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Stinky Stanky

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Everything posted by Stinky Stanky

  1. They're paying Eaton either way, so the $$ can't matter. I'm shocked at the move "irregardless."
  2. Of course he was. All I was saying is that he never became a whipping boy, like all the other owners did.
  3. Most of us understand what a whipping boy is. (he who gets blamed for everything) That's good. I nominate any and all owners, especially the current one, with the exception of Bill Veeck.
  4. He's not David Wells, but he's got a gut on him.
  5. Got away with it. Nice pitch but needs to be used as a bait pitch, not centered. When he's all 4 seamers, like in April, they're looking for it and hit it. I guess Burr moves up on the pecking order. Or did everyone else move down?
  6. If he'd kept the left foot off the ground instead of planting it before impact he'd have saved himself a lot of pain. Tough guy. Leader. Sorry to say, his current performance is killing the team. All the core position players could have the same said about them.
  7. It's for the fans, it's for the players, it's part of the ritual that is Baseball. Prolly more effective in basketball, though, in that it can intimidate the refs over a period of time. Coach K in fake outrage can have that effect on carpet salesman moonlighting as zebras. MLB umps? No way.
  8. Great play, using the rim itself to keep the defender from intercepting the pass to Ayton. I feel for Paul George. Not really.
  9. Managers don't make pens look great. Pens make managers look great, if they're lucky enough to have a few studs around. I took a look at the replay of the HR against Heuer. Centered at the thighs with the catcher set up outside. Maybe if Codi walked a few more batters he'd get hit less.
  10. Great one for Burr especially. The Heuer mystery continues. Great stuff, gets hit. Wild in the strike zone?
  11. They've never heard of Dristan? Cruel Tony, dooming Yermin's career by apologizing for his cheap HR, then putting him in the lineup every day since then to embarrass him. Cruel, cruel Tony. Guys like Yermin have been around since Bob Speake and Hurricane Hazle, which is about as far back as I go. They got figured out and so has Yermin.
  12. When will they stop trying to make him into a point guard? His ceiling is backup Zach.
  13. 3. Weird approach to hitting, 4. In a funk, has me worried, 5. Needs pine time or a trip to Charlotte.
  14. Just thinking here, how many OF's on the team get that ball? Hamilton and Engel anyway. Garcia maybe. This Eaton no, his former self yes. Lamb ? Mendick? Assume Goodwin or not?
  15. Heuer throws great stuff, has control of it and gets hit. Something there ain't right.
  16. I was thinking about Ruiz too. Hendriks issue was starting Cameron off with a fat pitch. He can be too courageous for his own good.
  17. Scored the winning run and made the defensive gem to end it. (but that was positioning) Two-Way Danny.
  18. And how is he better than what's already here? Nick is a replacement level player, amiright? 😜
  19. Gets you to the postseason and then... Call it butting heads... Takes two to tango ... Or butt heads.
  20. He gets a hit in G 2 or 3 of the playoffs last season and Ricky is still here and the world is young. Or something like that. And he's a great RBI man except when he isn't.
  21. Still, doesn't look overmatched, hits a ball hard now and then. He'll do to keep the seat warm.
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