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Everything posted by Benchwarmerjim

  1. I dont know much about the guy except for that all the sites that cover the Twins minor leagues really want him on the big league team. I guess he has impressed in camp a bit. From what I have read, batters are having a hard time picking up his pitches out of his hand. That may explain the high K rate Im not a huge fan of the close by committee thing, but if that what Gardy wants, I gotta roll with it.
  2. Twins signed Ron Mahay to a minor league contract today
  3. that has changed this offseason. They got Sano from the Domician Republic for a cool $3mil. They signed another Dominican for big bucks. They signed a dude from Germany (Kepler I believe) for something like $750k (largest for a European player))
  4. I think what is getting everyone anxious/nervous/batty about this Mauer negotion thing is a couple of thing. First, the Twins have traded stars away because they dont want to pay (Rod Carew) and cant pay (Hunter, Santana). Second, the Twins just got this new stadium and the promise was 'we get to play outdoors. we get to afford our homegrown talent' there is nothing more homegrown that Joe Mauer Spring training is in full swing and no contract is signed...time to get nervous because if nothing is signed by the end of ST, Mauer is as good as gone. Mauer has all the leverage here to get paid (new revenue streams for the team, local hero, pretty awesome player at his position) my take....Mauer signs by the end of ST, and people are getting worried over nothing
  5. first of all, the writer Jim Souhan is not the beat writer for the Twins. He was a 5 or so years ago, but now is a general columnist/opinion maker/whatever you label those guys nowadays second. Jim Souhan is mostly full of crap and just likes to stir the pot and get his name out there
  6. I dont think its an argument. Rivera is the best closer in baseball. hands down. Nathan would probably lead the pack for second best
  7. a few of the names I've seen bandied about on Twins Blogs and message boards is Liriano or Perkins. if they can't make teh 5th starting spot, move them to the closer spot...or the bullpen and let Rauch close because it would leave them multiple LHP options in the pen
  8. Joe Nathan is likely out for the season with a torn UCL http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/03/...rn-ucl.html.php
  9. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 11:34 AM) Jim, the place looks like it's going to be freezing in April. Im not planning on going to any games in April but, if I had the chance, I'll bundle up and enjoy it. I have never watched a MLB outdoors. All the games I have attended has been in the Dome I guess they built into the stadium warming areas. I guess you can see the game action pretty good from these places. And some of the seats are heated (I imagine those are for the premium season ticket holders)
  10. QUOTE (SockMe @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 11:20 PM) when I saw that stadium I thought PNC Park. the Twins brass visited a few ballparks when they were coming up with the design. If I remember the newspaper articles from that time, PNC and Petco are major influences on Target Field. But, the Twins really wanted to make it their own, not a copy or homage to another ballpark. One thing the Target Field area will have is bars and restaurants. A popular restaurant called Huberts is moving from their current location to Target Center and taking over the NBA City restaurant. Target Center is right down the road from Target Field. There are already a couple of establishments right next to the ballpark. Its seems like its going to be a lot better than the Metrodome setup where there was the one bar kitty corner from the Dome and everything else a healthy walking distance or a short cab ride away
  11. I think there is 0% chance Cuddy plays 3rd. If he plays the infield, its back up at 1B
  12. My position is that 'the old Liriano' will never come back. If he does, bonus! but I don't expect it again. The trouble Liriano had last year is that he couldn't throw he fastball for strikes when he needed to. If he could throw strikes, he could be a decent 5th starter or a bullpen guy.
  13. Twins fans are sure excited to see Thome. I was at TwinsFest Friday, and Thome was at one of the Player Autograph booths. My friend and I were going to stand in line, but the line was really long. I would say close to 700 in line. Some with Thome Twins jerseys already (where did they get them so quick!) Myself, I don't know how I feel. Thome is old and has back issues and has killed Twins pitching for about 30 years it seems (kind of like Favre and the Vikings). But, he is cheap, a super nice guy, veteran presence, and a guy who is willing to draw a walk. I guess better to have Thome as a bench guy/platoon DH than some of the other retreads the Twins have bring in (Lamb, Monroe, White, the list is long and dubious) speaking of the Twins, fans have been kind of abuzz about Liriano's Dominican Winter Ball start the other day. Something like 5 IP, 10 K's. 92-93 MPH FB and his 84-86 MPH slider with wicked movement. That should be for another thread though
  14. Ron Gardenhire has been manager for 8 years, 5 years he has finished 2nd in the MotY balloting
  15. it probably should be its own thread, but I'll put it here. Twins getting new uniforms for next year (click link to look at them) http://www.startribune.com/galleries/70201...L7PQLanchO7DiUr I love the home uni's (traditional white with pinstripes, and a cream colored jersey with pinstripes are a call back to the 1961 Twins), but the away grey...gag. They look just like the Washington Nationals away unis. I liked the grey with pinstripes the Twins have wore since like 1987
  16. the Twins have actually had talks with Scott Boras about Crede for 2010
  17. Apparently, the BoSox were in talks to get JJ Hardy but the Twins swooped in and got him.
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 7, 2009 -> 10:00 PM) For 2011? yeah, its a bit confusing, but thats how the contract read. I suppose its a bit of a security blanket for the player since you'll know you'll be getting paid pretty god for at least 2 more years instead of going year-to-year
  19. the Twins picked up the 2011 option ($10.5) on Micheal Cuddyer
  20. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 11:34 AM) Gotcha, Do you think they will deal Young? I know he has fallen out of favor up there. Otherwise their off season could be done financially. Unless there is a FA signing, I see Delmon patrolled LF next year. He started out slow, then his mother died and missed over a week to be with her/funeral. Then he got back and didnt see much palying time because Span and Kubel were raking. Then when Morneau got hurt and Cuddy slid to first, Young saw a lot of playing time in Sept. and was pretty good. I think the Twins are going to stick with him for another year and see if it all pans out for him.
  21. the Twins had 10 days after the WS to pick up an option for the 2011 season. My answer: its a 1000% lock the Twins will pick it up. He is one of the Clubhouse leaders, and a Twins company man (he is the chair of a few Charities and stuff like that). the the Twins really have no right handed power threat besides him.
  22. I dont know what to make of this. I loved Gomez's defense, but he couldn't hit for anything. So the OF for the Twins next year looks to be Delmon Young in LF, Denard Span in CF, Mike Cuddyer in RF. I would of preferred LF-Span, CF-Gomez RF-Cuddyer
  23. Mauers ball actually hits the LF's glove, bounces fair and into the stand. The ump is like 15 feet away and calls it foul. insane but the Twins had bases loaded and 0 outs and could score. embarrassing. 2 first pitch swings and the hits go a total of 100 feet, when all you need is a fly ball and get the run home. What sucks donkey balls (for me at least) is that A-Rod and Tex beat the Twins...again...for about the 175th time. I f*^(&*g hate those 2 players. If the Yanks advance, look for A-Rod to go back to his 'unclutch' ways. He is only 'clutch' during the Twins series
  24. the Twins will always have trouble against the Yanks because the Twins pitchers throw strikes and rarely pitch inside. Yank batter stand comfortable and look for that grooved fastball or hanging slider
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