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Wong & Owens

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Everything posted by Wong & Owens

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 01:41 PM) Prior isn't nearly as touted as Hernandez. Todd Van Poppel was.....
  2. He throws strikes and has playoff experience. If the Sox brass can determine whether his arm has anything left, I wouldn't mind seeing him in the bullpen.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 11:25 AM) I hate stuff like this. It takes all of the worst extremes of a group, and uses for justification of racism. Too bad someone doesn't have a similar one for White Christian Males between 17 and 40, because I am sure it would be plenty long as well. http://www.wrecradio.com/mike/histquiz.html Considering that legit Muslims want to be associated with these wackjobs as much as Christians want to be associated with the KKK, you betcha.
  4. Roberto Alomar wouldn't be picked up on waivers by anyone else........
  5. Vizquel would clear waivers, that is if either SD or Ariz get their heads out of their asses and put some distance between them and SF
  6. I really dont understand the logic here. I too believe the Sox could use another bat, but this team was chugging along to the tune of baseball's best record without Frank, and it's not like he was tearing the cover off the ball(yes, he did hit for power a bit).
  7. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Jul 29, 2005 -> 04:59 PM) Your comment about Gammons is pretty uncalled for, whether or not he's full of s***. and you're totally wrong about the Angels - Colon has been pretty on this year, and could have a very competitive series with the Sox. longshot7 = Gammons Fellatio Machine
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 29, 2005 -> 04:26 PM) take it easy Napoleon, GOSH. I knew someone would catch that
  9. OK, I'm bored here at work, so I wrote this. Hope someone gets a chuckle or two from it: OK Kenny, it's time to go for it. Not that you haven't always been willing to try, but you have to see the added urgency behind going for it THIS season. I know, you went for it in 2003, but you didn't really think you'd get past the Yankees with Mussina, Clemens et al, did you? And again in 2004, you made an effort, but it must have been half-hearted, knowing that Pedro, Schilling and that Boston Bomb Squad of idiots would be waiting for you at some point--right? Yes, any team has a chance in a short series, but as the A's and Twins of recent years have shown you, most of the time the best team wins. And that brings me to the reason behind my attempt to implore you to do everything and anything you can to get our White Sox to the World Series THIS SEASON. That reason? The other teams in contention--in comparison to contenders of years past--suck. There is no Yankee juggernaut to contend with, no Big 3 in Oakland, or any "Little Engine That Could" Twins story. Don't believe me? Let's take a look at every contender there is in the AL right now, within reason(you sit back down, Chuck LaMar) and break it down: The usuals: Yankees-- Here's a recipe for success-- sign every pitcher that gets released by a last place team, don't use any outfielders under 35, and use the same 3 bullpen arms every game. Seriously, Al Leiter? Hideo Nomo? The only people who get excited after seeing these moves are Oil Can Boyd, who must be telling everyone who asks to use his cell phone "Not right now, I'm waiting for a call from Brian Cashman," and Dave Burba, who has cancelled every family vacation and backyard BBQ in August "just in case." These Yankees are flat-out old, and you can't overpay for players if they're not for sale. Red Sox-- So, according to reports from Boston, Manny Ramirez has asked for a trade at this time of year for the last 4 seasons. Hmmmm, one of the highest paid players in the game? Check. World Series Ring? Check. Playing on one of the most storied franchises in all of professional sports? Check. All this, and he still is finding something to complain about? This makes the karma gods verrrrrry angry. Especially after all they did for you last year. Well, we'll just see about that, say the karma gods. Let's see how good you'll be with David Wells as your best available pitcher. Twins-- Let's rewind back to early March. Imagine you're a "baseball expert." You look at the Twins of 2005, and you see they'll be replacing 3/4ths of a Gold Glove-caliber, smart-hitting infield with unproven rookies, journeymen, and something called Nick Punto. Is "This is No Doubt a World Series Team!" going to be your reaction? It is if you are Andrew Jackson-clone Peter Gammons. Oh, but their pitching is so good, argues Mr. Boston-Fellatio Machine. Yes, their bullpen is top-notch, but it doesn't do you much good to "hold" a 2-run deficit now does it? But wait, maybe they'll make some moves to shore up that infield and the back of their rotation with some real talent.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! The Others: Oakland-- Yes, they're on a roll, and yes, their pitching looks scary again, but remember, these starters are all very young, and their closer isn't even old enough to drink. Does anyone really think this staff can make it through an October pressure-cooker? And here's another thing--are there any black guys on this team? You can't win with no black guys, this isn't 1912. Anaheim-- Hmmmm, this team scares me more than most. A potent lineup without many holes, a likeable owner who wants to win and will pay to prove it, and a solid pitching staff led by Bartolo Colon. Wait a second, Bartolo Colon? He's not exactly ace material, is he Sox fans? And because he's so fat, he obscures the mediocrity behind him. Jarrod Washburn? Paul Byrd? Ervin "Magic" Santana? They're a good team, but I like the way the Sox match up against them. Plus, they don't scare me anywhere near as much as the Yankees, Twins, A's or Red Sox teams from 2001-2004 did. And don't forget that stupid name. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim won't fit in the baseball almanac standard column-width, so they can't be allowed to win. Baltimore-- Phil Nevin can't pitch, and neither can anyone else in your starting rotation. Schedule a charity softball game vs. Texas in the offseason--it would be fun to watch. You see that Kenny? Your White Sox are in a position to make history. The planets are in alignment, it's there for the taking. Tweak the lineup, bolster the bullpen, enhance the rotation, whatever. Just do it. Do it now, disregard the future. Win it this year, and you could be the Devil Rays for the next 10 years and no one will care. Do it before the Cubs do it, so that every response to questions involving the Sox's second-rate status can be-- "We have a title, they have Wait Til Next Year." Do it for every baseball fan who's sick of bought titles and beat-to-death curse stories. The door may never be as wide open as it is right this second. So run through it, run though it so hard and so fast the jamb splinters and the threshold snaps like a twig. Worry about the damage after the champagne runs out.
  10. Wasn't Foulke one of the guys we got in the Alvarez-Hernandez deal? If so, he's hardly a nobody: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi.../content.9.html
  11. This is one of my favorite web pages of all time: http://porktornado.diaryland.com/albumcover.html
  12. So, where does one buy one of these? I mean, just for curiosity's sake. No, really, it's not for me......
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) I think it's ugly also. We just took the boat ride down the river to see all the awesome architecture.. and you're right that it would look better in the ground. I never realized all the beauty and history in Chicago. I was in awe. There is no better compliation of late 1800's-early 1900's architecture anywhere in the world. Some argue there is no better archtiecture from ANY period found in one place. When I was in my charter guide days, I learned from the tourists I led around to really appreciate it, though up to that point I was surely taking it for granted.
  14. These things sound suspiciously like urban legends. What proof is offered to back these stories up?
  15. So what? I never claimed that that wasn't true, nor did I ever argue that the majority of people today are atheists. Stick to the relevant points, and stop going off on tangents. Yeah, the christian church has a powerful marketing department, that is true. However, Bishop Desmond Tutu tells the real story: "When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. The same thing is happening in Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, India, & yes China. Catholic Church registration with the communist party of China is growing quickly. The Vatican may not like this flavor of Catholicism but that is not stopping it's growth. These were traditionally the bastions of atheism & they are weakening.That is why your statement is ignorant to no end. Atheism is never going to be the norm. Get used to it. Religion will always be a tool by which those in power can sway the masses. Those in power will never give that up. Even the communist party in China understands this.
  16. Well, I got that info from a REPUBLICAN PARTY website. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you numbskulls can't even agree on your own foundations Actually, over 15 years of catholic schooling, i should have been so lucky to not have had to suffer through that baseless trash. This coming from someone who draws truth from a 2000 year old compliation of fairy tales. Laughable. Thank God the spiritual revival around the world will marginalize wack jobs like yourself. When atheism is the norm? Man are you stupid! Not interested, it's irrelevant to the incorrect claims of fact you made in your ridiculous original post. Again, don't care, still however waiting for a response to your moronic claims that atheism is dead and that religion is somehow sweeping the galaxy. Where's your backup for that?
  17. Your entire post makes want to erupt and proclaim my desire to have you run over by a steam engine, but I'll try a more civilized approach. In short, the answer is yes. O'Reilly, like other repressed morons throughout history, think all the world's problems are caused by over-sexed people(no, this is not in any way a supportive statement for sex with minors). He, like EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN HISTORY THAT'S EVER HELD THE SAME VIEW, in time will be deemed a laughable cartoon character. Good, because when atheism becomes the norm and not the exception, there won't be as many threats to liberty in the first place--and that's a fact. Here's a typical juggernaut falsehood, positioned as some kind of fact. The FACT is, that in early American history, Republicans were the common man party, and the Democrats were the choice of the rich. Here's an excerpt from a Republican Party website: The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge. The first informal meeting of the party took place in Ripon, Wisconsin. The first official Republican meeting took place on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. The name "Republican" was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded individuals of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party. In 1856, the Republicans became a national party when John C. Fremont was nominated for President under the slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont." Four years later, Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the White House. During the Civil War, against the advice of his cabinet, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves. The Republicans of their day worked to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which outlawed slavery, the Fourteenth, which guaranteed equal protection under the laws, and the Fifteenth, which helped secure voting rights for African-Americans. The Republican Party also played a leading role in securing women the right to vote. In 1896, Republicans were the first major party to favor women's suffrage. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917. Yeah, because anti-slavery was the choice of the wealthy at the time, right Juggs? Thank you, Master of the Obvious. Are you just figuring it out now that ALL politicians are in it for themselves and a select few others, and only toss enough bones to the people to keep themselves in office? And it hasn't been only in the last 50 years, it's been that way since the beginning of time, with of course the occasional exception. How bout the Republicans ditch the god crap, and focus on doing something, anything to help ANYONE apart from oil barons, communication company magnates and other assorted billionaires? Just shut up. Seriously. Well, that's certainly a glowing endorsement for religion, isn't it? No they're not, you jackass. Stop spewing this agending-pushing trash and post some real facts. Atheism is growing faster, worldwide, than any religion. Have you been to a church in Europe lately, you idiot? Immigrants coming into AMERICA are largely hispanic, which means they are coming from countries that were already heavily religious to begin with. Moving "believers" from one country to another does not mean religious driven people are rising in numbers. In fact, the FACTS state that the opposite is true, so again, I implore you, shut up.: http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_prac2.htm Another blatant lie, http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_478.html I have every capacity to understand it, you pompous ass, and anytime you want to get together and debate the topic, I'll drill you into the ground. As Forrest Gump once said, "Stupid is as stupid does." So, as I certainly don't consider all relgious people stupid, I do consider ones that label opinion as fact and ones that misrepresent facts to be quite stupid. No Gods, No Masters. Can't think of a more liberating statement than that.
  18. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 01:06 PM) Padres are moving big time. Im telling you, they are the darkhorse in the NL in the playoffs. Peavy is scary and Hoffman is a terrific closer. Watch out. Peavy and Hoffman are awesome..........and that's about it. They'd be one of the worst playoff teams in recent memory, IMHO.
  19. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 01:04 PM) the orioles aren't dumb, i'm sure they have a plan. How can you say the team that traded for Sosa isn't dumb?
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 01:00 PM) BTW, this isn't a done deal. Nevin has a no-trade clause, and the Orioles are on the list of teams he doesn't want to get traded to. more evidence he gets flipped somewhere else?
  21. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 12:58 PM) well i'm guessing palmeiro will move to DH. who was their DH before? they used a few different guys. this team has no pitching and plenty of offense, so you trade a SP for an aging bat? makes no sense
  22. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) who says their done trading? There you go, I'm thinking the same thing. Either Nevin gets flipped soon, or another Oriole whose position Nevin can play gets shipped. Otherwise, this was a pointless move by the O's
  23. I'm not smiling. What the hell do we want an overpaid slugging outfielder for? Another homerun hitter is the very last thing on this team's list of priorities
  24. I would think Contreras goes to Toronto, and gets replaced by Lilly, who is a lefty. Toronto could use a right-handed thumper, so maybe Konerko and Contreras go along with a prospect or 2? They aren't getting Hillenbrand to play third--he's a butcher over there, but he can play 1B at least as well as Konerko. He is another streaky hitter though who never walks. He seems to be a little bit better at making contact though, as his numbers suggest
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