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Official Squared Circle Thread

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QUOTE (TRU @ Apr 11, 2014 -> 12:04 PM)
I don't see any way that Undertaker was not involved in the decision to end the streak. Further more, I don't believe that the official didn't know the finish. You're telling me that when his arm got to two and a half he was like "I guess this guy isn't going to kick out" and in that split second ended the match even though going into it he was told Undertaker was to win the match?

I absolutely agree with this too. The ending was so shocking that it's bringing out all these crazy conspiracy theories.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 11, 2014 -> 12:22 PM)
He basically saved the lives of Scott Hall and Jake Roberts. Long story short, brought both of them into his home and helped get them sober when they were both basically goners. There's obviously more to it if you want to google the whole story but that's a real quick summary.


Very cool, thank you.

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Saw some of UT vs Brock again. I'm not so sure Taker was as out of shape as some people are criticizing him for. I can tell he got knocked loopy in the middle of the match. I'd be shocked if he remembered any of it.

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F4WOnline.com reports that Vince McMahon and other WWE officials were not necessarily satisfied with the fan reaction after the finish for The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30. The expected shock was there, however WWE was looking for a more appropriate reaction to the sendoff of The Undertaker.


Credit: F4WOnline.com via Wrestlezone.com


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Jeff Jarrett could be in some trouble....




Dr. Jerry Wiseman of The Examiner reports that Jeff Jarrett was involved in a physical altercation with 17 year old John Calvin, the son of IWA Mid-South promoter Ian Rotten, at Sunday night's IWA Mid-South event.



IWA-MS is the company I used to follow back in the day. John Calvin even at 10-15 years of age was a little prick, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he antagonized Jarrett into doing what he did. He could still get in trouble in that situation though yes?


Also, him not getting paid is no shock at all to me. How they even booked him is beyond me. Ian has a longgg history of not paying his workers, and they have closed down at least 3 times in the past few years due to not having the money.


Maybe Ian will get some cash out of this to keep him afloat for awhile.

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The death of Ultimate Warrior on Tuesday was caused by a massive heart attack, according to the autopsy report. TMZ.com reports that the official cause was listed as "Atherosclerotic/Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease" also known as heart disease. The death was labeled as natural in that alcohol and drugs were not a factor.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 14, 2014 -> 05:53 PM)
Tournament for the right to take the IC belt of Big E. Thank god.


One night tournament or leading up to Extreme Rules? Big E is a prototypical IC guy. All they had to do was have him defend the belt successfully on ppvs and it'd be fine but instead they job him to top guys.

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I just don't think they really have given Big E much of a chance to succeed. They've basically given him no time to show off his personality and he does have some. He's also extremely agile for a guy his size.


And Cesaro does make sense if they want to make the IC title legit again but I think his Swagger feud might keep him away from this.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 14, 2014 -> 06:53 PM)
Lesnar-Bryan would be the perfect SS main event if they don't have to put the title on Bootista by than.


You could keep Lesnar undefeated by winning a big match at SS but not vs DB. Have him win Rumble and face DB at Mania next year for belt but doubt he's still champ by then.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 15, 2014 -> 06:35 AM)
If they are sticking with this Evolution reunion, they should pick a young guy as the 4th member so the opportunity isn't wasted.

Maybe Dolph or Barrett?

I think this is to make Reigns a huge star.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 15, 2014 -> 01:53 PM)
I think this is to make Reigns a huge star.


To be honest, I think this would be better for Ambrose. If they want Reigns to go far, IMO sticking him under the wing of Evolution makes him look like he needs help. Ambrose already has such a distinct heel quality, I could totally buy in to him turning on the Shield

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 15, 2014 -> 08:30 PM)
Reigns is nowhere ready for singles push. Pretty sure that's why they kept the Shield together.


They're talking Reigns vs hhh at SummerSlam

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So either AJ is hurt or they for some reason have decided to not do an AJ-Paige feud. Either way...damn it.

Raw script somehow leaked.




Yeah aj listed as hurt. She's listed vs Paige on the extreme rules rap sheet so things changed. Full thing here, interesting stuff(the er rap sheet spoils what matches will happen then so beware) http://m.imgur.com/a/u9Xj3

Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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