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Belle - Think he'll make it in..???


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Belle vision: Hall, team ownership

June 23, 2005



Albert Belle, the former Indians, White Sox and Orioles slugger, will be inducted Friday into the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame.


But Belle, who earned a reputation of being surly to fans and many members of the media during his 12-year career, has his eye on reaching baseball's Hall of Fame now that he is eligible.



"It has been five years and I think the people who vote have had some time to think about it," the five-time All-Star said in a rare interview Wednesday. "I am sure there are probably some who are still upset with me. Some may have changed their minds. Some people may be taking a second look. But if I don't get voted in that is not going to upset me. Life goes on."


Belle hit .328 with club single-season records of 49 homers and 152 RBIs for the Sox in 1998. For his career, which was shortened due to a degenerative hip injury, Belle batted .295 with 381 homers and 1,239 RBIs.


"I thought Chicago was a fantastic sports town," said Belle, who had a five-year, $55 million contract with the Sox. "When I left Chicago to go to Baltimore, it was a culture shock. I thought I was a perfect fit for Chicago and, now that I look back at it, I wish I had stayed in Chicago to see if we could put together a championship team."


Belle left because he exercised a clause in his contract that allowed him to escape if he wasn't among the three highest-paid players in baseball.


Belle's infamous episodes include:


Being suspended for seven days for using a corked bat in 1994 with the Indians.


Drilling a baseball into the chest of a fan who reportedly taunted him about his drinking.


Cursing and chasing NBC-TV reporter Hannah Storm from the dugout before Game 3 of the 1995 World Series and drawing a $50,000 fine.


Trying to run down some kids on Halloween in 1995 after they egged his condo.


Throwing a ball at a photographer who tried to take a pregame photograph of him in April 1996, drawing a $25,000 fine.


Being suspended for three games when he went in high with his elbow up against Milwaukee second baseman Fernando Vina while trying to break up a double play.


"When I quit playing [after the 2000 season with Baltimore], I never really thought about [the Hall of Fame]," Belle said. "But ever since the steroid controversy has come about, everybody is kind of taking notice of my numbers. And everybody has their theories as far as who they think has taken steroids. I think everybody knows I have never taken steroids.


"Even though I played for a short period of time (roughly 10 full seasons), my numbers are pretty good. In my opinion, I should have two MVP awards."


Belle lost the 1995 MVP award by eight points to Mo Vaughn, despite posting superior numbers.


Overall, Belle sounds happy these days. He was married last Saturday and he continues to dabble in real estate projects from his home in the Phoenix area.


His next career goal is to become the owner of a major sports franchise. He attempted to head a group to buy the Cleveland Cavaliers, but the paperwork was finalized past the deadline.


"I don't want to get involved in sports as a coach or manager. I want to go straight to ownership. Can't get fired that way," Belle said with a laugh.


"I have a great relationship with Jerry Reinsdorf, who lives out here in Arizona [during the winter]. Mr. Reinsdorf was very instrumental in helping me get involved with the Cavaliers, giving me advice and putting me in touch with the right people."

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There's not a chance in hell. Whether its fair or not, he's burned so many bridges if he had hit 600 homers it probably would have taken him a few years to get in. The fact that he didn't win the MVP in 1995 is a travesty. I think the Hall of Fame vote would have gone the same way, if he had remained healthy.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 01:24 PM)
You'd be surprised, he has a lot of friends who have a vote.


Albert's not bad at all.. actually the total opposite of the way the media portrayed him.


I think he'll get it.


I don't think he'll be a first ballot HOFamer...I don't know, it'll be close and depend on who else is eligible.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 12:08 PM)
With his numbers, he definately deserves to get in. I don't know if he'll be first ballot, but no question, he was one of the best power hitters of his era.



If Puckett makes it, then Belle should make it. They both had to leave the game early for health reasons unrelated to baseball. Belle was a better player (hitter at least).

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he's definitely not a first ballot, i think thats reserved for players like Maddux, Clemens etc...


I absolutely loved Albert Belle when i was younger... eventhough he chased me down the street after i threw eggs at his condo...and threatened to murder me with his bare hands... those were the f***ing days! j/k


I think he might fall victim to burned bridges... but i hope to god he finds a spot in the hall... the guy would hit 500 HR's easily if not for that hip.

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Unfortunately, he will have a hard time.


It's NOT what he could have done, it's what he did do. And based on that, he has a hard time getting in.


Albert was a damn good hitter, no doubt. But I'm not sure about being good enough on his actual career to get in the HoF.

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QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jun 27, 2005 -> 12:31 AM)
From 1991 to 1999, Belle averaged 39 HR, 38 2B, and 122 RBI per season.  He'll get in at some point.


This is why I think he should be a Hall of Famer.


Whenever a guy is on top of the game for that many years, he should be. It is the reason Frank Thomas should be a Hall of Famer too. From 91-97, and then again in 2000, you will have a very, very, very hard time finding someone who was as dominant at the plate as Frank Thomas.


IMO, there are 2 aspects that get you into the Hall...either longevity and being very good almost your entire career, or being an elite player in the league for 7-10 years...and first ballot are either those that were elite for 12-15 years, or were a combination of both dominant for a stretch of years, and having the longevity to still be a very good ballplayer even into the later years


Knowing that, you understand a lot why I feel Thomas should be a first ballot Hall of Famer.

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QUOTE(TaylorStSox @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 01:01 PM)
If Puckett makes it, then Belle should make it. They both had to leave the game early for health reasons unrelated to baseball. Belle was a better player (hitter at least).


Puckett was a main cog of 2 world championship teams, plus he was a media darling. That gets you votes that Belle won't get.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Jun 27, 2005 -> 05:06 PM)
I say Albert won't get in. He made a lot of enemies, and I think people will look at him as a terrific talent who didn't get the most out of his abilities. I think he is the 1990's Dave Kingman.


Frank is a mortal lock.



Other than Hannah Storm - who 95% of the league and reporters praised him for telling her to STFU - who do you think are Albert's enemies..?


Didn't get the most out of his abilities...? The guys hip was falling apart for most of his career. It's amazing he played as long and as well as he did.


Frank.. mortal lock..? By who..? The media that hates his guts..?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It may be tough. Look at Jim Rice or Andre Dawson. They both played much longer and are still not in.


I hated Belle with the Indians, but I always loved him with the Sox. He put together one of the greatest single seasons in Sox history in 1998. It'll be a long time before another hitter comes close to those stats.


I never really understood why, when he came back as an Oriole, people booed him. Did they not remember that he played in nearly every game and was fun to watch?


Oh well, he was an asshole and there was that corked bat and Hannah Storm incident.

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