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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Mar 13, 2012 -> 02:53 PM)
Cena finally went back to the gimmick people actually liked. I was thoroughly entertained by it. Rock's concert also went well, except for the rapping at the end.


Thank god. He's was outstanding at it.

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The identity of the new Lord Tensai character on RAW tonight is Matt Bloom. Bloom was reported to have signed with WWE over the weekend, but he personally denied the reports via Twitter multiple times. Obviously he was trying to keep his return a surprise.


Per 411mania



A-Train has returned.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 09:36 PM)
The identity of the new Lord Tensai character on RAW tonight is Matt Bloom. Bloom was reported to have signed with WWE over the weekend, but he personally denied the reports via Twitter multiple times. Obviously he was trying to keep his return a surprise.


Per 411mania



A-Train has returned.


That breeze you felt was the collective yawn of America's pro wrestling fans.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Mar 20, 2012 -> 04:00 PM)
That breeze you felt was the collective yawn of America's pro wrestling fans.


Pretty much. WWE should know that when you bring guys in from Japan who are super over, probably won't work in that company, probably because of the E.


BTW, Punk and Jericho don't need the stupid pot shots at Punks family to create interest.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Mar 20, 2012 -> 05:05 PM)
Holy snoozefest last night on raw


The verbal exchanges with HHH, Taker, and HBK are so dull.


I'm intrigued by the card. It has a Mania feel to it. But can we just set the teams for the GM match? Each team still has 3 guys to name. Mystery partner?

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It's bad when outside of Punk-Jericho the thinh you're most excited to see is a Cena promo...and nada last night.


Agreed with Brian as well, because of the 3 big matches there is a Mania feel but there are also too many piss break matches and the buildup for some of these feuds has just been weird.

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Vince is shutting down Florida Championship Wrestling effective immediately.

Everyone there will be relocated to Stamford until a decision is made regarding where the developmental fed will be situated.

The thinking is that VKM will open a fed in Connecticut or somewhere nearby.

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SO I fell asleep with 30 mins left in Raw, but your last big live show before your biggest show of the year and not in attendance is one half of your WWE title match, your entire End of an Era match participants, and the two guys fighting for the WHT not only wrestle but one pins the other?


Oh, and Christian is hurt again and is replaced by Drew McIntyre. Zzzzzzz


The show better be good.


Read Maria Menunous broke ribs during Dancing With the Stars and may not be able to go Sunday. Oh brother. Have her get tagged in and Beth demolishes her right away or something than.


I actually like the build up for Cody Rhodes and Big Show. Cody has been money. He should go over Sunday and continue to rise.

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The buildup to "the grandest stage of all" has been dismal.

I agree that Cody's been really good, but showing all of Show's embarrassing WM moments for weeks on end can only mean he goes over.

Nothing on this card interests me at all. They've even bungled Punk/Jericho into meaninglessness.

Raw last night was a snore from start to finish. Brutal.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Mar 27, 2012 -> 01:22 PM)
The buildup to "the grandest stage of all" has been dismal.

I agree that Cody's been really good, but showing all of Show's embarrassing WM moments for weeks on end can only mean he goes over.

Nothing on this card interests me at all. They've even bungled Punk/Jericho into meaninglessness.

Raw last night was a snore from start to finish. Brutal.

I'm a big Cody fan and if Show somehow goes over...well that would just be stupid.


Agreed on Punk-Jericho. They let those two go toe to toe one time, it was f***in brilliant and that's it..Really?


Agreed on raw last night.


And for one final time Cena has absolutely owned that feud. Not even close.

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If Cody loses the belt, he should be in the HW title picture right away. But have him lose the IC title to another up and comer. Not Big Show.


And FWIW, Cody's theme is one that I pop for when it hits. Sometimes the WWWHHOOOOOaaaaohh gets stuck in my head.

Edited by Brian
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Not sure if this is a spoiler or still just a rumor, so I'll err on the side of caution and black it out:


Strong rumor of Brock Lesnar appearing at Mania and then appearing "semi-regularly" after that. Nothing signed yet because they're trying to figure out how regularly "semi-regularly" will be. Apparently, Batista is also in Miami, but the idea of him returning is supposedly not as likely.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Mar 31, 2012 -> 07:57 AM)
Not sure if this is a spoiler or still just a rumor, so I'll err on the side of caution and black it out:


Strong rumor of Brock Lesnar appearing at Mania and then appearing "semi-regularly" after that. Nothing signed yet because they're trying to figure out how regularly "semi-regularly" will be. Apparently, Batista is also in Miami, but the idea of him returning is supposedly not as likely.


It makes sense. if Taker stays another year, it only makes sense go against him since they started their shoot a year and a half ago.


Dave would be an interesting return, considering how much he complains about the PG tv nowadays.

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Just remembered, one year ago, I was complaining about how I was done with wrestling after Mania. Well, here I still am.


Don't regret it. We've had decent stuff the past year. Also stuff to complain about. Summer of Punk was great although rushed and ruined. I could say they made up for it by putting the belt on him for a nice run right now.


They pushed a lot of younger guys, althought they are taking a back seat now for Rock.


It will probably always be my guilty pleasure.

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I actually watch very little wrestling anymore. I read spoilers and results and then look for the video of anything that sounds interesting. When I do watch Raw or Impact (I rarely watch SmackDown, not really sure why other than the fact that SyFy is not in my regular rotation of channels), I usually end up bored or frustrated with what I'm seeing. I'll probably always keep an eye on wrestling websites to keep up with it, since I have for this long.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Mar 31, 2012 -> 08:57 AM)
Not sure if this is a spoiler or still just a rumor, so I'll err on the side of caution and black it out:


Strong rumor of Brock Lesnar appearing at Mania and then appearing "semi-regularly" after that. Nothing signed yet because they're trying to figure out how regularly "semi-regularly" will be. Apparently, Batista is also in Miami, but the idea of him returning is supposedly not as likely.



Was Cena around when he was around?? Wouldnt mind seeing them 2 feud.

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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Mar 31, 2012 -> 04:30 PM)
Was Cena around when he was around?? Wouldnt mind seeing them 2 feud.


They had a small feud on SD when Cena was the heel rapper. Actually may have had a PPV match. I would have to look it up. Nothing memorable.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 31, 2012 -> 04:58 PM)
They had a small feud on SD when Cena was the heel rapper. Actually may have had a PPV match. I would have to look it up. Nothing memorable.



If he comes back enough for a feud with Cena it obviously be huge, theyve both gotten bigger since those days obviously. Wouldnt mind him and Danielson too, could be some entertaining mat work in there.

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