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Stinky Stanky

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Everything posted by Stinky Stanky

  1. Blew a game in the College World Series right after we drafted him. Jerky motion, downhill to this DFA. It was time to admit the bad draft pick and say bye. Success somewhere else? Think learn the knuckleball or else they're hiring at Menards.
  2. It started with going to RF to get himself out of the funk he was in. The pulling followed.
  3. Not crazy if it's obvious they're sitting on your changeup. And it was.
  4. You could be right without divine intervention, like winning it all with Carlos dominating and JR signing everyone in a fit of blubbering joy. Could happen, cuz I've seen JR blubbering when PK handed him the winning baseball from the WS in 2005. And yes, Carlos is the better pitcher per you and me.
  5. I wonder if Collins realizes that he's no longer the starting catcher? Seby has hit OK for a guy who's "defense only."
  6. Keuchel will be here at $18M and won't be mopping up blowouts. And TBA is a hot prospect. Even Lopez showed signs his last times on the mound. Or it might be as simple as realizing that hitters are sitting on Gio's changeup and altering his pitching strategy to counter it.
  7. Since my post said he'd move to PF if Vuc is your center, what's the problem? He doesn't have to be a scorer here.
  8. Whiteside would anchor the inside defense and rebounding, both of which are sorely needed. Where's he gonna play if Vuc is your center? PF, I guess.
  9. Lauri can't do either. Taj is old and 6'9" and can rebound a little, period.
  10. Rebounding and rim protection will come from where? These things still count, right?
  11. They need a McGee or someone like him to protect the rim. DeRozan is something of a duplication of Zach, no?
  12. That's my biggest takeaway from this game. Found a solid middle innings guy and didn't have to give up any prospects. I'd use him before Tepera, wouldn't you? Dropped fly balls? Luis Robert's had a few in CF and we don't worry about it. Not that Goodwin's don't peeve me off.
  13. Stating the obvious. It's what makes a great analyst. You and I are great analysts too. Seriously, I'm ecstatic for Jose and hope he can do this for us for a long time.
  14. He's been running and moving since February, since his IL time was upper body related.
  15. My favorite four letter word: Lejo! And my favorite Sox doing it. Love that smile, it's contagious. I'll even forgive him for the crooked hat. A big thanks to Q for getting us the heroes of tonight's game.
  16. Lynn's our stopper. If someone wants to know what a stopper stops, just refer them to this series and last night's game.
  17. Need to line up Katz's halo with a plumb bob. Or postpone the beatification.
  18. I'm older than you are and I remember them passing on Walt Frazier for Clem Haskins because Clem was a better shooter. So the stupidity's not a new thing.
  19. Cam Payne still shooting three's sideways and hit 2 for 2 in the game!
  20. All hail to Giannis, but the story of this one is the PHX scorers wet themselves, as did the Bucks except for Giannis and Khris. Great game for one where nobody could score from distance. So it came down to MVP taking it to the hoop and making free throws. An old fashioned game. And a minor hug to Chris Paul, whom we've been calling too old for years, but produced in the clutch. If he'd had some help... Who knows?
  21. Wondering. What's Tim not doing after those home runs? TLR get to him or Tim got older and wiser?
  22. Saved the best post for last. He was never as bad at 2B as you all think you remember and he's a member of a team with WS ambitions whose needs come before his personal whims. His comfort at 3B is more likely the result of maturation than anything else. I want to see Burger going long here for years, not on the highlights from godknowswhere. And thanks for knowing the difference between flak and flack.
  23. Easy to forget something that didn't happen. He grew as a player on both sides of the ball, but he was never bad at 2B.
  24. Eight games up: If it isn't broke, fix it 'til it is. Works for me.
  25. At least they got value for Narvaez and replaced him easily. The others? Hurts to think about it.
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