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White Sox @ Tigers, 7:05pm CT


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To the Offense: Hit the f***ing ball, score some runs, dont do dumb things on the basepaths, when a pitcher is wild and is walking people dont swing at the first pitch. If a pitcher is constantly throwing you low and away, please hit that ball the other way. Pulling it results in a 3 to 4 hit shut out, and a quick and lifeless game.


To the Pitching: For the love of god, if you have a fastball please throw it, stop with the lob league crap. Keep the ball down, and try to pitch ahead.


To the defense: If its hit to you, catch it. If you cant throw the guy out at third or home, please hit the cutoff man so we can keep the man on first. So one run doesnt turn into 4.


To Joey Cora: Please take note of who is running and who is getting the ball out in the field and where they are getting the ball before doing your wendell kim impersonation.


To Ozzie: You can in fact pull the pitcher and rely on your bullpen. And Cotts is not the Cotts of 2005, so he should not be option A out of the pen.


Just win!!!!!!

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(Shamrock4Life @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 09:09 AM)
Does this game fit the characteristics of a must win game? i think so.



I'm having trouble remembering the last game that wasn't a must-win game, IMO. The problem is we keep losing them.

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I think the Sox will break out of their "slump" [facing Santana, Verlander--who threw a lot better than he had previously vs. the Sox--and Rogers will make a lot of hitters look flat and lifeless]. Minor has been off and on, and throws a lot of pitches--barely able to reach the 6th in under 100 pitches. If Freddy can keep the Tigers under 4 runs and go 7 innings, the sox should be able to get the lead to Big Bobby in the 9th. Let's see Bobby throw with a lead in the 9th tonight!

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QUOTE(Colorado Sox Fan @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 08:36 AM)
Yup. Mr. Big Game going for us. The slide stops here!!!


Big Game Freddy, my ass. He's just as likely to stink up the place. If he doesn't get up for this game then he doesn't have a heartbeat. I hope the Sox win convincingly, but I'm not expecting victory. This team is in a HUGE funk right now. I do trust that Garland will stop the bleeding tomorrow.

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QUOTE(cgaudin @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 03:36 PM)
No, He ain't playing, but he's sure watching. Hopefully he's a Sox fan.

We have trouble with changeups, not curve balls.


QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 03:35 PM)
Are you mad at me or at the lineup? I'm asking because I care

The lineup


Iguchi is hitting .233 this season against lefties and .333 against righties. Cintron hits .286 against lefties and .276 against righties. So naturally, Iguchi plays against the lefty yesterday and Cintron plays against the righty today. (Cintron's #s probably have a bit of a sample size effect, but Iguchi..that's a year-long trend.)


And then of course, Rob Mackowiak in CF. I literally want to hurt Mr. Mackowiak, just so Ozzie can no longer put him in Center.

Edited by Balta1701
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Just out of curiousity, does anyone know the last game our normal line-up (Pods, Gooch, Thome, Konerko, Dye, AJ, Crede, Uribe, Anderson) player? I can't remember the last game that was sub-free.


Also, anyone know our record with this lineup as opposed to the sub-one?

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