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Everything posted by bmags

  1. bmags


    QUOTE(longshot7 @ Mar 14, 2007 -> 06:29 PM) See Letters from Iwo Jima. More or less, the same story. But done well. Very well. Agree w/ everyone about Sin City. HORRIBLE movie. I walked out. it's not more or less the same story. One was based off of actual events, the other was based off of a comic book. It's a comic book movie. As was sin city.
  2. well...i got the ono album and promptly destroyed it. My god. terrible. sorry rex!!!
  3. why did we think borchard would bring back bank again?
  4. Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear. Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth. best two paragraphs to start an article ever.
  5. bmags


    o boy black dahlia was a train wreck.
  6. the first half of last season was so much fun, i didn't feel much pressure from a WS, the only pressure came from trying to win the central with 2 great teams competing against us.
  7. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 11, 2007 -> 05:28 PM) I've always been a big fan of Matt Thornton. always?
  8. bmags


    i just don't like comparing 300 to gladiator...i'm sick of telling people its not a historical epic about the battle of thermopylae, its a comic book movie. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE GREECE! THERE WERE'NT ELEPHANTS AND RHINOS BACK THEN, WE KNOW! this was not supposed to be "oh my god that's what it really was like back then"...ugh...and then people bringing in the politics.
  9. bmags


    some of the reviews on 300 are just f***ing hilariously bad (meaning the review itself is bad, i haven't seen the movie) see: USA TODAY. What a bunch of wanking on paper.
  10. bmags

    LOST! thread

    QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 8, 2007 -> 03:18 PM) Ridiculous episode. Those books in the basement of the shack would have been of serious help. The Chess game leading to a menu is really strange and it make you wonder why it was set up that way. Also why was this guy all the way out there, away from the actual village. Was it an outpost? Were they trying to get sat connections up? There are so many new questions. I never bought that he was the last remaining person from the Dharma initiative. Also I still think there are two groups of others on the island. the others already have connections to the outside world, he was probably there to protect that place from other people stealing anything of help.
  11. bmags


    wow black dahlia is just more terrible than i could imagine.
  12. to me, the second half of last year for vaz reminded me of what happened the first half to Jose Contreras in 05. He was pitchin great but not getting run support so he loses and people didn't go nutso about him until he had to completely shut down everyone in the second half and the bats came.
  13. ahh, the readers comments...silly me.
  14. QUOTE(Felix @ Mar 6, 2007 -> 05:35 AM) Pfft, the White Sox did this (or at least, Scott Reifert did it) at http://whitesoxpride.mlblogs.com/ last year (during the whole "Punch AJ!" campaign, which worked brilliantly). The Sun-Times is a year late. i just searched through the archives quite a bit and couldn't find it...
  15. arc. fir. review. andrew bird tour dates. www.45rpmzine.com
  16. bmags

    TV Pilots

    when was the last time abc had a good sitcom?
  17. you guys excited for my review of it on tuesday??!?!?!?!??!?!!?
  18. i heard there is some real ridic guitar work on the wilco album.
  19. i'm going to hold out and not d/l wilco.
  20. koppel doing a great job on the discussion. i
  21. bmags


    QUOTE(max power @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 02:13 AM) The Public Enemy is one of my top 5 favorite movies. I just referenced scarface because most people have seen it. There was nothing gawdy about that 1931 movie, that's pretty ridiculous. Most of the time people were being killed in The Public Enemy it wasn't even directly filmed yet you still knew it happened, making the movie even more intense imo. It was stylized, yes, very. I guess it depends on your definition of gawdy. City of god, scarface, Gangs of New York, those are movies that say gawdy violence to me. How about the end of the movie? The guy gets shot more times than tony montana. overly stylized and gawdy was referring to scarface(depalma), but in the context of their time, the public enemy was glorifying the violence, everyone wanted to be like cagney. one guy going in a room full of top mobsters and killing all of them/only getting shot once, in the head, walking out onto the street for a 300 feet and saying "i ain't so tough" isn't that much more far fetched then the amt. of times shot in city of god.
  22. bmags


    yeah i mean it's not like scarface was an original storyline...all the early 30's gangster movies had the same plot of glorifying it and then killing them just to show "crime doesn't pay"... unlike scarface, scarface, public enemy - city of god's violence was real and gritty. Not overly stylized and gawdy. ... my school throws a film festival (docs only) every year entitled True/False, and i went to go see "The Devil Rides on Horseback", a documentary about one man and his fight to end violence in darfur. He was a marine who ended after his four years and signed up to be a patrolman to oversee sudan's ceasefire, and then while there began to hear about darfur, relinked up with the marines and asked to be in darfur where he spent 6 months investigating the region. He saw all the death and murder, and unable to act he eventually left and when he came back to america started the fight to end the violence, and at the end, you see a different man, still inspired, but noticeably defeated in nothing being done. So many great interviews and moments. Very well done. I would encourage everyone to try and see it! Highlights: interview with english speaking darfur-refugee in chad where he praises america for their aid(charities with food and such) - very powerful - And when the marine has a forum discussing all the pictures he saw and why we need to intervene in darfur, and at the forum, three sudanese stand up and ridicule him, saying he's lying and that the evidence wasn't convincing enough. He says he thinks the sudan embassy planted them.
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