Then in 2004, the plane crashes with 2004 Locke aboard and the original Locke is already on the island as Jacob.


Any possibility to this theory?


This Locke is Jacob theory has been on my mind for the past 2 weeks now.


at this point i guess anything is possible


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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Feb 5, 2009 -> 05:07 PM)
Just throwing out a theory here:


Is it possible that Locke might get "lost in the past" somehow in another flash, then he lives on the island from that time and eventually becomes the person known as Jacob?


Then in 2004, the plane crashes with 2004 Locke aboard and the original Locke is already on the island as Jacob.


Any possibility to this theory?


This Locke is Jacob theory has been on my mind for the past 2 weeks now.

Wow. Interesting theory. I wouldn't discount it at this point.

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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Feb 5, 2009 -> 06:07 PM)
Just throwing out a theory here:


Is it possible that Locke might get "lost in the past" somehow in another flash, then he lives on the island from that time and eventually becomes the person known as Jacob?


Then in 2004, the plane crashes with 2004 Locke aboard and the original Locke is already on the island as Jacob.


Any possibility to this theory?


This Locke is Jacob theory has been on my mind for the past 2 weeks now.

Well, that is quite an interesting theory.


You know what? By chance I just happened to be flipping channels and saw Lost was on G4, so I tuned in. It was an episode from Season 1 when they were on their 6th day on the island, and Jack ran into the jungle, chasing his father.


Locke meanwhile is talking to Sayid and Kate about the "Doctor" leaving and said "You two stay here. They'll need you two. I'll go look for Jack... Plus, I know where he's going." Or something to that effect. Seems a little eerie now. How did he know where exactly Jack was going to be, especially when they had just gotten on the island and didn't even know the layout yet? There's definitely something going on with Locke...

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Am I crazy to think Locke really does die afterall? It sounded like Jack's dad told Locke that he had to make the ultimate sacrifice for the island. I assumed that meant he had to die and that's why we see him in a casket back in LA and why Ben had Jin's ring.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 12, 2009 -> 08:38 AM)

Am I crazy to think Locke really does die afterall? It sounded like Jack's dad told Locke that he had to make the ultimate sacrifice for the island. I assumed that meant he had to die and that's why we see him in a casket back in LA and why Ben had Jin's ring.


I am sure he dies, and then makes guest appearences in the usual "LOST" manner.

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Someone on lostpedia has a different take on Annie:


Remember a long time ago when they were doing flashbacks to Ben as a child on the island? Well, he had a girlfriend named Annie and they exchanged dolls. Remember that insignificant mention of a girl that was never really explained? Kate is Annie. I'll tell you why:


1. When Kate is in the hatch for the first time with Hurley (and Jack?) she sees those weird candy bar -- Opollo Bars -- and says "Oh, I loved Opollo Bars as a little girl" or something to that nature, and Hurley looks shocked and says he's never seen those (and he knows his candy bars).

2. When Kate and Jack are captured by the Others (right before they gas Jack, Kate and Juliet, and the girls wake up handcuffed to each other and have that crazy fight scene), Locke comes to Kate and says that he's leaving with the Others. "What did they do to you?" she asks Locke, and he says something like "They told me who you are, Kate. What you did. They're not the forgiving type." Now -- one might think, the Others told Locke that Kate's a fugitive and killed her father. But let's think about "they're not the forgiving type." Why would they need to forgive her unless what she did directly affected them? He's referring to her being part of Dharma as a little girl.

3. In the last episode, Kate goes to Miles (who wants to kill Ben, presumably because it's related to a vengeful Dharma) and says "Do you know who I am?" She goes on a crazy mission -- and ends up "banished" -- to make a deal with Miles to find out. When she finally does find out, he says that he knows she's a fugitive because they have files out on them. Well of course he knows that! Probably everyone in the U.S. knows it at this point. Why would she go through all that to find out if he knows that UNLESS what she really wanted to know is if Miles knew about her being related to Dharma.

Edited by BigSqwert
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Also I'm wondering how the French Rescuers got the "sickness" after being dragged into the Temple by the Smoke Machine?


Were they subject to the Brain Washing that Karl was subject to earlier in the 3rd season by the Others I wonder?

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 12, 2009 -> 11:49 AM)
I don't remember any lists. What are you referring to?


Who they wanted and who they didn't. The Others took several people in the middle of the night after they first crashed. We haven't really seen much of those people, the children or the rest of the Others since the end of Season 3.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 12, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
Who they wanted and who they didn't. The Others took several people in the middle of the night after they first crashed. We haven't really seen much of those people, the children or the rest of the Others since the end of Season 3.

My guess is the lists are mainly made up of women and children, so that the Others can keep surviving as a group (because obviously the women can't have kids on the island).

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Feb 12, 2009 -> 12:10 PM)
Also I'm wondering how the French Rescuers got the "sickness" after being dragged into the Temple by the Smoke Machine?


Were they subject to the Brain Washing that Karl was subject to earlier in the 3rd season by the Others I wonder?


I don't think they got any sicknedd. I think Danielle LOST it. Pun intended.


That was awesome how Smokey is sooooo strong that he ripped that dude's arm off.

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