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Everything posted by soxforlife05

  1. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 31, 2016 -> 05:10 PM) Yup, absolutely no reason not to deal Melky and give Coats a two month trial in LF. No thanks. Coats is not a major leaguer.
  2. QUOTE (Insp @ Jul 31, 2016 -> 02:59 PM) So the idiot Hahn traded away one of the best relief pitchers in baseball for someone who cannot be any better than a 5th outfielder scrub. Further proof that anyone who advocates wholesale trading of Sox players with Hahn in charge is simply delusional at best and hopelessly insane at worst. Duke was overrated and protected a number of times where he'd give up a hit and walk right away and was immediately pulled in favor of another pitcher. Was rarely left in when he had nothing to give up a big inning. By comparison, Robin will leave Robertson in when he has nothing to give up 7 runs. The only time I was truly impressed was when he pulled a rabbit out of a hat with the bases loaded in the Boston game. He's not a power pitcher and doesn't have good stuff and only has 1 more year of control and is old. We're honestly lucky we even got a player who projects to be a major league player at all.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 31, 2016 -> 01:42 PM) He sounds like Jerrod Dyson at worst; Willie Wilson at best. Sorry for the two KC Royals comparisons. Glad Duke is gonzo however. Well, this is the 'give up on a guy' deal by St. Louis. Obviously trading a second round draft pick for Zach Duke means they have given up on Tilson as a top prospect. It's a good trade for the Sox as Duke is no good and it's Tilson's final chance to blossom. Avi never blossomed, but maybe Tilson will. No it's because they had a higher upside CF in AA who needed to be moved up to play every day in AAA.
  4. I love how the people who were complaining about not making any moves now hate a move we did make. Damned if they do and damned if they don't
  5. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 11:55 PM) I know that. That's why he's not headlining this deal. He also has Boras as his agent. Honestly, I think Gallo could eventually give us what Frazier is giving us right now. His power is legit. You'll never be able to pry Odor away. Unless maybe their contract negotiations go so far south they deal him. Which may have a slight chance. I know Odor and Rangers are trying to work out a new deal. Their fans actually like Profar more than Odor. After what happened with Davidson I just think it's a bad idea to trade for proven failures at the ML level unless you are giving up almost nothing (like for Arrieta). In fact, Davidson actually put up better numbers in AAA and at the ML level in his first ML stint. Gallo was worse in AAA and his ML debut and hasn't improved a bit in his second go around. If anything he's MORE of a proven failure than Davidson was when we acquired him.
  6. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 11:36 PM) I've just felt in my gut some team is going to say f*** it and go for Sale. Someone of his caliber on the market is insane. You're paying that insane price but for a team like Texas, who has had unhealthy pitchers, to get a guy as durable as Sale would be a giant boost. Insurance on Darvish as well. Texas has to give up Mazara. As Rabbit said, Daniels and Hahn are buddies. I just feel like that's who will ante up. Mazara, Gallo, Profar, Ortiz and Tate for Sale. You could swap out names for the last two. You could also have a multiplayer deal coming from Chicago. Choo is hurt. Maybe a Sale, Melky, Robertson/Jones/Duke goes to Texas and that adds even more pieces coming back plus would give them another bat and reliever. I just have that feeling that we'll be stunned come Monday afternoon. Profar is going to be a FA before Sale though. And I'm confident Gallo is a bust. Give me Mazara, Odor, Profar, Ortiz, and Tate for Sale, Saladino, and Melky
  7. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 08:26 PM) Ynoa did good. Garcia and Navarro deliver Ynoa was awful. If he didn't lay a fastball right down the middle he would've walked in the winning run. Luckily the Twins are terrible.
  8. Are we going to walk in two consecutive hitters to lose the game for 2 straight days?
  9. On the bright side, Robertson doesn't have a chance to blow another save before the deadline.
  10. Albers has been a DFA candidate for so long but our system is so weak we can't put anyone better out there. Sad.
  11. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 07:34 PM) Carlos Sanchez batting .111 Even little leury is better than that
  12. QUOTE (TheFutureIsNear @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 06:12 PM) What's the package for Lucroy? Fulmer and ....? We have pretty much 0 hitting prospects worth a damn in a trade. I can't see any circumstance where we could make the best offer in any trade for good player. It would have to be like Saladino/Fulmer/Adams/Danish/Trey M. Not a flashy return but it could end up being a pretty good one for them. I don't see how we get Lucroy because if no team is paying up big for Sale or Q they will have the additional assets to move for Lucroy.
  13. QUOTE (Mattchoo @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 06:43 PM) Am I the only one not impressed with the Red Sox prospects? I watched a few vids and looked over all the stats of their "top" prospects and I am not sure on star talent here. I'd rather get three players like Schwarber, Baez, and Soler for Sale than these BoSox "can't miss" prospects Benintendi is like an Eaton type. Devers is very young and could become their top prospect next year if he handles AA well. Moncada is a top positional prospect in baseball. They would all be very good targets. Not to mention all of these guys fill what will be huge holes in the coming years (CF, 3B, 2B). Frees us up to trade Frazier right away. Lawrie can fill in at 2B until Moncada is ready then Lawrie can be dealt. And we can start Saladino at 3B until Devers is ready then trade Saladino. A lot of the Texas prospects are flawed in some way or have limited control. Only guys I really like out of Texas are Mazara + Odor. Obviously if you want pitching the Dodgers are the team to deal with.
  14. QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Jul 30, 2016 -> 01:15 PM) I would hold on to Frazier unless someone blows them away because 3b is so difficult to fill. I'd also hold on to Sale. Everyone else is up for grabs, though I'd also have to be blown away for Q. I know that's pretty conservative and unlikely to make a big difference, but I really don't think they're that far away from a playoff team. Honestly, if Abreu was hitting like he's expected to hit, they'd probably have five more wins. He's not supposed to be a .275 singles hitter. Trade bullpen guys. Trade Shields. If the Sox can get a few 5-10 rated prospects in someone's system for Robertson, Duke, Cabrera, et al, they can build up their system. They don't have to shoot for the top prospects. Those guys aren't guaranteed, anyway, so why get rid of the few really good players you have for the chance a prospect will become a great player? Package a few of them together, and you might pull one really good prospect from Boston, Texas, etc. With Frazier/Abreu, hope they finish out the year very strong then it's possible to get fair value in the offseason. Shields, Robertson, Gonzalez, and Cabrera are the only guys I think it would be smart to move at the deadline. Also, Sale/Q if a team gives up what they are worth.
  15. Most likely = No one Second likely = Robertson only Third most likely = Tyler Saladino + Fulmer
  16. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 12:15 PM) I called it. Despite an absolute sellers market, with two of the best pitchers on the market, on longterm, friendly contracts, we won't find buyers because everyone paying 50% more for cheaper 1/2 season rentals. Being a white sox fan is a special kind of limbo. In the offseason, that dynamic shifts. The lack of quality SP options in FA will require teams resort to the trade market. Not to mention, the top pitching FA's this year will command contracts they aren't worth. And Sale and Q are sitting as the top 2 pitchers on the trade market. Expect a trade to happen this offseason.
  17. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 09:57 PM) and people think this organization has the ability to rebuild...........HAHAHAHAHAHA AND people want Hahn of all people to trade Sale and Q at the deadline. Pure insanity.
  18. Will the Avi Garcia experiment ever end? Can we ever play Saladino? Or are we just going to trade him and watch him become Semien 2.0
  19. QUOTE (captain54 @ Jul 28, 2016 -> 12:25 AM) According to Kenny Williams, no one is sure in the organization if they are buyers or sellers, or a combination of. I guess they are waiting for the outcome of the Cubs series. Sweep = Buyers. 3 of 4 = Buyers. Split = combo of buyer/seller. Split Cub series & Win Minny series = Buyers I'm pretty confident they are standing pat or will make a minor selling move. I think they want to sell more but the buyers are being stubborn with prospects.
  20. At this point I think there's a better chance the Indians tank and it opens up the divisional race. Way too many good teams competing for the wild card spots.
  21. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 09:41 PM) Can anybody answer why Jacob Turner is on the roster? The last few years the Sox have been dumping deadwood and that's very good...unfortunately then they keep replacing those guys with more deadwood. Seriously to those that closely follow the minor league system...is it still that rancid after Hahn trying to rebuild it the last few years? The BEST they can do are stiffs like Turner, Perke etc. Mark Most of the successes got to the majors quick or were traded. There's very little depth in the minors.
  22. You pretty much knew we were losing with the game tied going into the late innings.
  23. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 08:42 PM) You guys I'm beginning to think promoting the guy who walked 51 guys in 87 AA innings wasn't the best idea And people are penciling this guy into our rotation next year...
  24. QUOTE (hi8is @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 08:35 PM) I would have had Fulmer up Well he's looking like s*** right now
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