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While talking to Joe...My buddy goes up to him and Joe, ya really gotta fire Scott as the agent, we need ya here. Crede ignores him and then my buddy again says, Joe I wasn't kiddin. Then Joe kind of mumbles with a laugh and says I'm going to need him in the next few years. After that, I had to welcome Josh Fields to the South Side. It stung :crying

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QUOTE(BurlyMan56 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
While talking to Joe...My buddy goes up to him and Joe, ya really gotta fire Scott as the agent, we need ya here. Crede ignores him and then my buddy again says, Joe I wasn't kiddin. Then Joe kind of mumbles with a laugh and says I'm going to need him in the next few years. After that, I had to welcome Josh Fields to the South Side. It stung :crying



boy way to make him feel loved, nice job little boys.

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QUOTE(chisox72 @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 07:58 PM)
and this b**** tossed out over the mic, "you would have thought you would have learned from the Frank Thomas situation." To which he gritted his teeth and said, "That was a COMPLETELY different story."


QUOTE(chisox72 @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 07:58 PM)
and this woman tossed out over the mic, "you would have thought you would have learned from the Frank Thomas situation." To which he gritted his teeth and said, "That was a COMPLETELY different story."


Go with your first instinct every time. Don't be such a chicken s***. :D

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QUOTE(BurlyMan56 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
While talking to Joe...My buddy goes up to him and Joe, ya really gotta fire Scott as the agent, we need ya here. Crede ignores him and then my buddy again says, Joe I wasn't kiddin. Then Joe kind of mumbles with a laugh and says I'm going to need him in the next few years. After that, I had to welcome Josh Fields to the South Side. It stung :crying





He's gonna need him??? I'm really not liking Crede and Burls' comments coming out of the weekend. :huh :o




As for the Fest itself, MUCH much better. I was felt more comfortable with the seperate rooms for auotgraph lines. However, the Sox still have much room for improvement as these autograph wristbands have proven to be more valuble than gold to some of these people going to the Fest. The layout was a little confusing and the multiple floors did take its toll after awhile, especially with the "fire escape" staircase that was basically forced to be used at times with the construction on the 5th floor. But overall, much improved over last year debacle, and it seems they are making efforts to make this a better experience for all.


For the first time, I went straight to the garage sale this year, my buddy picked up a game-used Contreras jersey, which I was looking for as well, but we were the 2nd group to come into the garage sale and one person picked up at least $5000 worth in all the premier players jerseys as soon as they opened. So no Contreras jerseys left, but I did pick up a really nice game used A.J. bat (still has pinetar and dirt on it) which I was lucky to have him sign later. I didnt go on Saturday, but still managed to score some great autos. Was able to get Contreras, Cintron, and A.J. on Friday night and got Garland and Burls on Sunday. Actually Burls signed my WS program twice LOl....once in black once in Silver, didnt think the first one would stick. Gives it great character though. I told him not to call Century 21 just yet.

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QUOTE(BurlyMan56 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
While talking to Joe...My buddy goes up to him and Joe, ya really gotta fire Scott as the agent, we need ya here. Crede ignores him and then my buddy again says, Joe I wasn't kiddin. Then Joe kind of mumbles with a laugh and says I'm going to need him in the next few years. After that, I had to welcome Josh Fields to the South Side. It stung :crying

Joe is a smart man, he knows what's best for him, his family and their future. Good for him.

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QUOTE(BurlyMan56 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
While talking to Joe...My buddy goes up to him and Joe, ya really gotta fire Scott as the agent, we need ya here. Crede ignores him and then my buddy again says, Joe I wasn't kiddin. Then Joe kind of mumbles with a laugh and says I'm going to need him in the next few years. After that, I had to welcome Josh Fields to the South Side. It stung :crying


At least we know that thought has been suggested to him.

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QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 12:04 PM)
Did you see what Kalapse posted? Take notes.



He said "way to make him (Joe) feel loved"



The way I look at it, Joe is the one that came off the wrong way with ignoring a fan... and then laughing at him while saying he "needs" Scott Boars. Joe Crede does not need Scott Boras for sh*t. Sounds like a guy that could careless about how many opportunities the White Sox gave him to get his swing right and being patient with him to become a servicable MLB player that can hit over .240


I love Crede as much as anyone, but the second I start hearing selfish comments like that, how I can defend him as a team guy??? He needs him as a agent. What a joke. Yeah, Crede isnt a stupid guy. He's not stupid enough to realize that the Sox will not negotiate with Boras?? Or maybe, he just doesnt care??

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QUOTE(watchtower41 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 12:16 PM)
He said "way to make him (Joe) feel loved"

The way I look at it, Joe is the one that came off the wrong way with ignoring a fan... and then laughing at him while saying he "needs" Scott Boars. Joe Crede does not need Scott Boras for sh*t. Sounds like a guy that could careless about how many opportunities the White Sox gave him to get his swing right and being patient with him to become a servicable MLB player that can hit over .240


I love Crede as much as anyone, but the second I start hearing selfish comments like that, how I can defend him as a team guy??? He needs him as a agent. What a joke. Yeah, Crede isnt a stupid guy. He's not stupid enough to realize that the Sox will not negotiate with Boras?? Or maybe, he just doesnt care??

Joe Crede may not be longed for this game and Scott Boras is just the man to maximize Joe Crede's value in free agency, the man will set up Crede and his family for a good portion of thier lives with the contract he gets him after '08. It's not his fault the Sox don't negotiate with Boras, that's their problem, if they're serious about keeping him around then they'll make it work with Scott Boras instead of just pretending he and his clients don't exist.


Wow the Sox drafted him and let him work through his hitting problems for the first part of his career, so would have most every club in baseball considering how immensely talented Joe Crede is. Joe's not going to fire his agent and sign to some discounted price just because he was drafted by the Sox. If they want to keep him then they'll have to give him a deal similar to what he'd get on the open market, if this is something they're not willing to do then I don't see why Crede should take less.


He does care, he cares about getting a pissload of money on his first big contract, the guy is 28 and entering his prime therefore he's due a nice long term big money contract and it's absolutely his right to do that. How many people do you think have told him to dump Boras over the past few seasons? Hundreds? Likely. Maybe he just laughed off a question which he's been asked countless times since hiring his agent.

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The thing that everyone needs to remember about Boras and his client is that this relationship is not a chance meeting. Its not like Joe just looked into the rolodex for agents and stopped at the Bs. Boras makes contact with impact or potential impact players. Players sign with Boras because he makes them money. Boras goes to these players because they will make him money. Its not like Crede was forced to go with Boras.


Joe Crede has one group of people to worry about when he considers where to play. His wife and his kids and himself. That is about it. He like a lot of players have been roasted by the fans and media, almost traded how many times, etc. This is a business relationship, and nothing more. We as fans get in love with a name on the back of a jersey and identify with them. When they go its sad. However its an inevitiability that year to year that the dynamic of the team will change. New names will appear, new heros are born every day. Eventually you will see your favorite player go. As a person that has seen countless favorites move on, Move on and find a new favorite player.


edit: Damn you Kalapse for getting my point in ahead of me. :) I need to type faster.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 12:26 PM)
Joe Crede may not be longed for this game and Scott Boras is just the man to maximize Joe Crede's value in free agency, the man will set up Crede and his family for a good portion of thier lives with the contract he gets him after '08. It's not his fault the Sox don't negotiate with Boras, that's their problem, if they're serious about keeping him around then they'll make it work with Scott Boras instead of just pretending he and his clients don't exist.


Wow the Sox drafted him and let him work through his hitting problems for the first part of his career, so would have most every club in baseball considering how immensely talented Joe Crede is. Joe's not going to fire his agent and sign to some discounted price just because he was drafted by the Sox. If they want to keep him then they'll have to give him a deal similar to what he'd get on the open market, if this is something they're not willing to do then I don't see why Crede should take less.


He does care, he cares about getting a pissload of money on his first big contract, the guy is 28 and entering his prime therefore he's due a nice long term big money contract and it's absolutely his right to do that. How many people do you think have told him to dump Boras over the past few seasons? Hundreds? Likely. Maybe he just laughed off a question which he's been asked countless times since hiring his agent.




I agree with most of what you have to say here, and never did I mention that Joe hasnt earned the right for the big money deal, entering the prime of his career. But this is at a "fan fest", he didnt have to act like a jerk if he didnt want to be there. (which is evident)



As for "most" teams being as patient with a player like Joe Crede, we'll have to agree to disagree on that topic. Sure, Joe had unlimited potential, playing a prime postion.... but waiting around 4+ years for a player to develop while playing in the majors is a LONG time. There are plenty of teams that would have shipped him off well before then, and we had our opportunities. The Sox gave Crede every chance to turn into the star he is becoming today, because he is still not there. Do I expect some big hometown discount for a long term contract?? No, Joe would be a fool to at least see what kind of options he has and what the market entails. Can Joe be a little bit more considerate with a fanbase and an organization that has heralded him?? Absolutely. Greed and envy only go so far at the ole ballpark.


QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 02:19 PM)
Enough debating about Boras/Crede already!


More pics/stories/recaps!



whoops sorry, I will post some pics later... though I'm not sure how good they turned out...havent got a chance to look at them yet.

Edited by watchtower41
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Christine I forget what her last name is now said that last year's "overselling" of Soxfest was not the Hyatt's fault, as has been previously reported, but that the White Sox kind of got lost with how many Soxfest tickets they sold with the WS and all. It was horrible last year, but I'll give them a pass. I went on Sunday, and it took a few moments to get used to the new set-up, but I thought it was pretty decent, especially considering it was the first at this hotel.

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QUOTE(watchtower41 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 02:20 PM)
I agree with most of what you have to say here, and never did I mention that Joe hasnt earned the right for the big money deal, entering the prime of his career. But this is at a "fan fest", he didnt have to act like a jerk if he didnt want to be there. (which is evident)

As for "most" teams being as patient with a player like Joe Crede, we'll have to agree to disagree on that topic. Sure, Joe had unlimited potential, playing a prime postion.... but waiting around 4+ years for a player to develop while playing in the majors is a LONG time. There are plenty of teams that would have shipped him off well before then, and we had our opportunities. The Sox gave Crede every chance to turn into the star he is becoming today, because he is still not there. Do I expect some big hometown discount for a long term contract?? No, Joe would be a fool to at least see what kind of options he has and what the market entails. Can Joe be a little bit more considerate with a fanbase and an organization that has heralded him?? Absolutely. Greed and envy only go so far at the ole ballpark.

whoops sorry, I will post some pics later... though I'm not sure how good they turned out...havent got a chance to look at them yet.

What did you want him to say to your friend? How about the other 300 people who likely said the same thing to him yesterday? And I'm still not seeing any greed or envy in this situation like you mentioned in the final sentence.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 02:24 PM)
What did you want him to say to your friend? How about the other 300 people who likely said the same thing to him yesterday? And I'm still not seeing any greed or envy in this situation like you mentioned in the final sentence.



I didnt even go see Crede, I guess I was just taken back by the "I'm gonna need him...." comment. Crede doesnt NEED an agent to make his payday, we already know he has one of the best gloves at the hot corner...if he has another year at the plate like he did last year, he could have Scooby Doo as an agent and get ARam money. I don't know how the whole conversation went down or how many people told him to fire Boras, but again... most of these fans waited several hours for a chance to meet him. Not that Joe owes them anything, including an answer for what was asked.... but why laugh at the person and make a comment like that to a fan and then back off in any media interview like on the Score yesterday.


But enough about this, we both have our points.... and we both agree that Joe has earned and will get his payday after this season, its just how he goes about in getting it.

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QUOTE(salty99 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 01:28 PM)
I had a good time, better than last year. Hangar was that you with the UCLA Jerry Owens jersey?



YEAH! That was me. I walked up and he was first at the table, I put my bag down and smiled and told him he was going to trip when I showed him what I was going to have him sign, He says "oh yeah?" and sits back very curious. I pulled out his game worn UCLA football jersey and he was shocked for a second and started laughing, asking me how the heck I got his jersey. I told him I tried it on and there was no way I could fit in it, how in the world did he fit in it? Everyone laughed, including Ryan Sweeney who checked out the jersey. A photographer came up to us and took pictures of Owens admiring his old jersey,

Owens was really stoked to see that and signed it for me. The photog asked my name and how I got the jersey, laughing at the reaction Owens gave and stopping the line for a bit. I was hoping they'd use the pic, but they didnt :(

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 03:03 PM)
YEAH! That was me. I walked up and he was first at the table, I put my bag down and smiled and told him he was going to trip when I showed him what I was going to have him sign, He says "oh yeah?" and sits back very curious. I pulled out his game worn UCLA football jersey and he was shocked for a second and started laughing, asking me how the heck I got his jersey. I told him I tried it on and there was no way I could fit in it, how in the world did he fit in it? Everyone laughed, including Ryan Sweeney who checked out the jersey. A photographer came up to us and took pictures of Owens admiring his old jersey,

Owens was really stoked to see that and signed it for me. The photog asked my name and how I got the jersey, laughing at the reaction Owens gave and stopping the line for a bit. I was hoping they'd use the pic, but they didnt :(

The photog was obviously from the "Cubune".

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 03:39 PM)
Didja see Thome?



I did see him walk in which was awesome. Too bad he really didn't participate in much besides part of an auto session and opening ceremonies. That was disappointing.




QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 03:03 PM)
YEAH! That was me. I walked up and he was first at the table, I put my bag down and smiled and told him he was going to trip when I showed him what I was going to have him sign, He says "oh yeah?" and sits back very curious. I pulled out his game worn UCLA football jersey and he was shocked for a second and started laughing, asking me how the heck I got his jersey. I told him I tried it on and there was no way I could fit in it, how in the world did he fit in it? Everyone laughed, including Ryan Sweeney who checked out the jersey. A photographer came up to us and took pictures of Owens admiring his old jersey,

Owens was really stoked to see that and signed it for me. The photog asked my name and how I got the jersey, laughing at the reaction Owens gave and stopping the line for a bit. I was hoping they'd use the pic, but they didnt :(



I'm guessing you called UCLA and got it..or some UCLA auction thing. I can't remember what you were telling your buddy at the Comcast booth.

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QUOTE(salty99 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 03:43 PM)
I did see him walk in which was awesome. Too bad he really didn't participate in much besides part of an auto session and opening ceremonies. That was disappointing.



He supposedly had a family obligation that he left for early Saturday versus Friday as planned. I think it was nice he came at all.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 03:46 PM)
He supposedly had a family obligation that he left for early Saturday versus Friday as planned. I think it was nice he came at all.



Well at least that explains it. It was great to see the fan reaction when he walked in. By the way, I was just quoting Scott Merkin's article when I said he wouldn't be there.


I was just hoping they would have had more players in the seminars like Crede, AJ, and Buehrle instead of the same ones every day. But I guess they thought since most people had day passes they might only have 1 chance to see them. That being said I did enjoy almost all the seminars I went to and felt like I got to enjoy more aspects of Soxfest this year then in the past.

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