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Oh once or twice in history has the New Yorker given its entire issue to one subject. We aren’t likely to ever get a 9/11 commission style summary of this because the Republicans won’t allow it, so this is all we will get. If you have the stomach and couple hours, to read a postmortem of the entire thing, here you go. It feels like a eulogy for America.


(Fwiw, I believe the writer is very wrong on the issue of travel bans. Quarantine of new or returning arrivals yes, but bans are clearly counterproductive as people move rapidly to get around them and we saw how that spread things in Feb and March.)

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It finally happened, we lost a member of Congress, at least Congressman-Elect, a Republican out of Louisiana...of course, since it's not a "big name" anyone is familiar with, it will be barely a blip on the radar.

But you can bet your bottom dollar that every single GOP member of the House and Senate will now be vaccinated if they haven't already.

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1 minute ago, Danny Dravot said:

Dude, I disagree with you on a lot of things, but you're smart enough to understand why this tweet is absolutely idiotic fucking dogshit. That "journalist" ought to be ashamed to have even thought of it.

If we didn't have journalists to put politicians' feet to the fire, what would do it, other than fear of defeat at the ballot box?

The fact of the matter is that the initial rollout has been going much more slowly than predicted.  Not unlike the original rollout of ObamaCare, perception becomes 90% of reality.


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6 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

If we didn't have journalists to put politicians' feet to the fire, what would do it, other than fear of defeat at the ballot box?

The fact of the matter is that the initial rollout has been going much more slowly than predicted.  Not unlike the original rollout of ObamaCare, perception becomes 90% of reality.

This isn't holding anyone's feet to the fire. This is just fodder for people who think journalists are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

If Eloy hits one home run in the first ten games of next season, the poster who panics about how he's only gonna hit 16 bombs all year, his power is gone, and the Cubs won the Quintana deal, is gonna get laughed at.

It's the same with this lady. There's a TON to criticize Trump about, especially this year. The speed of vaccinations in the first few weeks of their existence isn't one of them. I've read elsewhere that by June, everyone who wants the COVID vaccine will have had it. If that doesn't happen, criticize away. But don't run around believing the current pace is the pace forever.

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9 minutes ago, Danny Dravot said:

The speed of vaccinations in the first few weeks of their existence isn't one of them. I've read elsewhere that by June, everyone who wants the COVID vaccine will have had it. If that doesn't happen, criticize away. But don't run around believing the current pace is the pace forever.

They were saying there would be 20 million people vaccinated by EOY. As of yesterday, we were at 2.1 million. Criticizing the rollout of the vaccination is perfectly fair. They've had months to put a plan in place and be ready to coordinate who gets it and when. Instead, they've spent the last two months focused on trying to stay in power and denying the election results.

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19 minutes ago, Danny Dravot said:

This isn't holding anyone's feet to the fire. This is just fodder for people who think journalists are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

If Eloy hits one home run in the first ten games of next season, the poster who panics about how he's only gonna hit 16 bombs all year, his power is gone, and the Cubs won the Quintana deal, is gonna get laughed at.

It's the same with this lady. There's a TON to criticize Trump about, especially this year. The speed of vaccinations in the first few weeks of their existence isn't one of them. I've read elsewhere that by June, everyone who wants the COVID vaccine will have had it. If that doesn't happen, criticize away. But don't run around believing the current pace is the pace forever.

The media killed the Obama administration on the ObamaCare rollout, and (for the most part) rightfully so.

It was already a disaster when you can keep your doctor turned out to be untrue.

There’s been nothing in the entire pandemic response to cause one to believe the vaccine distribution will go smoothly.

Whether we wait for weeks, like the botched Hurricane Katrina response...or days, or hours...to criticize, the reality is that some many false promises have been made that it was never going to live up to anything close to those earliest, most rose-colored glass projections by Admiral Giroir.

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24 minutes ago, Middle Buffalo said:

They were saying there would be 20 million people vaccinated by EOY. As of yesterday, we were at 2.1 million. Criticizing the rollout of the vaccination is perfectly fair. They've had months to put a plan in place and be ready to coordinate who gets it and when. Instead, they've spent the last two months focused on trying to stay in power and denying the election results.

Then she should point that out. We are underperforming the estimates, which, knowing how bombastic Trump is, isn't surprising. But we're not going to take ten years.

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39 minutes ago, Danny Dravot said:

Then she should point that out. We are underperforming the estimates, which, knowing how bombastic Trump is, isn't surprising. But we're not going to take ten years.

No but that’s a simple and straightforward way to demonstrate how weak and poorly planned the start of this has been. That is exactly how you communicate the number in a way to be useful to people - if I told you that it was 2 million in 15 days would you be able to figure out if that is fast or slow? This is far more easily readable and has the benefit of being true based on the current pace. Turning it into that clock is good communication of a more complex number.

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45 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

No but that’s a simple and straightforward way to demonstrate how weak and poorly planned the start of this has been. That is exactly how you communicate the number in a way to be useful to people - if I told you that it was 2 million in 15 days would you be able to figure out if that is fast or slow? This is far more easily readable and has the benefit of being true based on the current pace. Turning it into that clock is good communication of a more complex number.


25 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

Yeah, it's a clear way of demonstrating that the current pace is exceedingly slow.

You guys are hilarious. Panic to your heart's content, then.

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9 hours ago, Danny Dravot said:

Dude, I disagree with you on a lot of things, but you're smart enough to understand why this tweet is absolutely idiotic fucking dogshit. That "journalist" ought to be ashamed to have even thought of it.

  1. Annie Karni didn't write the article. While she is a contributor to MSNBC, she's a White House reporter for The New York Times.
  2. The quote marks are pointless. She's busted her ass for years to get to where she is as a legitimate journalist.
  3. The point of the article is that Operation Warp Speed is an unmitigated disaster.
  4. Key portions of the article:

    But so far, only about 2 million people — most of them front-line health care workers and some nursing home residents — have gotten their first shots of the 11.5 million doses that were delivered in the last two weeks, a review by NBC News of data from federal and state agencies showed.

    "I don't think we're going to be able to distribute the 20 million doses that were promised" this year, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration under President Donald Trump and a Pfizer board member, said Tuesday on CNBC.



  5. 74 million Americans just voted for the party that has been promising those 20 million doses and has been at the front of the line receiving them. They are also a party that has been consistently gaslighting them about every single issue. This isn't something like Eloy's home run rate, where he can go on a tear in one week due to randomness, but where government needs to be held accountable for their laughably depressing rollout that they've had months to prepare for (remember how they passed on the chance to secure more doses?). So how do Americans understand that? With simple, frank numbers.

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16 minutes ago, Quin said:
  1. Annie Karni didn't write the article. While she is a contributor to MSNBC, she's a White House reporter for The New York Times.
  2. The quote marks are pointless. She's busted her ass for years to get to where she is as a legitimate journalist.
  3. The point of the article is that Operation Warp Speed is an unmitigated disaster.
  4. Key portions of the article:


  5. 74 million Americans just voted for the party that has been promising those 20 million doses and has been at the front of the line receiving them. They are also a party that has been consistently gaslighting them about every single issue. This isn't something like Eloy's home run rate, where he can go on a tear in one week due to randomness, but where government needs to be held accountable for their laughably depressing rollout that they've had months to prepare for (remember how they passed on the chance to secure more doses?). So how do Americans understand that? With simple, frank numbers.

Never heard of Annie Karni before. Don't really care who she is. Her input here is moronic.

That "unmitigated disaster" produced multiple vaccines to a major pandemic in nine months. Slower rollout in the first two weeks of distribution is disappointing but hardly destroys the value of the entire enterprise.

Are you suggesting Republicans are hoarding the vaccines for themselves? I saw news of Kamala getting the vaccine the other day (as she should). I'm in the National Guard- some of us are on full-time orders for COVID and we are prioritized to get the vaccine over those who are not on active orders. Makes sense to prioritize people who are working in shared spaces rather than people who are at home wanting extended UI and stimulus checks.

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30 minutes ago, Danny Dravot said:

Never heard of Annie Karni before. Don't really care who she is. Her input here is moronic.

That "unmitigated disaster" produced multiple vaccines to a major pandemic in nine months. Slower rollout in the first two weeks of distribution is disappointing but hardly destroys the value of the entire enterprise.

Are you suggesting Republicans are hoarding the vaccines for themselves? I saw news of Kamala getting the vaccine the other day (as she should). I'm in the National Guard- some of us are on full-time orders for COVID and we are prioritized to get the vaccine over those who are not on active orders. Makes sense to prioritize people who are working in shared spaces rather than people who are at home wanting extended UI and stimulus checks.

Your back and knees have to ache after all of this water carrying for people who literally couldn't care less if you die while doing it.

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