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  2. The team is 32 under on June 5. If they aren't extremely embarrassed already letting this debacle get to this point with 0 action, a fan vote trying to "John Scott" Maldy to the ASG matters none.
  3. Agreed, the ending was truly a bit disappointing but the entire series as a whole was the best show I’ve seen in awhile. It should win some sort of award or several. The cinematography was insane. Agreed. I never watched it during its original run but binged it recently on Netflix and it is one of my favorite series of all time. Netflix just announced that they are doing a Peaky Blinders film with Cillian Murphy returning…
  4. Right. What is the point? Okay, so fire Grifol. Who is going to fire JR? The organization is a joke from top to bottom. And I don't care what is happening in the farm system.
  5. I’ve watched it and will watch the next (third) season when it comes out this fall. Good show if you like sci-fi horror. They seem to be drawing it out a bit though. At this point I just want to know what the truth is with all the crazy things happening. Agreed. The last episode was the least funny. Haha, you nailed it. I was wondering what was so weird about him being in it. It was basically modern day Patton Oswalt not even acting, just being himself.
  6. We should remember Kopech's first major league appearance was in 2018. Chuck Garfien was telling us he was the franchise savior. We are still waiting for that to happen. George Steinbrenner would have had several nervous breakdowns by now. A U-haul would have been needed to carry out all the people he would have fired. JR doesn't seem affected.
  7. There is no point. Nothing matters until JR is gone.
  8. Calling them out didn’t light the fire he hoped, so back to coddling.
  9. Today
  10. Exactly. The Sox give so many teams life. It's absurd. I'm telling you ... the Royals gained a lot of early confidence by winning 6 of 7 vs Chicago or whatever it was. We woke up Minnesota at the time for sure. This was a wake up for the Cubs. And there are other teams the Sox awakened as well. Did the Sox stink against Cleveland too and boost their spirits early on? I forget.
  11. Another sign that Sox are irrelevant. I used to get so mad at us losing to the Cubs and/or Royals. Now ... I sheepishly confess in the car I was 'rooting' for us to lose. I mean we're 15 games behind the team ahead of us in our division I think. What the hell does one win matter if we can lose 14, 15, 16 in a row? That'd be kind of neat. (For the greg haters ... I realize I've always wanted us to win every game especially against tanking. But I'm human and very upset with the Sox. In general I do want to win games, but guys, when you've won 15 all year, I get a year mulligan on that kind of thinking. I'm just thinking of how the Sox have lost a generation of older fans to go with indifference of any younger fans. What a mess. Please, MLB, either discipline the Sox for putting this product out there or please contract the team.
  12. Getz will only know what to do when JR tells him.
  13. Are there any Kopech fans still on this board? My gosh his fastball must be so flat. Cause it gets HIT. I listened while driving in the car to the 8th and 9th. Boom. HR. Game over. Cubs announcers quite happy. Of course like all the teams that get well in playing the Sox they didn't mention we've lost 13 in a row and suck. All they did was mention how great the Cubs are in coming back from a bad few weeks and how they are a very good team blah blah. Their fans actually had to really enjoy that 2-game sweep despite the Sox record. I mean a pair of 7-6 wins. First one a comeback from 5-0; this one a ridiculous walk off. I repeat BOOM. -- By the way our top of the ninth was ridiculous. Those were allegedly our best hitters and our only hope of scoring was if that pinch runner somehow stole third after stealing second and the ball was thrown past 3B to score the run. Pretty weak that I thought Vaughn might hit a HR. How dumb of me.
  14. Duke is the son of Robert Ellis, pitcher drafted by the Sox in 1990 and eventually made it to the bigs and got a ring with the 01 Diamondbacks.
  15. Now he’s reversing course after the flat comments and the players disagreeing with him. What a snake. He is just trying to say anything to save his job.
  16. So they’re not flat anymore? 😆
  17. Maybe watching this garbage team that Getz built will convince the old man that his ideal lineup of nine scrubs like David Eckstein doesn’t work. But let’s be honest, he’s probably just at the ballpark to see how many Campfire Milkshakes are being sold.
  18. Said it last year, said it this year, and will say it again next year: None of this matters until JR dies. We’re stuck in baseball purgatory. No one wants to accept it, it’s a simple answer with no nuance, but it’s not a subjective opinion at this point. Until he dies, it’s just the same old song and dance. And sure maybe they get out of this free fall in a couple of years, but they’ll never be a true contender under Jerry. He has no interest in making that effort, internally they are SO FAR behind other franchises that actually invest in player development and technology…it’s all just a waste of time until new ownership arrives.
  19. Keep Kopech healthy and trade him to some unsuspecting team thinking he can actually pitch in high leverage situations just cuz he throw ball hard.
  20. Keep Crochet healthy and trade him Keep Robert healthy and trade him Keep Fedde healthy and trade him see if Sosa or Colas or Lee or Julks can contribute going forward That’s about it, this is absolute hell. They will easily lose 100 again next year.
  21. Just to be clear, the 1967 team (a good team), lost the last 5, and the 1968 team started 0-10. I look at the 13 as the team record. I will be rooting for the Red Sox tomorrow if Grifol is managing. He deserves to wear this record.
  22. I truly can’t remember, but who was supposed to be the closer going into the season (when Kopech was gonna be a starter)?
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