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Everything posted by ptatc

  1. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 03:04 PM) Why do they call them the Winter Meetings when it isn't yet Winter. And why is it called spring training when the vast majority of the training isn't in the Spring? Back in the dark ages when most of the teams were in the northeast and central US, going to Florida to train before the season felt like Spring.
  2. QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 01:53 PM) Houston would certainly be interested. Rumors has it, Springer is available for a haul. He would be one for which I part with Q.
  3. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 12:53 PM) Record highs expected here Saturday-Sunday. It'll be nice for the Bears game.
  4. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Dec 4, 2015 -> 04:40 PM) Well, he has one loss. Tim Duncan The ultimate, throw down loss was Nolan Ryan.
  5. Excellent article and insight. Self evaluation is one of the keys to learning in any situation. For the pitchers,it's learning how to throw good stuff while being biomechanically sound. Any one can throw a great slider if they drop down far enough. However, this will lead to elbow injuries. Can they throw a 94 mph fastball without overthrowing and making it straight? The first part will lead to injuries, the second will lead to it getting hit, as in your example in the article. This is why some pitchers are always injured or cannot come back after surgery. In order to be effective they need to do "unbiomechanically" sound things. Some pitchers can handle it, others cannot. This is part of the challenge from the injury/rehab perspective, how to smooth the mechanics without changing "the stuff." I think this is what happened to Johnson as discussed in another thread. He was fatigued from the previous year's load. He couldn't get the fastball velocity where he wanted it so he lengthened the arm swing to overthrow. This in turn caused mechanical issues and the ball to be more straight. So in an effort to improve "the stuff" he changed alot.
  6. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Sep 23, 2015 -> 04:06 PM) Montas is fine. what is f***ing alarming is Avi Garcia. An ISO of 108 and an OPS of 677? From a horrible RF? I've defended him all season but I'm done. I'm not even sure it's worth giving him 600 PA next season. Isn't he coming off major shoulder surgery? Give him one more year.
  7. QUOTE (AustinIllini @ Sep 11, 2015 -> 06:58 PM) The bold is completely wrong. First, we don't know that the footballs helped the Patriots win. Second, the Patriots are winning because they have Brady and Gronkowski, not cheating. Every team in the NFL cheats. Just ask JJ Watt. Every offensive player that lines up against Watt holds him. Period. Judging by continued accusations and previous episodes, I don't think the deflating football issue is their only cheating. Cheating on the field is one thing, it's up to the refs to enforce it. Cheating off the field to gain an advantage is another. The courts won't allow the league to enforce a collectively bargained process.
  8. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 11, 2015 -> 12:16 PM) This is obviously just me but I just don't give a crap about cheating in sports. Whether it's steroids or deflated footballs or whatever, if you can get away with it then good for you. Ethics at it's best. No internal compass.
  9. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 30, 2015 -> 05:01 PM) Tim Jennings released. Extremely surprised. Even though he has struggled this preseason, with the terrible depth in the secondary, I cannot believe he got cut. They were really disappointed in his "man" cover skills. He was making too much money and really needs to be in a primarily zone system.
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 30, 2015 -> 02:03 PM) Link Not really sure how that relates to how many law enforcement officials are killed each year. edit: I looked it up. That is only police, doesn't include many other law enforcement which are up quite a bit. Point taken though. It's only the last few years that it is on the rise again.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 30, 2015 -> 01:11 PM) That's fine. I'm just sick of telling you how far down violence has gone. Please stop. To be fair,while overall violence is down, more law enforcement officials are being killed each year. http://nypost.com/2014/12/30/number-of-cop...-up-56-in-2014/
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 26, 2015 -> 09:23 PM) If he's paid by that company and he's marketing it as actually providing medical benefits that could get him in some trouble with the FDA, but probably not if you can count it as a "supplement". There is some research on the product which suggests that it decreases some blood plasma proteins that reduce muscle function and one neurotrophic protein for the brain. This is a far cry from proving it helped all of this but it does suggest with some evidence that he probably wouldn't get into FDA issues.
  13. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Aug 24, 2015 -> 09:13 PM) I know you hate him. I don't "hate" anyone. Hate is a strong word for me. I don't like what he did to people and I know how most people view him.
  14. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Aug 24, 2015 -> 07:25 PM) I doubt it. Without a doubt. He is one of the most hated players in the league by teammates. There is a reason that he needs to travel from team to team. He is truly one of the most dislikable people you've ever met. In Baseball he is on par with Bonds and sheffield.
  15. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Aug 24, 2015 -> 04:09 PM) I don't think its from home or opposing fans. I think its just in general by players. If you went by players, there is no doubt it would be AJ.
  16. Yvonne Craig dies a 78. The beginning of my love for redheads, especially in skin tight outfits.
  17. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 11:51 AM) Chargers just gave Jay Cutler...err Phil Rivers a ton of money. Amazing how everyone loves Phil and hates Jay, when they are essentially the same QB (not tools wise, but production wise). I will be delusional and hope that Jay and Phil play each other in the superbowl this year. Why...cause it would be fun You may want to look at the stats again. Cutler has a 180/130 TD/INT. Rivers is 250/122. In that aspect alone he is much more productive. If you like QB rating it's 85 for cutler 95 for Rivers. Neither is great but rivers has been much more productive.
  18. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 07:33 AM) What medical study could have predicted a stress fracture? Edit: i have read conflicting things. One is that he hurt himself in OTAs, and another that they knew in the combine. If they knew in the combine, then they were stupid to waste a year on a pick. If he hurt himself in OTAs, there isnt anything they could have looked at that would have tipped them off that a stress fracture was coming. He was healthy in college Nothing can predict it. The only exam that really can determine it is a bone scan. X-rays can find them after they have started to heal.
  19. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 09:39 AM) He got hurt during OTA's. They knew it was a stress fracture though. They tried to heal it with rest and avoid all of these questions. When he ramped his workouts back up, he realized that it still hurt and the team opted for surgery. He has a 3-6 month recovery time and will most likely miss his rookie season but he should be 100% once he returns. He probably had "shin splint" issues further back than OTAs. It's the typical progression for this type of thing.
  20. QUOTE (shipps @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 09:19 AM) So did White have a small stress fracture that they have been hoping would heal itself on its own only to completely break the thing while trying to get some light practice time in last week? They pushed it too hard right? Thats what I got from it. It didn't completely break. It is still a stress reaction that won't go away. The rod is inserted to stabilize the area to take whatever stress there is away to allow it to heal. This is why White has continually said he would like play through it but the team won't let him. It's an area that hurts but isn't unstable.
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 08:50 AM) Wouldn't a stress fracture have made it very hard to play hurt, and wouldn't that be the kind of thing that would heal very poorly if it weren't diagnosed? The issue is that usually this type of stress reaction is first diagnosed as shin splints. This goes on for awhile and if it doesn't go away they look for a the stress reaction area. So even if they knew about it early, they were probably thinking, "it's just shin splints, he'll be fine."
  22. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 10:45 AM) It derailed (poentially) part of his career. He also had head issues and hitting issues that I can't see connecting directly to that. I've always wondered if it effected his hitting. Having issues with his right foot can't make it easy to have a good base of support while hitting. Fractured bones in his arch is what basically ended Frank Thomas career.
  23. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 07:58 AM) A la Mitchell? As others noted, luckly, he isn't speed-dependent. He's also young. But thanks for the info, good to note. Just curious though, why does a tib (or fib) fracture have that risk? Seems like the sort of thing that should heal fully. The effects will not be an5thing like Mitchells. He ruptured the posterior tibialis tendon which primarily give support to the arch of the foot. He almost surely had residual foot issues due to the structural weakness of the arch. That is a devastating injury to a speed guy.
  24. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 09:00 AM) I'm very curious also. Michael Vick broke his leg back in the day and came back as fast ever. It is just a possibilty that it can effect the speed. It depends on how much damage there is to the joint and subsequent limitations. Thre fact that Adolfo had ligament damage indicates joint damage. After looking up Vick's inury there wasnt much ligament damage, it was more from the hit he took.
  25. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 17, 2015 -> 07:58 AM) A la Mitchell? As others noted, luckly, he isn't speed-dependent. He's also young. But thanks for the info, good to note. Just curious though, why does a tib (or fib) fracture have that risk? Seems like the sort of thing that should heal fully. It's more where it occurred. The ligaments were injured as well. This means he twisted his ankle to sprain the ligaments but did it severely enough to fracture the bone as well. This also means a fair amount of damage to the joint. In many caees the damage to thr joint is severe enough that they don't regain full motion. This is where he could lose some speed/mobility. If he can't fully dorsiflex his ankle, it effects his running. It not a given that this will happen. He could regain full motion. It is just something that they really need to work on and doesn't always return.
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