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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ May 17, 2012 -> 07:14 PM) It's not the rightness or wrongness that makes me want to call things like this out. It's the impatience. Everybody in their right mind knows you give a 23 year-old, notoriously slow starter with high upside more than a month before you call for his removal. I don't care if you're in win-now mode or not, you still give Viciedo a shot. Thank you. This is a 23 year old with 210 career at-bats. What you see now is not what you'll be getting in the future. The kid is talented as f*** and will only get better with time.
  2. So Peavy's option is insane, but Hamels' extremely long and expensive deal makes sense? Let the Yankees suffer the consequences of signing Hamels long-term, not that Jerry would anyways. As for Hamilton, if every team is scared of signing him to a Pujols/Fielder deal then maybe KW would have some interest. However, some team is likely to offer him a monster deal and there's just too much risk with him. And even if the offers are shorter, we're still unlikely to be the highest bidder.
  3. QUOTE (danman31 @ May 16, 2012 -> 11:00 PM) He's probably not all that different. He walks a lot of righties. Would have to be used exclusively against lefties. Ohman dominates lefties, but can't get righties out. Where do you get the minor league splits from?
  4. For the people on the "let's hope we suck so we can sell" kick, what exactly do we have to sell and how much are we really going to get for them?
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 17, 2012 -> 12:10 PM) This. Youkilis does not fit where the Sox are going. Where exactly are the Sox going? You keep saying we are rebuilding which simply isn't true. I know you follow our minor league system and there's very little talent down there. A true rebuild would take years upon years of losing, which I know you are against of as well. I'm sure the front office feels the exact same way. This team is trying to balance developing young talent with winning now. Sending Morel down to AAA to figure things out and acquiring a cheap stop-gap might help us toward both goals. I'm not saying Youkilis is that guy, but it's way too early to rule out a move that helps the major league roster this season.
  6. How long before the Sox call up Septimo and DFA Ohman?
  7. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 16, 2012 -> 05:26 PM) I guess concerns over Danks and Humber's performances and Sale's elbow are just musings. But what rotation doesn't have similar concerns? Tell me this, how many AL rotations would take over the Sox?
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 13, 2012 -> 07:19 PM) All I'm saying is that Stewart had something like a 7.88 ERA against all MLB teams not named the Twins at the conclusion of 2011. Why would you trust the same guy who recommended both Stewart and Frasor (and Frasor pitched about as "averagely" as possible, about like David Riske when we had him)...wouldn't you get a second opinion? If we plugged in Reddick into our outfield (dealing Santos to the Red Sox instead) and had the luxury of sending Viciedo down right now, we'd be in first place and have the depth to move Dunn eventually and maybe even get something decent in return. I'll agree with Marty on one point. How likely is it that we compete in 2013 or 2014 when you're going to be in process of "on the job training" for 2-3 starters at the same time, and nobody knows for sure how long Sale's elbow will hold out? Was Paddy even in the organization when the original Ejax trade was made? Even if he was, I think it's a huge reach to assume he made any reccomendations on either Stewart or Frasor.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2012 -> 05:13 PM) This is the part where you got hung up on. I know Marty has an agenda, but why do you think this team has no chance to win?
  10. QUOTE (Sockin @ May 11, 2012 -> 04:42 PM) Sale is back in the rotation. MRI was fine. https://twitter.com/#!/laurencewholmes/...063681411387392 f*** yes! Thank you KW for finally making a god damn decision!
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 11, 2012 -> 01:24 PM) And trust me, I have no problems replacing Morel with someone better. Fair enough. Morel's back is definitely a growing concern to me. There's really no way to know how much it's affecting him right now.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 11, 2012 -> 01:11 PM) Morel is also about 10 years younger, and not getting paid $13 million a year to suck. Having back problems at such a young age may not be a positive. When did Crede start developing his?
  13. QUOTE (flavum @ May 11, 2012 -> 10:23 AM) I's ridiculous to even think about making moves right now. Until the Tigers show they can go on a run, the Sox aren't out of it. The wild card is also a decent possibility. While the AL East has to beat up on each other, we have 36 games left against two of the most god awful teams in the Twins and Royals. That's 28% of our remaining games against pure garbage.
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 11, 2012 -> 12:52 PM) He is a 3rd baseman with back problems. We've seen how this story ends. Should we give up on Morel then?
  15. That trip to L.A. next week is going suck for our players. No travel days before or after and they come back to Chicago and immediately have a day game.
  16. QUOTE (MAX @ May 10, 2012 -> 12:42 AM) We have him signed (option) next year for twenty something million. We don't need to do anything long term like that now. Exactly. If Peavy pitches like this the rest of the way, then you simply pick up his option at the end of the season. The $22 million may seem like a lot, but the marginal cost is really $18 million and if you have to overpay any position on a year deal a legit ace is by far the spot to do so. Regardless, there is absolutely no reason to rush into anything stupid.
  17. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 9, 2012 -> 05:34 PM) Do you want KW around for 2-3 more years to rebuild? What the f*** does KW have to do with platooning Viciedo? Sometimes I think you're a very knowledgable fan, but then you go ahead and make some of the most ridiculously biased statements on this site.
  18. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 9, 2012 -> 05:09 PM) Viciedo should not see the field against RH pitching right now. Best lineup against righties would be: Fukudome Beckham Dunn Konerko De Aza Rios AJ Ramirez Lillibridge I'm all for resting Viciedo against tough RHP, but you do not under any circumstance completely platoon him. Then again, each time you make statements like this, I'm more convinced you are a troll. Your dislike of Viciedo is beyond unreasonable. We're talking about a 23 year old with 209 major league ABs, yet you're already to discard of him.
  19. QUOTE (ChrisLikesBaseball @ May 9, 2012 -> 05:00 PM) Morel scratched with back soreness, per Bleacher Report. Escobar to start in his place. I really wish we had a better reserve infielder to use against RHP. Escobar has no business on the major league roster.
  20. What's interesting is that we still haven't heard from KW on this. That leads me to believe that Sale's ultimate fate, even for this year, remains undecided.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 5, 2012 -> 04:23 PM) Say what you want. Cowley knows his s*** and predicted the Sale thing last January http://www.suntimes.com/sports/cowley/1023...e-rotation.html Dude, you are such a f***ing troll. It's starting to get hilarious how hard you're trying. Your attempts to piss off the masses are becoming more and more obvious. Giving Joe Cowley props on this site with completely flawed backup? Lol, give it up.
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 5, 2012 -> 12:47 AM) Dwyane Wise is on the New York Yankees and got a hit tonight and Juan Pierre is hitting .330 for Philly. Underrated around here. Troll! You may have everyone else fooled but not me. How the f*** is Dwayne Wise relevant to anything here? Oh wait, he got a hit last night so he must be underrated right? He's neither good or young, so what is your f***ing point? Thanks for the "catch", but otherwise f*** you Dwayne Wise. As for Juan Pierre, there is nothing underrated about a slappy leadoff hitter who has no power, doesn't walk, is not an effective base stealer, has a noodle arm, and is afraid of pop flies. Nothing in the slightest. I don't give a f*** if he was the first one to the stadium everyday with his lunchpail to perfect that slap swing of his. Juan at this point in his career is nothing more than an empty batting average. But clearly both players needed to be brought up for no apparent reason. Thank you troll for adding a little more anger to an already terrible sports day here in Chicago.
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 4, 2012 -> 06:29 PM) The Royals will finish ahead of the Sox this year. I can guarantee this. I think the Sox will finish ahead of Minnesota though, barely. For the love of god, can someone please ban this f***ing troll!?
  24. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 4, 2012 -> 06:29 PM) The Royals will finish ahead of the Sox this year. I can guarantee this. I think the Sox will finish ahead of Minnesota though, barely. For the love of god, can someone please ban this f***ing troll!?
  25. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 4, 2012 -> 05:29 PM) Let him become a HOF closer. There's no shame in that. You don't rush into making a guy with #1 stuff into a closer, unless he's proven multiple times he can't handle a starter's workload. That's my beef with this decision. Shut him down him down for a while and try him again as a starter later this year.
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