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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. You either have poor math skills if you think those probabilities are anywhere close to realistic or are simply the most pessimistic person on the face of the planet.
  2. Seems like having two or three awesome catchers would be a good problem to have?
  3. Lol...just found this article outlining the impact of pitching framing on 2018 pitching performances. Look who the #1 & #2 most negatively impacted starters were...I’ll give you a hint, they play for the same as McCann does now. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/9tk3yr/introducing_rfip_evaluating_pitchers_without_the/
  4. I sometimes wonder if half this board even watched the team last year. Didn’t we have the most strikes in the league lost due to poor framing? If you don’t think that has an impact on our young pitching, then I don’t know what to tell you. But hey, who the fuck cares!
  5. A backup catcher that could potentially have up to 50 to 60 starts (if Seby isn’t ready) with our young pitchers is kind of a big deal to me.
  6. What makes you think he’s a good framer? His WARP has been negative two straight years and is at 0.1 for his career. He is a poor framer.
  7. McCann used entirely against LHP might be worth it, but that’s not happening with Castillo being his platoon mate.
  8. I could see the Rockies taking him off our hands. His salary is pretty manageable and the option would be attractive.
  9. Even if Zavala gets called up halfway through, we’re looking at least 25 to 30 starts from McCann and that’s assuming Castillo stays healthy. God forbid he goes down.
  10. Look, I’m a huge Zavala fan and am aware he was hurt last year, but he hasn’t done anything in AAA yet to warrant early callup consideration. Also, I view our moves at catcher as investments in our young pitching. I’d rather have signed a guy like Maldonado for like $5M and traded him at the All-Star break then have Rodon, Lopez, & Giolito be forced to work with another poor framer for half a season.
  11. Alright, I’m doing a complete 180, but could we still add Grandal and then trade Castillo? McCann makes much more sense as a platoon partner for Grandal than Welington.
  12. No Grandal confirms the Sox still believe in Collins. I really hope we know what we’re doing, because young pitching + horrible defensive catcher (if the rumors are true) = potential disaster in 2020.
  13. This move really makes me angry. We have three young starting pitchers that could be helped tremendously by having an excellent framer and trading Narvaez seemed to suggest that was the path we were going. But nope, we got to go out and sign a catcher that’s better but still bad. Incredibly frustrating.
  14. I didn’t even think much of Kevan Smith, but McCann is actually a downgrade IMO.
  15. Horrible signing and very disappointed by this.
  16. I guess I strongly disagree with that, but it’s not something either of us can really quantify (sorry Q score) so to each their own.
  17. But it’s not just rumors though. We know the Cubs have budget issues and can’t afford Harper (I am 100% certain of this). We know the Dodgers don’t like giving out big contracts and have publically shared a plan to keep their payroll below the luxury tax. We know the Yankees have said they’re out and from a roster standpoint that makes perfect sense. We know the Nationals have said they’re out and have already spent the money that could have been used towards Bryce. The Phillies remain the wild card IMO, because we know they said they were prepared for some dumb spending, but haven’t really done much to live up to that billing. It does sound like they haven’t met with Harper (which may be a rumor), adding even fuel to support the theory they prefer Machado. I guess what I’m saying is the market is actually shaking out for us to win this thing just like it did when we got Jose Abreu. The key is the money has to be there and that requires the biggest leap of faith if you’re trying to be objective. I truly believe that things are different now and with Jerry’s increasing age he will be willing to make the financial commitment necessary to pull this off, but I can understand posters having their doubts on that part.
  18. If you don’t believe there is a financial benefit to the intangibles he brings, then it’s far less likely he’s worth the money. That being said, just two years ago he was on pace for a 6.5 fWAR season. I’d happily pay $40M/year for a 26 year that can provide that type of production, but obviously that emails to be seen.
  19. I think the optimism on this board is way too low, but then again I think Jerry is prepared to offer a record setting contract.
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