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2017 Democratic Thread


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OK this is the Democratic thread. So let me say this, after watching Democrat Biden receive the medal of honor today, you have to wonder why in the hell the DNC didn't convince him to run for president. I love Bernie, but it's obvious Biden is a heckuva leader and honorable man. I won't list all the reasons why Hillary was a historically bad choice, but who cares how old Biden is? Trump is old, too. Biden would have won in a landslide over The Donald and our country wouldn't be in this potential mess right now.

I know this board is stock full of Democrats. Why? Not? Biden??


You can say he didn't want to run. I don't believe it. He didn't want to get in Hillary's way is what it was.

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Wish he did but his son died and he didn't feel like he could dedicate himself to running. I respect his decision.


He said probably the reason Obama got re-elected after that awful first debate vs Romney.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 01:22 AM)
OK this is the Democratic thread. So let me say this, after watching Democrat Biden receive the medal of honor today, you have to wonder why in the hell the DNC didn't convince him to run for president. I love Bernie, but it's obvious Biden is a heckuva leader and honorable man. I won't list all the reasons why Hillary was a historically bad choice, but who cares how old Biden is? Trump is old, too. Biden would have won in a landslide over The Donald and our country wouldn't be in this potential mess right now.

I know this board is stock full of Democrats. Why? Not? Biden??


You can say he didn't want to run. I don't believe it. He didn't want to get in Hillary's way is what it was.

Probably my favorite post of yours ever.


Biden was the obvious, perfect choice. Unfortunately he had personal, emotional reasons for not running. The timing was awful. Had the election been in 2017, I bet he runs. I bet he also wishes he'd ran right about now.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 04:02 PM)
I bet he runs. I bet he also wishes he'd ran right about now.

Exactly. Hillary, Bernie and Biden would have had a very compelling primary season and there's a good chance Biden would have prevailed. But Biden couldn't run.


Say what you want, but if you remember the mood of the Democrats many many months ago, Hillary was THE choice. It was her time, her turn.

It was heresy for any Democrat to even consider trying to stop her from being able to receive her lifetime achievement award of the presidency. Democrats may deny this now, but at the time it was considered heresy for ANYBODY to even consider derailing Hillary's coronation. Nobody ever thought the Republicans had a chance and it was Hillary time. Biden would have been blasted beyond belief for slowing the Hillary machine.

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Why is Trump meeting with Steve Harvey?


He has time for that, but not intelligence briefings?





More Trump ethics/conflict of interest concerns....this time weighing in as the deciding factor and "dealmaker" with large multinational mergers and acquisitions

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:22 AM)
Biden would have won in a landslide over The Donald

Nobody was beating Trump this year. Trump would have done the same thing to Biden, Sanders, Warren, etc that he did to Hillary and all the Republicans he beat. He would have made it about personal attacks. Normal politicians don't know how to respond to that.


Trump won the nomination of his party and the presidency without offering real, substantive plans for his presidency. The voters didn't care. They don't care that since the election, he has already backed away from and changed many of the plans he did run on. It was the perfect strorm. It should be an interesting few years.

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QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 08:01 AM)
Nobody was beating Trump this year. Trump would have done the same thing to Biden, Sanders, Warren, etc that he did to Hillary and all the Republicans he beat. He would have made it about personal attacks. Normal politicians don't know how to respond to that.


Trump won the nomination of his party and the presidency without offering real, substantive plans for his presidency. The voters didn't care. They don't care that since the election, he has already backed away from and changed many of the plans he did run on. It was the perfect strorm. It should be an interesting few years.


Otoh, all those states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa were states that Sanders ran well in against Hillary.


West Virginia would be another example...Sanders beat Clinton 51-36 there after she walloped Obama, and in many of those aforementioned states in 2008.


Sanders also would have turned out more of Obama's young voters. It would have come down to Sanders convincing African-American, Hispanic and Asian voters that he was the more comfortable choice.


The problem would be Trump would basically argue he wasn't beholden to the big banks like Hillary and Sanders' only remaining issue would be giving away college tuition, which zero Republicans support anyway...and most realistic Americans realize is pretty impractical from a financial perspective. Trump also wouldn't have been vulnerable on foreign affairs because of Sanders' lack of interest and expertise in this area





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I'm a moderate who voted for Obama twice and Kasich in the primary. I would have voted for Bernie or Biden in the general election but picked Clinton because she was the lesser of two evils as a person. The only thing I agree with Trump on is that jobs should not be leaving the US and companies should be punished in some way, shape or form for pushing them overseas.


I am concerned about the republican agenda that I think will go down - slashing entitlements, building a wall that doesn't help the deficit, somehow sitting on their hands when Trump works with Putin and of course, appointing at least two Supreme Court justices if one passes while he is in office. I worry about what they could do to gay rights in addition to overturning Roe v Wade completely. I sincerely hope he doesn't get us into any wars while he is in office as well.


I think the question is, how do democrats recover from this and regain some seats in 2018? Will someone like Colorado's governor (his name escapes me), Kirsten Gillibrand, Kampala Harris or Cory Booker be able to win the Presidency back in 2020, or will we have to see his 74 year old ass in office for another four years? And, how can democrats connect with voters who believe Trump will bring their jobs back (not happening because of automation)?


I've read these threads for awhile and wanted to see what you all thought about some of these questions?


Edit: What should journalists do to protect themselves and the truth in the Trump era?

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QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 08:01 AM)
Nobody was beating Trump this year. Trump would have done the same thing to Biden, Sanders, Warren, etc that he did to Hillary and all the Republicans he beat. He would have made it about personal attacks. Normal politicians don't know how to respond to that.


Trump won the nomination of his party and the presidency without offering real, substantive plans for his presidency. The voters didn't care. They don't care that since the election, he has already backed away from and changed many of the plans he did run on. It was the perfect strorm. It should be an interesting few years.


Going into election day, I thought Trump winning was impossible.


Now I honestly think that only Obama could have beat him.

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I don't know about that. He won by 80k total votes across three states and got smashed in the popular vote. Absent Comey's letter, Clinton probably wins. Absent the 30 years of "scandal" around her, she probably wins. Anyone else who wasn't as disliked as Clinton going into it almost definitely wins.

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QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 10:43 AM)
Edit: What should journalists do to protect themselves and the truth in the Trump era?

Stop making your mission to bring trump down. Your mission should be to report, good or bad. Not taking anything you can and finding the worst angle to put on it. Just report, good and bad.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 11:37 AM)
Stop making your mission to bring trump down. Your mission should be to report, good or bad. Not taking anything you can and finding the worst angle to put on it. Just report, good and bad.

Yes, surely this will prevent any threats and intimidation from Trump. We've all seen him respond in a cool and levelheaded manner at even the mildest criticisms.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 11:19 AM)
I don't know about that. He won by 80k total votes across three states and got smashed in the popular vote. Absent Comey's letter, Clinton probably wins. Absent the 30 years of "scandal" around her, she probably wins. Anyone else who wasn't as disliked as Clinton going into it almost definitely wins.


I've always said the exact same thing, she lost because she is so disliked, especially with many women.

Didn't she also stop campaigning in a couple of those swing states? That strategy backfired big time.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 12:39 PM)
Yes, surely this will prevent any threats and intimidation from Trump. We've all seen him respond in a cool and levelheaded manner at even the mildest criticisms.

What bothers me is when facts are presented towards him that are true, he and Kellyanne deny it and attack the media. Paul Ryan even said CNN didn't publish the Buzzfeed story. Now, if something was really bad reporting, I guess I could see why he would be mad. I think he's still mad at the media for the election coverage. I also think more people need to watch and read more than one news source. I wouldn't touch Fox News or Breitbart (because I can't take them seriously, though it depends what the programming is on Fox News), but I watch NBC, ABC, CBS and read CNN and the Chicago Tribune. I even watch C-Span and listen to NPR. I think fake news is a perception that is made after someone forwards something on social media and people complain. Or it is when there is actually bad reporting.

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For example, Rep. John Lewis from GA called Trump an "illegitimate" president (because of the Russia stuff, mostly) and said he will skip the inauguration for the first time since his congressional career began.


Is that fake news or not worth reporting?



If Trump is already going to call CNN as the Clinton News Network, what will his response be to foreign journalists who assail him? Have the CIA or Putin disappear all of them?



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 11:37 AM)
Stop making your mission to bring trump down. Your mission should be to report, good or bad. Not taking anything you can and finding the worst angle to put on it. Just report, good and bad.


Didn't they do the exact same thing to Clinton when he was first elected?


Why were all the birther stories and theories reported for so many years on Obama, or about his religious beliefs and patriotism?



In the end, circumstances matter. Clinton had numerous personal scandals hanging over him and didn't even have 40% of the popular vote, you could convincingly argue he would have lost without Perot in the race. Obviously we know all about Bush/Gore/Nader in 2000.


Other than Obama and Reagan, most recent presidencies have started out with plenty of controversy. Trump is off the charts for good reason.


Heck, you even have Fox News defending CNN against Trump attacks, for god's sake.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 11:37 AM)
Stop making your mission to bring trump down. Your mission should be to report, good or bad. Not taking anything you can and finding the worst angle to put on it. Just report, good and bad.


Reporting facts doesn't matter with him. He'll attack journalists anyway.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 04:50 PM)
I've always said the exact same thing, she lost because she is so disliked, especially with many women.

Didn't she also stop campaigning in a couple of those swing states? That strategy backfired big time.

She took Michigan and Wisconsin for granted until the last minute, but they put resources into Pennsylvania and still lost there. That's something that the "she ignored Midwest blue collar (white) workers" narrative skips over a bit. Same for Florida, too.

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At least 13 Democratic lawmakers (and growing) skipping the inauguration.


Surely Trump will have Twitter threats for all of them. Should keep him busy this week.




Backlash over Trump attacks on Lewis on MLK weekend



When Bill Kristol sides against you...





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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 10:47 AM)
Going into election day, I thought Trump winning was impossible.


Now I honestly think that only Obama could have beat him.


I wonder how many people stayed home because of the media narrative over the last few weeks that Trump had no chance of winning?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 15, 2017 -> 07:52 PM)
I wonder how many people stayed home because of the media narrative over the last few weeks that Trump had no chance of winning?


The argument is that Trump's "on the fence"/independent supporters were energized the final 10-11 days by the Comey letter and the tide shifted (Clinton had been ahead for most of that time by 3-5% in national polling). Conversely, that it was the final nail in the coffin for young (especially Sanders supporters) and African-American voters who had been previously considering voting for Hillary, depressing votes on the other side.


It was something like a 2 or 3X/1 margin for those late-deciders breaking for Trump, just off the top of my head.



But it would be interesting to interview all those who didn't vote and see how many would have voted for Clinton (if forced to choose), and how many GOP/independent voters were so turned off by the Access Hollywood/Billy Bush stuff they just gave up on the election altogether at that point..

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