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Paint it Black

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Everything posted by Paint it Black

  1. Long story short...I have to move back to the suburbs for a few months because of circumstances beyond my control. Regardless, I always wanted to go to a "White Sox bar" during a game and watch the game with actual sox fans. Sooo what is soxtalks favorite white sox bars? I'll probably do this this week. Don't really care where I have to go..but the closer to public transportation the better.
  2. If this team hires LaRussa as the manager I quit. LaRussa is a complete asswipe. Also, what is this weird fasination people have with Logan Morison? He's kind of bad.
  3. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 08:08 PM) Who cares, he's still clearly our best hitter. You're playing f***ING BALTIMORE. If you're in the "sox are done camp" then the game is meaningless and doesn't matter if you're best hitter is in the line up. If you believe the sox are still in it, why risk the injury?
  4. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 08:02 PM) Paul Konerko not going from 1st to 3rd is nothing new. He's a f***ing sloth. You want to talk sample size? OK! Paul Konerko since his return has a .945 OPS. Paul Konerko in 2011 has a .934 OPS. Paul Konerko in 2010 had a .977 OPS. Shall I continue? The guy can swing the bat just fine even if he's injured. He's rightfully DHing, but unless you were satisfied with that 6-game losing streak, perhaps Paul Konerko should f***ing stay in the God damn motherf***ing lineup so this team can score more than 1 run per game? I can't believe you seriously want to bench Paulie for bad baserunning. Holy God, someone give me a gun so I can blow my brains out like the little dude in my sig. It's not that I think he wasn't hustling. It's the fact that he's obvious not healthy. I mean did you watch the replay? The look on his face was something to the effect of "oh s*** this hurts and I'm going to be out by a mile" as he was halfway between second and third. I understand the offense sucks but it's Baltimore. It's Jeremy Guthrie. And I thought the season was over, according to soxtalk. If this is true, why play Konerko? You're not in anything. It's early August. The reverse of that is, even IF you think you're in it still, why risk further injury?
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 07:52 PM) Wow, yeah, great idea. The guy who has a .945 OPS since returning from injury should "sit his ass on the bench". What an asshole, trying to get to third base (and also being incorrectly called out, I might add)... he should sit because he's such a detriment to the roster. Jesus Christ, this post of yours. It makes me want to throw my laptop against the wall. It makes me want to find a baby just to punch it. No, Paul Konerko should not "sit his ass on the bench" because he was thrown out at third. K-thanks. Right. Except the next hitter singled, and would have driven in 2 instead of 1 had Paulie been able to you know, TAKE TWO BASES ON A BALL TO THE WALL. and holy small sample size batman with your OPS stat. Oh and he was out. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
  6. Watch. This team is going to sweep or something and pull my gullible dumbass right back in. I've taken a break from white sox baseball the past two nights and I'll probably watch tomorrow.....
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 4, 2011 -> 06:30 PM) April 13th: After throwing a stressful career-high 34 pitches the night before, Ozzie has Sale start the 9th inning with a 3 run lead against the A's. Sale struggles and can't get an out, and Sox lose in extras. May 6th: With an open base in a tie game against King Felix and the Mariners, Ozzie lets Humber pitch to the only hot hitter on the Mariners at the time (Justin Smoak). Smoak doubles, and even though the Sox tie the score the next inning, the Sox go on to lose on a walkoff single. This board would have ripped Ozzie for not letting Humber finish. Armchair managing at it's finest. May 20th: After Santos blows a one run lead with 2 outs in the 9th against the Dodgers, Ozzie allows Santos to start the 10th. Santos clearly has nothing on his fastball, and the Dodgers smack him around the park for an easy extra inning win. May 28th: This game saw two huge blunders. First, in the 7th inning of that game, Ozzie (or Omar) has the 2nd baseman covering second on a steal attempt by one of the slowest base runners in baseball instead of staying in position with C. Patterson (a lefty hitter) up. Patterson hits a routine grounder to where the 2nd baseman should have been, and it goes for a hit. Toronto ends up taking a lead after that inning. That game goes to extras, and with a LHP on the mound and runner on 3rd with one out, Ozzie lets Dunn bat instead of Quentin. Sox lose June 4th: Against the Tigers, with 2 outs and man on third, Ozzie lets Crain pitch to maybe the 2nd best hitter on the planet in Miguel Cabrera. A home run into the right field bullpen later, the Sox lose an important game to the Tigers. June 10th: As Sergio Santos is one out away from a win against the A's, he has a complete meltdown. He allows 4 straight batters to reach with 2 outs, and clearly has no offspeed pitch and his fastball is straight as an arrow. With AJP begging Ozzie to pull him, Santos stays in the game to allowed a go-ahead 3 run double to Scott Sizemore. June 24th: In a scoreless game against the Nationals, Ozzie allows our worst bullpen pitcher (Bruney) to pitch to the red-hot Michael Morse with an open base and two outs. He homers, and despite Teahen's heroics, we end up losing the game in extras. You're suggesting intentionally walking MICHAEL FREAKING MORSE?!?! IBB's are the worst. They just put extra runners on (not to mention in a TIE BALL GAME). All you had to say was Brian Bruney was pitching in a tie ball game in the 8th July 17th: With the Sox looking to build momentum after the ASB, Ozzie leaves Humber in one batter too long to face VMart with runners on 2nd and 3rd, 2 outs. VMart singles in both, and Sox go on to lose by one. July 26th: In another important game against Tigers, Ozzie leaves Peavy in to start the 6th inning when the Sox are up 2-1. Not only does Peavy allow 3 runs to score, but Ozzie leaves him in to face 9 batters that inning. Sox lose 5-4 I agree with most, but I have so many issues with threads like this. Simply put, Ozzie knows his guys much better than we do. It happens quite often where guys come to the manager and say they need a day off because they don't feel right/we're out drinking the night before or whatever else. Sometimes every guy isn't available. The point is though that you can't manage every game like it's game 7 of the world series. Seriously you could name 10 games with any team in the playoff hunt where you do this simple cause and effect stuff and its simply is much more complicated than how it's being spelled out. Most of these moves are trying to save pen arms. And if this team could hit, a lot of the "he left a pitcher in 1 batter too long and gave up the go ahead run" arguments could be erased if they hit. Also, I think I was drunk for like 6 of these games...wow.
  8. No offense man, but they don't care nor are you telling them things they don't already know. We're in awful Bears fans territory of buying a "Fire Lovie" billboard now. Great.
  9. Ryno as manager? Frank Thomas as hitting coach? I know the sox suck but some of you need to put the bottle down.
  10. So who is everyone else picking to be their teams to root for over the next 3 months? For me AL: Texas - I love watching this team. Power, speed, young arms. A lots more talent still to come NL - Atlanta - Again with the young arms. I'm tired of the Phillies and Giants. I would pick Milwaukee but has anybody seen the left side of their infield? Their pen? yeeessshhhh
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 09:16 PM) Funny how Sox and Twins might have the bleakest futures in the AL Central. Maybe so, but both franchises have had their runs at the division the past 6-8 years. Things change. Plus at least the Twins have a few prospects that might be legit. It's pretty bleak for the White Sox.
  12. Guys I tried. I look forward to every game and still digest so much white sox stuff. But I'm done with 2011. I'm done with the obsession with bad grindy players. Done with the off the field stuff. Done with the excuses from this team as to why they suck. Done with the "well they'll get on a winning streak" lie. It's over. The window on anything is closed. You're White Sox dark ages are coming. The next 5-7 years are going to be brutal. I need to watch real baseball. I need mlb.tv. Welcome to the pennant race.
  13. The only issue with the possibility of a type B free agent compensation pick is that some have speculated they will be done away with when the CBA expires this December. It doesn't make the deal a lot lot worse, but it's also not an added bonus if in fact comp picks are done away with. Just something to keep in mind.
  14. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 27, 2011 -> 11:59 AM) Also, someone tell me why I should sell the farm for an OF that has 1000 PA, mediocre power, run production, batting average, etc. that also is a below average fielder according to UZR? Because white sox management and fans don't know what a legit prospect looks like.
  15. QUOTE (earthshiner @ Jul 14, 2011 -> 12:14 AM) 7 man rotation I was told we also have to see how good Hector Santiago really is. I propose an 8 man rotation. But seriously. This year has shown Chris Sale really is a pen arm. The "he should start" stuff was all a pipe dream.
  16. He obviously just isn't laying everything on the line. At this point, Peavy sounds like someone who you KNOW is a homophobe. Someone who is so insecure about himself that he has to project about toughness and whatever else. Just pitch man.
  17. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 10, 2011 -> 07:03 PM) The fire the management that is blowing away his money. I'm cool with the loyalty. I mean, I don't think firing a GM and a manager creates a good work environment, ya know? But if the White Sox don't make the playoffs this year, Ozzie is fired. This I believe.
  18. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 10, 2011 -> 04:22 PM) An overrated, and more importantly, overpaid major league roster full of bums, mental midgets and underachievers. A minor league system that offers nothing outside of one position player and a few relievers. A manager who, for all intents and purposes, quit on his team. A GM who really has no idea wtf he's doing and hasn't since '05. An owner who's as worthless as a submarine with screen doors. Lousy attendance. There's just nothing to like about this organization right now. We belong to one team. Not the Red Sox. Not the Yankees or Phillies. The motherf***ing Twins. The only part of this post that is worth a damn is the minor league part. I never understood why they don't spend for top talent in the draft (ok well I do it's because JR and Bud Selig are close, so JR wouldn't think of going over slot so Bud can control player salaries in the draft when in the grand scheme of things it's not that much money /rant) but they have no problem throwing millions at Cubans and players from Japan (didn't they pay Iguchi without scouting him in person? I know it worked out but still). J4L apparently is forgetting the McCarthy for Danks fleecing. I think the "manager quit" crap is pure hyperbole, but I'm tiring of playing smallball crap. Plus, I'm not sure what makes JR "worthless" besides what I posted above. He spent the money. Didn't fans b**** for years about how he was cheap and whatnot. He put his dick out on the table to win NOW. What more do you want from him?
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 07:40 PM) I looked up the numbers earlier. At June 30th of the respective years, Konerkos numbers were worse across the board. Yeah this. Plus the whole strike out rate is kind of a bogus argument because you knew Dunn would strike out a lot..just not THIS much.
  20. QUOTE (soxfan72 @ Jul 7, 2011 -> 11:15 PM) Can we get back to Dunn being the worst I've ever seen at the MLB level? Sure. Since when does 7 straight seasons of 38 homeruns make somebody they worst they have ever seen? Dunn's 2011 season reminds me a lot of Paul Konerko's 2003 season. It was pretty much the worst season he had at that point in his career, and he has not had a one worse since. Konerko struggled the first half of that season but did turn in around the second half.
  21. The recent Adam Dunn derp posts from the newbies are about as equal to tea party comments you see on news articles. Not creative, no substance, and lot's of exclamation points.
  22. Oh look. Another White Sox prospect who everybody assumes is the next ace. He's a future pen arm.
  23. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 23, 2011 -> 07:51 PM) Um....huh? You don't think the other 5 guys are cool with changing up their routines so an off injured player who came here two years ago and has made roughly 10 starts? The starting 5 made sacrifices for the team. Jake needs to do the same. QUOTE (JoshPR @ Jun 23, 2011 -> 07:55 PM) Really? Are you paying attention? Didn't Jake offer to go to the pen? I'm not sure if he did, and even if so, what is supposed to say? No screw you I'm starting?
  24. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 10:02 PM) Brian, you're wrong on this one, AJ's actions are indefensible. I rip Peavy as much as the next guy, but this isn't about how he was performing, or AJ backers vs Peavy backers based on anything in the past. Here's what happened, I posted this in the game thread: When Peavy gives up that last hit, as Soriano scores you can briefly see AJ give the "get him out of here" heave-ho sign with his right arm and his right pointer finger extended. Then as he walks towards the mound, he's staring into the dugout just waiting, begging for the change. He basically showed Peavy up, and Peavy saw it. It started before they were both on the mound and Ozzie made the change. Can't really fault Peavy, that's not a good move by a catcher regardless of whether he should be taken out, you just don't do that. Peavy is the last guy on this team who can play the "teammate card." The reason they are using a 6 man rotation is solely because of him. Further, I'm sure every sox fan was screaming at their TV yelling at Ozzie to pull him. For a guy who himself calls himself a bulldog, he sure got butthurt at body language. Don't like it Jake? Make your damn pitches, and get the next hitter out to prove AJ you were not done. He didn't sack up with the next hitter. Period.
  25. I'm watching on MLB.TV and they cut in at the end of showing it. Either way, STFU Jake. You didn't make pitches to stay in the game.
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