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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. all the new guys are likeable, keep clearing out the dead wood.
  2. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 10:15 PM) Remember this when people start complaining next year about his lack of power. If he hits 290/350/480 with 40 doubles he'll be worth roughly 4 war assuming his other tools develop a bit more defensively and on the bases. He might never be much of a power hitter, but a poor man's Mags wouldn't be bad either.
  3. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 06:26 PM) Stanton now leads MLB with 32 HR. Ortiz leads in RBI with 91. He's kinda muddling a long (certainly most players would take his "muddling along") but he's getting jammed inside now so that's the next adjustment.
  4. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 05:59 PM) Avi... If we can ever get him and Eaton and Jose and Conor going at the same time lookout. Actually, that might be next year. The future is looking good imo. Avi looks like he hasn't missed a beat I love how he hits laser beam after laser beam the other way.
  5. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 03:06 PM) I'll be glad to not see f***ing Scott Carroll on the bump next year. Yea no more Beckham, Carroll and Dunn please.
  6. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 02:59 PM) f***ing Dunn. I'll be glad when he's gone. I hope we sign Victor in the offseason to put behind Abreu They started the cleanse last year but the stench of bad teams won't be fully gone until Dunn and Beckham are gone and they find a couple back end starters.
  7. Well this is fun. Having another big presence in the lineup with Avisial makes a big difference, more than on paper perhaps.
  8. This teams has scored 10 or more what, half a dozen times? Bet that didnt' happen more than twice in 13. At least they are occasionally explosive. edit, yep, 5 times. And they've scored 9 runs six (!) times. 2013 team scored 10+ 4 times all year and 9 runs only 3 times.
  9. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 12, 2014 -> 01:12 PM) More than anything else, this is what I look for in a baseball player. Tragically you don't work for the Yankees, they would have snatched up Beckham.
  10. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 07:31 PM) I would prefer he not be called up at the end of this season. Let him start fresh in Spring Training and fit him into the rotation for 2015 That's pushing it a bit. If he does well in the AFL he'll enter 2015 in 'Zona with "a chance to make the rotation" which in reality means he just has a chance to stay an extra week before heading to AA. If he does well in Birmingham he'll either join the Sox or get a bit more seasoning in Charlotte before a late season call up. And IMO as talented as he is even that's pushing it. I don't really think they want to use him out of the bullpen on a team out of contention and that's likely the case next year so they might just say screw wait until '16 and unless he's putting up historical numbers in MiLB I don't have much quibble with that plan -- there is no rush.
  11. QUOTE (The Wiz @ Aug 15, 2014 -> 12:42 AM) So you are saying you've never said someone was a "p**sy" or "f*g" or told someone to drop their balls or get their panties out of a bunch, or said something was "gay?" If you haven't, I find that extremely hard to believe. I'm not saying that saying any of that stuff is right or wrong, but people have the right to say what they want and I'd say the vast majority of people who say these things do them out of jest/anger/ some sort of emotion and never mean to offend or have anything against any of the group's they may have offended with saying it. It is just something that has gone on with males for thousands of years. And I think you are definitely wrong, nothing is changing, the only thing is changing is the forums in which you can actually say what you feel and think are changing. Go to any school yard today and listen to the conversation of a group of boys and compare it to one of 30 years ago. Boys are still making fun of other boys, kids are still getting made fun of for doing things like a girl, etc. What also hurts your argument is that these groups that we are told are suppossed to be offended by making comments like this use those very terms in jest all the time. It's not uncommon for a girl to tell a man to stop wearing a skirt or get your panties out of a bunch. Or for homosexual people to call things gay, and so forth. If things were really changing, these groups wouldn't use those phrases and such anymore. Most of the time it is some white guy telling us that those people should be offended. Wow.
  12. I grew up on Hawk and Wimpy for anyone that complains about "oh you young kids" come on I'm 31 I was listening to Hawk and Wimpy 80 games a year starting around age 9 or 10. I LOVED Hawk. My pops and I would do his catch phrases all the time. Since that time he's 20 years older and quite frankly the game has passed him by. It's time to retire with grace and class he sounds old and bitter and increasingly incoherent in every broadcast. Luckily this year there is some new talent to keep him over the ledge mostly.
  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 02:58 AM) I don't know why some of you guys aren't more mad at Hahn for the Addison Reed thing. I mean it's inexcusable to trade away a good closer (a proven closer for those of you who don't think he was good) when you have no closer candidates in the current organization. It's pretty bad GM'ing I think. You know, he did acquire some pieces in putting together his version of a bullpen. It's not like he didn't try. He just failed. That's what makes me shake my head at you guys giving him a free pass. He thought he was building a bullpen, but he failed miserably. It's just plain ridiculous to see all these bullpen implosions. If I was a season ticket holder, I'd surely be mad. Addison Reed sucks balls. His velocity was already in decline with the Sox and he's been awful this year a 3.91 ERA in the NL, in a pitcher's park, in 2014 isn't even average, it's well below it for a closer. If Lindstrom didn't get injured and/or Jones they would have been as good or better than Reed this year. You guys ever play OOTP? Not every time you trade a reliever for a prospect does it work out with the prospect but that doesn't mean you don't keep trying because that prospect has the potential to be >>>> than the reliever. People talk up Reed like he's some elite closer. Hell no, he's an average reliever at best that Chicago dumped at exactly the right time. You guys should trust the ORG more on pitcher trades, they have a very good history with them.
  14. QUOTE (shysocks @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 04:35 PM) Article, predictably, sucky and full of hyperbole Huh, Sounds like Hawk. I'm sick of Hawk, I don't even care much about this particular comment but he's a bitter and increasingly incoherent old man. Nobody is saying he has to be forced out ingloriously but retirement should be on the table for '15 no question about it. Ease him out if you have to with a bunch of guest announcers next year so he can go out on his terms but he has shouldn't have any future as a full time commentator with Chicago.
  15. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 03:43 PM) Until September 1, there needs to be some way to make a roster spot for him. DeAza and Viciedo can't be sent down. Leury can but he's pretty much the only backup IF. They could you know just not carry one of their numerous s*** relievers for a week.
  16. QUOTE (Charlie Haeger's Knuckles @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 01:12 PM) That would be really dumb to waste an option on him when there are other players to send down. Players have option years so it really doesn't matter iirc. That said, your larger point stands -- there is no reason not to give him all of September in MLB. When Eaton is healthy, which hopefully is next tuesday, send Danks back down.
  17. enjoy! sb nation scouting writeup of tonight's game: http://www.minorleagueball.com/2014/8/13/6...-his-home-debut
  18. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 13, 2014 -> 09:39 PM) Extremely exciting. Not only are they all putting up terrific numbers but all of them have ridiculously good arms. Good times. thanks to the knowledge of posters here i'm bragging on BTF about the Sox in a Cubs thread here: http://www.baseballthinkfactory.org/newsst...verted_rebuildi
  19. QUOTE (QuickJones81 @ Aug 13, 2014 -> 08:49 PM) Rodon, Montas, Adams, and Danish are exciting. We haven't had a collection of pitching talent like this in the system at once since 2000-01. Hopefully this group fairs better. And to think, not too long ago Erik Johnson was our prized pitching gem. Yep, the Sox IMO need to ID two out of those 4 that they think are going to contribute the most (my pick as of now would be Danish and Rodon) and then dangle the other two for MLB ready or established position players. If they head into 2016 with this is young core of starting pitching: Sale Q Rodon Danish Noesi They could really afford to trade from depth and bring in more good young position players. Looks like they are going to add another top 10 pick next year as well. It's painful to go through this as a fan that hasn't really experienced it but as far as rebuilds go I think this one is looking pretty promising early.
  20. good night for the farm it seems. Montas is back so quickly I thought he was done for the year with a knee problem?
  21. thanks caulfield how are you following the game?
  22. LOL Hahn fighting for his job? Are you kidding me? Did you see the bottom 1/3 MLB talent and perhaps worst in MLB farm he inherrited? Both are now middle of the road after 15 month on the job. Give it time people nobody expected anything this year other than a rebuild and quite a few more losses. That they stuck around .500 well into July speaks volumes about what Hahn has done. You're not going to give him credit for Rodon? Well two other teams were stupid enough to pass on the best arm in the draft so gee maybe we should give him credit for not over thinking it and doing the right thing. What exactly should he have done if you want him fired? Please tell me all the genius moves that would have taken this team from 68 wins to 95 without going into Yankees/Dodgers payroll.
  23. QUOTE (Iguchicago @ Aug 13, 2014 -> 06:34 PM) I'm sure Deadspin is gonna have a field day with his comments. I'm tired of Hawk embarrassing the Sox it's time to move on. Stone is excellent and Hawk drags him down. I've defended hawk for years, that time is over.
  24. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Aug 13, 2014 -> 06:26 PM) They would never get rid of it, because of the safety issue, but definitely needs to be rewritten or something because I cannot wait until it happens in the World Series this year and screws a team over. Luckily all it screwed over was Q's ERA, and he's getting paid anyways the next few year. It got the Sox closer to a top 5 draft pick.
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