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The AJ Burnett 24 Hour Window Thread


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For those of you calling for Burnett to be traded to the Sox, answer 1 question for me please, and no I am not bashing in any way.


Exactly what hole does Burnett fill for us?


Why do we need another starter for 2+ months of the season, at the cost of Marte/BMac and Contreras? Burnett, from what I read, isn't gonna resign with us long-term. As I recall, it isn't our pitching that is losing many games for us. Its teh inept offense in critical scoring chances. This team is 27th in OBP....TWENTY-SEVENTH!! I don't care if Roger Clemens is out there 5 days a week for us, when you don't score for him, it doesn't matter.


I'd be much more focused on getting someone like Vizquel over here, even with his contract status, then I would another arm that won't help us post-2005. Just my opinion though, what do I know

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 08:39 AM)
There is a story in a Florida paper that says the Marlins have focused their attention soley on the White Sox for AJB.

Here is the article from the Miami Herald:


Posted on Mon, Jul. 25, 2005








Burnett options narrow







The Marlins have apparently narrowed their focus to the Chicago White Sox in discussions for A.J. Burnett, but there remains a chance the pitcher won't be dealt before Sunday's trade deadline.


That's because the White Sox aren't sure they can sign Burnett, a free agent after the season, to an extension that would keep him in Chicago beyond this year.


Burnett said he's content to remain with the Marlins through this season but would rather test the free agent market to gauge his value than agree to an extension with a new team if the Marlins are able to work out a trade.


''If it's the right team and the right place, why not?'' Burnett said of signing an extension if traded. ``But I'm still pretty key on seeing what's going on in the off-season.''


The White Sox could likely give up minor-league starter Brandon McCarthy and left-handed reliever Damaso Marte to get Burnett.


If they trade Burnett, the Marlins might also look to acquire a starting pitcher from some other team.




When the Giants honored Gaylord Perry before Saturday's game, the Hall of Fame pitcher tossed autographed baseballs to fans as he was marshaled around SBC Park.


Perry, a noted spitball pitcher, threw one to Marlins manager Jack McKeon.


''No grease, no slippery stuff,'' McKeon said of the ball Perry threw to him.




Shortstop Alex Gonzalez continued to experience pain in his right elbow and was left off the lineup card Sunday for the second straight game.


Gonzalez said the soreness bothers him to throw.


''It's nothing serious,'' McKeon said. ``It's just aching a little bit.''


McKeon fully expects Gonzalez to be back in the lineup Tuesday.

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:03 AM)
Here is the article from the Miami Herald:


Posted on Mon, Jul. 25, 2005






Burnett options narrow





The Marlins have apparently narrowed their focus to the Chicago White Sox in discussions for A.J. Burnett, but there remains a chance the pitcher won't be dealt before Sunday's trade deadline.


That's because the White Sox aren't sure they can sign Burnett, a free agent after the season, to an extension that would keep him in Chicago beyond this year.


Burnett said he's content to remain with the Marlins through this season but would rather test the free agent market to gauge his value than agree to an extension with a new team if the Marlins are able to work out a trade.


''If it's the right team and the right place, why not?'' Burnett said of signing an extension if traded. ``But I'm still pretty key on seeing what's going on in the off-season.''


The White Sox could likely give up minor-league starter Brandon McCarthy and left-handed reliever Damaso Marte to get Burnett.


If they trade Burnett, the Marlins might also look to acquire a starting pitcher from some other team.


Could be the sox are posturing a bit, saying they want to work out a deal before trading for him but probably would acquire him w/o working out a new deal. They don't want to seem too eager, willing to do whatever it takes to land AJ. Whether that kills the deal who knows.

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:44 AM)
Sounds like FLA. is mulling over the sox offer. Sounds promising. FLA can now go to other teams and tell them, "beat the sox offer". Also, a little info on getting bullpen help and another middle infielder


Here's the link: http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...tesox-headlines


No Billy Wagner, that is interesting.

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The more I think about it, the more I think that sending Contreras, McCarthy and Marte to the Marlins for Burnett is foolhardy. Burnett benefitted from piching in one of the most extreme pitchers' parks in the NL over the last few years. And, because he's in the NL, you can expect to have his ERA increase by .3-.5 runs anyway by going to the AL. That just puts him on about a par with th Count, who has been HURT by pitching in what has been the best hitters' park in the AL.


Unless we are getting Florida's #1 or #2 prospect, I can't see this deal being reasonable, EVEN IF BURNETT SIGNS AN EXTENSION.

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AJB's G/F ratio has increased in each of the last four years, and currently sits at 2.54. That bodes well for the Cell. He's also induced 19 double plays, which I think is the same amount Buehrle has.

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QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 07:05 AM)
The more I think about it, the more I think that sending Contreras, McCarthy and Marte to the Marlins for Burnett is foolhardy.  Burnett benefitted from piching in one of the most extreme pitchers' parks in the NL over the last few years.  And, because he's in the NL, you can expect to have his ERA increase by .3-.5 runs anyway by going to the AL.  That just puts him on about a par with th Count, who has been HURT by pitching in what has been the best hitters' park in the AL.


Unless we are getting Florida's #1 or #2 prospect, I can't see this deal being reasonable, EVEN IF BURNETT SIGNS AN EXTENSION.


If the Sox send those 3 to Florida, they'll get something more from the Marlins than just Burnett.

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QUOTE(CYGarland @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:41 AM)
Buehrle throws 89, Burnett 98. If Buehrle is off his game he will give up runs. Burnett can get away with alot more mistakes, and still not give up any runs.

Burnett throwing 98 and having pitching mistakes is like Contreras throwing 98 or Jenks throwing 98 and having pitching mistakes.


The ball just travels farther than if it was thrown 89.

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If we were to make it to the ALDS or ALCS, I'd rather have a guy with Burnett's stuff throwing against guys who have never or rarely seen him. Your first go-round facing a pitcher with fastballs in the high 90's with sharp breaking pitches probably is difficult. Not until we get to the World Series would you have batters who are familiar with him, but we would be in the World Series. So I don't really care if he is a rental if Marte is the only major league talent we lose. Contreras in high pressure situations is iffy.

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QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 08:46 AM)
Any new talk this morning? Or was it indeed Levine getting us excited for no reason? I haven't heard anything new since yesterday...


Shocking, Levine was wrong. How many reports have come out that said a deal was "as good as done." Last week, there was no doubt Burnett was going to the Red Sox, then it was the Orioles, then the White Sox.


Nothing is a sure thing until it is done.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 07:47 AM)
The 24 hours referred to in the thread title are almost gone.  I guess we'll have to extend the 'deadline'.


Kenny is using his 72-hour negotiation with Burnett trying to lock him down for three more years. Who know? We know for sure by this coming Sunday.

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Kenny is using his 72-hour negotiation with Burnett trying to lock him down for three more years.  Who know?  We know for sure by this coming Sunday.


I agree, this could drag on a bit. One telltale sign is if any of the players are held out of games ... McCarthy, Marte ... Burnett isn't scheduled to pitch again until at least Friday so that's a non issue.


No question that KW is working on more than one deal though. Papers today said he wants to upgrade (or add) in the bullpen and middle infielder (bench).


This will be a fun, although probably frustrating, week for this board. :P

Good thing quickman is out of town. :bang

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There was never a 24 hour window. Levine said something could be done in the next 24 hours. I read somewhere where Florida was going to wait a couple of days before moving forward.


I tend to agree. What was very interesting to me though, was how Ozzie was talking about Burnett yesterday with Corey McPherrin on Fox Final Word. Maybe I was trying to read between the lines too much but it sure sounded like we are right in the 72 hr. period of trying to get Burnett signed to an extension.


Again, who knows, but there sure is a lot of smoke on this.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 08:04 AM)
I agree, this could drag on a bit.  One telltale sign is if any of the players are held out of games ... McCarthy, Marte ... Burnett isn't scheduled to pitch again until at least Friday so that's a non issue.


No question that KW is working on more than one deal though.  Papers today said he wants to upgrade (or add) in the bullpen and middle infielder (bench).


This will be a fun, although probably frustrating, week for this board.    :P

Good thing quickman is out of town. :bang

It was interesting that he was in on Grafinino and Randa. If the roster hasn't changed come Sunday, it isn't for lack of effort.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 08:08 AM)
I tend to agree.  What was very interesting to me though, was how Ozzie was talking about Burnett yesterday with Corey McPherrin on Fox Final Word.  Maybe I was trying to read between the lines too much but it sure sounded like we are right in the 72 hr. period of trying to get Burnett signed to an extension.


Again, who knows, but there sure is a lot of smoke on this.

And Hawk was slamming Marte yesterday. Maybe its my imagination, but Hawk never slams Marte, could he be preparing fans for his departure? One thing I can't understand about Marte is he has had a lingering arm problem this year. He comes off the DL and in almost every game since he has made an appearance or at least warmed up. I think there may have been 1 or 2 games tops where this wasn't the case. I would think they would be more cautious with him.

Edited by Dick Allen
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