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Wong & Owens

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Everything posted by Wong & Owens

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 12:20 AM) 3 year GPA: 76 ............................................. 77 In other news, Massachusetts senator John Kerry has been cast as Lurch in an upcoming sequel to The Addams Family.....
  2. Where do you come up with this? "the idea of there being a chance of conception is something that makes them feel really good?" Just from what I hear from the Christians on this board they dont want you speaking for them, so I'm sure Christianity as a whole has no need for your services as spokesman. People, whether they be catholic, atheist, jewish, etc. all take birth control because they DONT WANT KIDS. Maybe it's a temporary situation, maybe something more permanent, but I believe your theory that religious Americans secretly hope that their birth control will fail is utter nonsense. Again, since none of the Christians on this board will claim you as their representative, I'm taking your belief that you can honestly stand for what most American Christians believe with a grain of salt the size of a '77 Buick.
  3. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:56 PM) one big WTF is needed for this thread Or two?
  4. OK, my turn to disagree. Respectfully of course. Marriage has been, and always will be, what humanity chooses to make of it. Marriage in the past has been defined as an alliance maker between two clans, a way to pool resources, a means of protection, etc. It may have flown under a religious flag, but the true purpose of the ritual had little to do with mandates from god. The current "definition" of marriage is only about 200 years old--a very short period in the grand scheme of things. I don't think it's realistic to think it won't continue to evolve--possibly into oblivion if current divorce rates and increasing age of first time marrieds are any indicators If you're correct, then why isn't there also a push to prohibit straight people from getting married who can't or won't procreate? But these are religious terms, not secular. Nobody is advocating forcing churches to marry anyone they dont want to, but in a country founded on "liberty and justice for all," the United States has no business not providing the same benefits for gay unions as are provided for straight ones. I dont think any gay person cares whether it's called marriage, or life partners or permalovers, so long as they get equal rights and protection under US law. That's an opinion. My opinion is that any couple that creates more than 2 children is selfish and socially irresponsible. Same sex, and childless straight, unions can also bear the brunt of caring for the millions of "valuable" children currently up for adoption because their straight parents apparently missed the "value" discussion at Lamaze class. Less value in that? Why? My opinion is that those deemed worthy of what they consider decent society is who conservative thought wants to benefit. Show me an honest conservative that claims life is so important, and I'll find you a dozen that wouldn't think of ever adopting a black child. Nothing is more disrespectful to your definition of marriage than the 50% divorce rate, or the hesitancy of younger people to even enter into it. I hear ya, and I think alot of your thoughts make sense. I may not agree with them, but I think I know where you're coming from.
  5. Yahtzee, You might want to check out signatures 372 and 650.
  6. I did it in 2000. Me and 4 friends got to the stadium at about 9:00 pm the night before tickets went on sale. We made camp outside the gate, with about 4 people ahead of us. At about 11:30, it started to rain and get pretty cold out. We did not prepare for rain. We took turns holding our place in line, while the others went in our van to dry off/get some sleep. At about 1:00 am, my friend Keith decided he couldn't take it anymore and went home. We continued alternating sitting in line and going to the van, by now all our clothes were soaking wet, and the playing cards we were using to pass the time were so drenched they wouldn't stand upright in your hand. About 3:00am, My friend Mike and I drove down to his parents' place and got dry blankets, tents and other supplies. We also stopped at Dunkin Donuts and got coffee and donuts for everyone. We got back to the stadium around 5:30am, and relieved the other two who were nearing death via hypothermia. We were all standing in line as the time drew near for the windows to open, and the nasty coffee from DD kicked in, and I made a mad dash for the port-o-john with about 10 minutes before sale time. I made it back, and we all got tickets(except Keith, we decided he could kiss our ass for bailing) in the Club level for all home games. We then went back for the other series' tickets, but for that we just showed up at the cell about 3 hours before tix went on sale and got as many as were allowed. We're all set to camp out again this year, but we'll come better prepared this time......
  7. At Ford, Quality is Job #1. Job #2? Setting your car on fire.
  8. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 02:23 PM) This brings up the question whether it's better to buy a car from a dealer or from a private party? My first two cars I bought from dealers. The first one was from a little privately-owned used car lot. I walked in, found something I liked, told him how much I wanted to pay, paid it all in cash and had no problems. The car was put in my parents name but it was still "mine". We ended up selling it for about half of what we paid for it. The second car I bought was the first one that I got to put in my own name. I made the mistake of going to one of the larger dealerships, falling in love with a car and paying way too much for it. With the length of the loan I ended up owing more that it was worth within a couple of years and couldn't get rid of it. I ended up totaling it in an accident and luckily the insurance paid most of it off. I had to borrow some money to make up the difference. The two vehicles I currently have were both found in the classified ads. One has been paid off for a couple of years and the other I only have another one and a half years left to pay. I could probably sell it now and make get most of what I paid for it back. Maybe it's the fact that I got burned by a dealership or the fact that I put almost 30,000 miles a year on my car (making any warranty I get short-lived) but I don't plan on buying a car from a dealer again. I seem to get a better deal from private parties. It depends on how car-smart you are. If you know enough to be aware of what to look for, then you're better off going with a private seller, because that's where you will generally get better deals. But, if you don't have greasemonkey tendencies, then a dealer is the way to go. Especially if you're looking at late-model used cars, every model has a certified category that comes with warranties and are well worth the extra $$. In either case, you need to have as much knowledge as possible-- that will protect you from getting screwed more than anything
  9. QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) The thing is, I'm not looking right at this moment, but definitely within the year. The area I'll be in is wherever employment takes me. I am young, never purchased a car before, and never watched my Dad go through this process. I mainly don't want to get taken advantage of and at the same time don't want to be overzealous. Well, when you decide what you want to do, keep me in mind if you want some help. I'm here most days lol.
  10. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 11:50 AM) Wong, What about all that extra stuff they try to sell? Undercoat rustproofing, window etching, etc. Should you just say no to all of that stuff and get it on your own? That's what I did. I didn't want to finance all of that over the life of my loan. Yes, all that stuff is either useless or grossly over-priced.
  11. I just thought of something else. If you tell me what kind of car you want, and where you're located, I can find you a good, no-monkeybusiness dealer in your area.
  12. I work in the industry, I can help you weed through the bulls***. PM me if you want any help.
  13. http://www.playerappreciate.com/pimphandle.asp
  14. And then there's these Mensa candidates: http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskop...arthsociety.htm
  15. Darlin' I know you're sleepin' But there's something I've just got to say Wonder if you'll hear me While you're dreamin' You make a lifetime Out of every day Thanks to you now I know All my dreams can come true Blind Faith in you I got Blind Faith in you oh yea Your eyes keep things well hidden Just a hint of what You're holding inside And the first day that I met you I consider that the first day of my life Thanks to you now I know All my dreams can come true Blind Faith in you I've got Blind faith in you And I'm not sure I deserve A women so true, but I love That you think I do With YOu and Faith, beside me I'm feelin' stronger every day Blind faith in you I got Blind faith in you it's true Blind faith in you I got Blind faith in you And I'm not sure I deserve A woman so true but I love That you think I do. Sorry, couldn't resist
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 08:22 AM) The autobots all sent me a nice birthday wish. But nothing from the Decepticons? Happy Birthday!
  17. 2 runs, no homers. 1 sac bunt and a steal. Welcome back, White Sox
  18. Did Pat O'Brien make any public apologies? I hope not, because no one need be sorry for providing that level of comedy. How about hypocritical televangelist Jimmy Swaggart's blubbering after the thing with, hmm, who was it? not Jessica Hahn, not Fawn Hall, what was her name?
  19. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) well, when our lead is reduced to 2 or 3 games, that's when we'll start putting our real lineup out there. That will be right around Labor Day, unfortunately.
  20. I only saw about 10 minutes of it, and from those 10 minutes I had two thoughts: 1) What was the singer from My Chemical Romance wearing? A flak jacket? I couldn't even focus on whether their song was good or not, because I kept looking at that guy and wanting to give him a wedgie. 2) How did MC Hammer get in? Were the VMA's open to the public this year?
  21. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) Is SOXTALK an anti-religious environment? Read this thread to decide :rolly Nothing about this thread is even remotely anti-religion. Pointing out the hypocrisy of his many ridiculous statement is simply an easy way to support the argument that Pat Robertson is a waste of oxygen. If Pat Robertson was Robert Sherman, for example, he'd be every bit a loathesome jackass. Of course, if you're so sure that this thread, and so much else within SoxTalk is anti-religion, then I'm sure the many religious folk here will be sure to back you up any moment now. **crickets**
  22. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 11:42 AM) I had lobster once on my way back from Ensenada, Mexico. Couldn't get into the taste. I can't imagine myself ordering lobster again. I made a stop at the Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland last summer, and I'm with you. It's not all that great, IMHO.
  23. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 09:46 AM) OK. Kill all male first born! Is there a statute of limitations on this?, because I was a first-born male
  24. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 09:26 AM) Yeah, like saying we should force people to stop having kids and live in a Socialistic society. Exactly that. See, reading is a great skill, and one that may come in handy in light of our apparent impending energy crisis. I never once said that people should either A)stop having kids, or B)live in a Socialistic society. Maybe you're laughing at the voices inside your head?
  25. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 09:17 AM) I laughed reading it. So, in other words, it was a knee-jerk reaction devoid of any actual thought or consideration?
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