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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Is Hansen hurt too right now? Thought he’s just been bad in AA, but healthy so far this season.
  2. I do preferred Mendick. But Cordell can definitely play the IF if need be. He played a lot of infield in the minors, though the Sox have yet to use him there at all in minors or majors.
  3. Gonna be tough for Burdi to return from this one and the TJS.
  4. TJS as well. Just brutal.
  5. Multiple facial fractures after getting hit in face with foul ball. JFC what an afternoon.
  6. Assuming Moncada has to sit and the Sox have a boner for Leury at SS right now, why not go with this lineup again RHP: Leury SS, Jay CF, Abreu 1B, McCann C, Palka RF, Eloy LF, Collins DH, Sanchez 2B, Rondon 3B If you're going to have Palka on the roster with Collins, you best be prepared to play him in OF, otherwise he makes absolutely zero sense on the roster.
  7. Leury SS, Jay RF, Abreu 1B, McCann C, Palka DH, Eloy LF, Sanchez 2B, Tilson CF, Rondon 3B lol. Palka already taking Collins at bats.
  8. Meh, don't really buy that. If that is the case, why ever announce SP beforehand?
  9. Very limited options. It was basically Detwiler or Kubat who has just 9 starts above A ball. I guess they could have just got with Cease today and not used his last night in AAA, but clearly they're in no hurry there.
  10. Detwiler threw 2 innings on Monday. Probably won't be expected to go more than 4 innings or so, if he can make it that far. Expect this to be a short stint in the majors for Ross - expect Santiago and Covey back next week.
  11. Sox love to wait as long as possible to make roster move announcements. No reason for these not to have been announced this morning.
  12. This probably isn't even worth responding. Rondon can't be sent down, he'd need to DFA'd as he out of options. Journeyman players make very little sense for a team like the White Sox that are in the later stages of a rebuilding process. If the Sox have opportunities to give, it should go to younger guys that are going to have a hard time breaking into the bigs in the next season or two. Mendick fits that description. If the plan was to just let Rondon play SS for a few weeks while Timmy is out and Sanchez stays at 2B and its purely as a back-up IF that plays once per week, sure I'd prefer to use a guy like Goins over a guy like Mendick. But Rondon is not an everyday player, and Yoan seems to be getting dinged up alot this season, so whomever is the back-up infielder the next few weeks is going to get a decent amount of work. Don't waste those at bats on a shit player like Goins, or Escobar for that matte.r
  13. Collins and Mercedes would make one hell of a townball catching platoon!
  14. Full rosters here: https://www.mlb.com/news/2019-futures-game-rosters?t=mlb-pipeline-coverage
  15. Rabbit, you know for sure its going to be Detwiler today?
  16. Then I don't think you've really listened to what they've been saying since they started this rebuild. "Sustained success" "Extended window" "Perennial contender" are all terms Hahn has used countless times since we started rebuilding. They are not building this thing to have a 2-3 year window. They want to extend the window as much as possible, and that means making sure everyone doesn't become a FA at the same time. Its really not that complicated.
  17. Agree to disagree. Much prefer to have 29 year old Robert on a team that has a chance to be good instead of 21/2 year old Robert on a team for a half the season that has zero chance at the postseason. I understand where you're coming from on wanting Robert up ASAP, I just don't mind being patient. IMO, the Sox are doing the right things - they didn't go through this process to lose patience in the final hours.
  18. Robert has less than 550 professional at bats. Its ok to let the guy finish the year in the minor leagues.
  19. Robert is 21. You literally just called a year of control of 28 year old Luis Robert, the #5 prospect in baseball, worthless. That's an awful take.
  20. So it will be a pointless to have a potential star player one additional year in his prime? Lol at that take. Skole is 2 years and change older than Palka. That is definitely something. Look, I am not a huge Palka guy. But I don't really see the problem in giving him one more shot. We are not flush with options at the moment.
  21. Like I said, its fair to not like Palka. I too would have preferred Mendick. Skole doesn't belong in the big leagues and isn't on the 40 man and is almost 30. Don't care to discuss Robert in this thread, but there is zero reason to bring him to the big league this season. I'd much rather have him for a full season when this team is good than half a season when the team will be lucky to win 75 games.
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