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Everything posted by SCCWS

  1. Not sure that will happen. I doubt JR even know who Yermin is and Hahn probably headed fr the tall grass.
  2. I assume it was brought up but the Boston announcers were talking about the game this year where Mercedes came in to pitch in a blowout. I had forgot about that. Jerry Remy and Ellis Burks both agreed that Mercedes never should have swung and LaRussa should have handled it in his office not w the press.
  3. I saw a game not that long ago where a batter tried to bunt for a hit in a blowout but fouled it off. Next pitch he got dusted. Time to go to the 10 run rule after 7 full innings.
  4. But Baldelli did respond after Monday's game. " I was surprised to see him swinging in a game like that, but those things occasionally do happen in this game still, and we have to deal with it."
  5. I think with the White Sox lineup having numerous offensive threats, especially in top half, Madrigal may see more hittable pitches. As a result, I think he will not walk as much as people want.
  6. Not sure that is a great comparison. Billy Hamilton has a career BA of .240. He strikes out on average once every 5 plate appearances. Hamilton in his prime was a threat to steal.
  7. I think a big part of a team's success is the atmosphere the manager/staff creates. I am a TLR detractor mainly because of his age , but this team has exceeded my expectations with their play despite loosing 2 of their better offensive players. I temper that with the fact that 12 of the last 14 games have been against the AL Central which I consider the worst division in baseball. They have gone 10-4 in that stretch. But I watched the Oakland/Boston series this week, which started w the two teams w best records in baseball. and their rosters in my opinion are pretty much inferior to our's across the board. So TLR is getting this team to play well despite the adversity. Hopefully we have the same feeling when they play outside the AL Central
  8. Another alternative, if we don't have an option in the minors, is to go get a legit corner outfielder. Eloy's return to LF will always be questioned and Eaton is questionable now. Maybe the Sox have to trade an asset to get one in return. But rather than fill a hole with a prayer, trade a package and get someone who solves at least RF now and next year can play LF or RF depending on Vaughn's progress. Maybe it means trading Madrigal and an arm if we could get a legit outfielder. Let 2B be the spot we fill w Mendick or another option in the minors. If Madrigal doesn't attract a good return, maybe plug Kopech in the 5 spot and see if Keuchel gets you an outfielder. We have the pitching to compete this year but a patchwork outfield will negate our advantage.
  9. Agree he never should have been on base but that is a weak excuse . Katz and Grandal aren't in the bullpen when Hendriks is usually brought into a game. Certainly Grandal and Katz could have done a mound visit to discuss the next group of hitters if it was needed. Now maybe somebody can determine if Hendricks is not as effective when he goes back to pitch a second inning.
  10. The biggest takeaway though is our staring pitching was great in Cincy against a very good offensive team. We have 5 very capable starters right now. I hope the FO has the foresight to realize this is a very good roster w one major hole in the corner outfield that needs to be addressed.
  11. Whose on 2nd?............. In fairness, the whole staff didn't know the rule. There was time after the 9th ended for someone to figure out or ask how the rule works. No one in the White Sox group in the press box realized there was a problem ? Hahn didn't know? A quick cell call to dugout could have helped. What does Shelley Duncan's job as the Analytics Coordinator entail. In hindsight, I bet the batboy knew the rule
  12. I could be wrong but didn't they have to do the double switch? You could not just run for Hendricks because he had to stay in the game to face 2 more batters. .
  13. Tony was counting on the throw in to center field.
  14. Hendricks hasn't been a base runner in 6 years. Time for a steal of home.
  15. Someone is going to hit a HR against the pen this inning
  16. Save some of that offense for tomorrow . Cease was dominating.
  17. But we don't know all the circumstances. Maybe he has been late before and TLR let it slide. Maybe Yermin's dog ate his alarm clock .
  18. Leury has had the game winning RBI the last 3 games he has started. If Tony hadn't screwed up and not started him Friday, we could have won that game too. Got to think he wins Player of The Month..................................
  19. Okay TLR was one of the two. Who the hell was the other one?
  20. I would have left Vaughn in once Robert got on base. I know the guy is a ground ball pitcher but Vaughn could tie the game in that spot. But Leury, Madrigal and TA all hit ground balls so it is fair to assume Vaughn would have also. Take the next 2
  21. What??? Leury knocked in 5 runs in the doubleheader including the game winner in each game. He should be a fixture in the lineup........................................................... till he cools off.
  22. I assume this is a doubleheader and not separate admissions. With a night doubleheader and blah weather, I guess each fan/group who attends each gets their own private grandstand section.
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