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Eastbound and Down Season 2, September 26th


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I've never watched this show because I don't have HBO; so, I went onto YouTube and watched what was titled as the "funniest scenes in season 1." I couldn't make it past about 1:30. I tried again, and moved forward to find other scenes, then exited out after about 2 minutes.


I don't get it.


Where's the humor?


Is the character continually cursing and being crass - to the point of the embarrassment or discomfort of others - supposed to be funny?

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QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 04:54 PM)
I've never watched this show because I don't have HBO; so, I went onto YouTube and watched what was titled as the "funniest scenes in season 1." I couldn't make it past about 1:30. I tried again, and moved forward to find other scenes, then exited out after about 2 minutes.


I don't get it.


Where's the humor?


Is the character continually cursing and being crass - to the point of the embarrassment or discomfort of others - supposed to be funny?

I think you just have to watch it all the way through. It's a very small time commitment since there are only 6 episodes in season 1 and they're 30 minutes each. It's a love it or hate it kind of show from what I've gathered from people.

Edited by BigSqwert
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Yeah, you have to see it all to appreciate the Kenny Powers humor. Judging 180 minutes based on 1:30 isnt really going to help. That would be like watching Anchorman and picking out "I love lamp" and "It smells like raw gasoline" and "Go f*** Yourself San Diego" out of context. Its not really going to seem all that funny

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QUOTE (fathom @ Oct 10, 2010 -> 11:26 PM)
I did love the tits vs ass and Jews vs Muslims comparisons.


That really was the absolute peak of that episode. I am still laughing about it. This line in episode two was pretty priceless, too...


"There is no 'I' in team but there is a 'U' in c***, so don't be little jealous c***s."

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 04:00 PM)
I think you just have to watch it all the way through. It's a very small time commitment since there are only 6 episodes in season 1 and they're 30 minutes each. It's a love it or hate it kind of show from what I've gathered from people.


I agree w/ him needing to watch the show all the way through, but I disagree w/ people saying it's a love/hate show. I have yet to meet ANYONE who dislikes the show. Just like The League, it's a sport show that everyone I have come in contact loves (the ones that have seen the show, that is)

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QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Oct 14, 2010 -> 02:40 PM)
I agree w/ him needing to watch the show all the way through, but I disagree w/ people saying it's a love/hate show. I have yet to meet ANYONE who dislikes the show. Just like The League, it's a sport show that everyone I have come in contact loves (the ones that have seen the show, that is)


I'm not a huge fan of the show. The language and stuff just gets old and unfunny after awhile.


I loved the Hulk Hogan entrance though.

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