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bmags last won the day on February 12

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  • Birthday 07/26/1986

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  1. I'm still annoyed we never got the Rick Hahn soxfest after everything collapsed. That one reggies appearance where he was so smug after being asked, correctly, about how shortsighted their selling off intl money was instead of having a real program, was typical. We were right, the whole time, he was wrong. Even if you said "hahn tried and failed to modernize the front office" i would point to you his success at major league budget with RF, bullpen and 2b.
  2. I mean people that fly all the time are allowed imo to complain about it but also they need to understand how boring it is. Fortunately for the players, Ken Rosenthal probably flies all the time as well so he probably thought it was the most interesting thing in the world.
  3. He is a current player who was interviewed right after being traded. Not sure going scorched earth is attractive to a player who will certainly be on the margins of rosters every year.
  4. 100% its going to be about the planes or something and Green Line is going to be swooning
  5. And crucially it points out that Getz has never actually seen an organization that runs well.
  6. It does not say he turned a blind eye. it is saying he's running it exactly how he wants to.
  7. I think the assumption is right, it's just there was a year lag between that story breaking and the firing (as you said, they overlapped in Birmingham). But just weird nobody has got the story. You'd assume though that if it was a lesser reason than him being involved he'd have been a bit vocal about that.
  8. For example, I think following Fegan, we got a lot of answers on what they WERE doing, but it was hard to know what they weren't. They talk the talk, but are trying to build a car when the only people there have ridden horses. We'd get snippets, like when Fegan would interview players like...s%*# that one yankees pitcher we got in the big Robertson/Frazier trade, who on the record told him he was shocked at how he got nothing before games from the sox on how to pitch. But it was really hard to fill in the negative of what the sox weren't doing, explicitly, since they'd be like "we have trackman just like them"
  9. I am so glad this was written. I think we "knew" it. It had a lot of the specifics we have not gotten before. And I cannot believe nobody has unearthed what led to Wes Helms dismissal (I at this point believe Shane Riordan was lying, assumed it would come out, and wanted to seem smart)
  10. I lied and re-upped my athletic membership a while ago. And finally, it took the worst major league team in history, but finally someone actually dove into what the white sox are not doing with context to other teams. The stuff that the smarter people in this board, without "inside sources", have been harping on but could not point to specifics. I have been waiting for 10 years at least for this article. My favorite part is FINALLY getting the analytics group they have outsourced to, along with context from outside orgs: One - Kenny's quote is asinine. Do the White sox have worse resources than the Guardians and Rays and Brewers? No, you were just trash. Haber, our knight in shining armor, the one man who could bring in talent while the mediocre scouts screamed for dumb s%*#. Anyway, read the article. It's theme, we know. Jerry = bad. Anyone you know in the org = idiot, and if you listen to them, eesh But the specifics? Finally. Someone painted the picture of the idiots cosplaying as a major league baseball front office. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5773947/2024/09/19/white-sox-failure-worst-season-history/
  11. I don't mind hiring an outsider, Cleveland has hired from NFL teams and outside baseball. Luhnow was hired from consulting. Problem is the white sox are idiots who wouldn't know what to look for except someone who says "I am an expert in leadership" and I don't know if you all have read linkedin but that's not a promising start.
  12. Unfortunately my benefit of the doubt is too low considering the parade of grifters that find themselves in this org. Great org to get paid to do nothing. Too many Marco Paddy's brought into bring legitimacy when they really just want to retire without retiring.
  13. It's stuff like that that still makes me think this will improve. I saw them play last year, they aren't this bad. There is some major miscommunication on blocking scheme and the sights need to be directly on chris morgan. I would imagine stuff like that that looks so bad could have wright assuming he's got backup with the rb, who instead is delaying out up the middle. They should be embarrassed, hope they come out ready to play. They are not this bad.
  14. I'm disappointed in him, especially given how Klint Kubiak in New Orleans has looked. Seattle may well have just been functional due to Geno.
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