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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. I certainly wouldn't bat an eye either. But certainly doesn't hurt to keep him in the org.
  2. From what I can tell, its a bruised funny bone!
  3. The guy has been raking all season in AAA, fair to give him a little taste of the bigs as a reward. Plus Goins is a great defensive SS, and Leury has not been good there and we can put him back in CF. Goins will be gone when Timmy returns.
  4. In press release Sox called Eloy injury "right ulnar nerve contusion".
  5. Ryan McGuffey confirming on twitter that it is just a scheduled off day for Robert and that he isn't headed to Chicago.
  6. Here are my guesses: Sox acquire Brandon Nimmo from the Mets for Blake Rutherford, Seby Zavala and Codi Heuer Sox trade Jose Abreu, Welington Castillo and cash considerations to the A's for Sheldon Nuese Sox trade Alex Colome to the Dodgers for Josiah Gray and Kyle Garlick Sox trade Jon Jay and Evan Marshall to the A's for Resley Linares Yolmer traded to somebody for a warm body
  7. Sox Twitter is going to explode when the Sox announce that they'd purchased the contract of....Ryan Goins.
  8. I think Jose is going to potentially take a nice discount to stay with the Sox. My guess is 2/$18M.
  9. Dodgers I would imagine (without looking too far into it) are going to have a serious 40 man roster crunch this offseason. Something has to give.
  10. Wow....this is interesting. Goins not in the lineup either tho, so I'd guess it'll be him.
  11. So are you insinuating there is a somewhat realistic chance in could be a UCL injury? What is your guess of the injury having reviewed the replay?
  12. I am guessing they're just being extra cautious. Probably enough to keep him out a few days, and they want to make sure there is no structural damage.
  13. Par for the course for you to assume basically the worst case scenario.
  14. Honestly curious...what is so exciting about a former 14th rounder with a career ERA of 5.6 and whip of 1.4?
  15. Hopefully Hahn is fielding offers and getting ready to trade what he can.
  16. I think it indicates it more than just a super minor injury, but I think they just want to be certain with one of their key assets. It could be something more serious like a hyper extended elbow or maybe even a fracture in one of the arm bones I guess, but I'd be super surprised if there is UCL damage.
  17. On the flip side, pretty much all teams in contention need bullpen help.
  18. Feels light. I'd maybe do that for Colome alone, but I'd rather just keep Bummer in that scenario.
  19. It seemed like such a minor collision, was initially hoping it was just a stinger....looks like he maybe got Tilsons chin into his rotator cuff. The elbow thing puzzles me. And guys...I don't think TJS is a legitimate possibility here. How often does one tear their UCL in a contact / non-throwing injury? Hopefully just jammed his elbow and needs a week off to let it calm down. Fingers crossed.
  20. He's not good out there, but he has been SIGNIFICANTLY better than he was before the karate kick to the wall.
  21. It would be so damn refreshing to have a completely different coaching staff next season. But I'd be absolutely shocked if any majors changes were made.
  22. Obviously inter-division trades are tough, but the twins are very likely to add multiple pen arms in the next 2 weeks. I’d love to raid their farm of a couple nice pieces.
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