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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:04 PM)
If you get good grades you are stupid if you get bad grades you are smart. Its the argurement iget from all of the applicants we deny. I went ot a better school, my professors were unfair, my family had problems, im smarter than people with better grades but i dont do well on standradized tests......


Most people people just dont want to admit that they cant compete with others on an intellectual level. Not that the grades make someone a better or worse person or makes them more effective at their occupation.


Nope, no one said that.


I just graduated with a 3.5 GPA in college, but that doesn't prove I'm smart, it just says that I tried.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:08 PM)
Maybe they turned them down, but how did Kyle Long make the pro bowl team over Josh Sitton or over a lot of other players?

My guess is that this post gets buried.


Also, Kyle Long is awesome and eats babies for breakfast.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 02:09 PM)
Nope, no one said that.


I just graduated with a 3.5 GPA in college, but that doesn't prove I'm smart, it just says that I tried.

But I still want someone to give me evidence that Sherman is not intelligent. I haven't seen anything to indicate that assessment.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:09 PM)
Nope, no one said that.


I just graduated with a 3.5 GPA in college, but that doesn't prove I'm smart, it just says that I tried.

I know. Iwas was being facetious. Its just a comment on the aspects of getting good grades doesnt mean you are intelligent. You still need to be somewhat intelligent to get good grades but effort plays a role for some. I know a number of people who were lazy but got good grades anyway and others who didnt care but and got average ones.


However, there are also people who try and get poor grades so effort isnt the only variable. Good grades implies at least some intelligence.

Edited by ptatc
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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 02:44 PM)
Call me crazy, but grades don't mean everything. You can be socially inept and come off like a gigantic idiot, even if you are really good at retaining information from your Anthropology classes. I know plenty of people who got terrible grades, but are actually really smart. And people who aren't every smart that got great grades. It's more about effort than intelligence.


So yes, in the times I have seen Sherman on TV, my impression of him is that he is a big f***ing idiot who can't control his emotions and looks clinically insane.


Depends on what you're studying. You can get away with just trying hard in a lot of fields. However, you can't tell me that a theoretical physicist from MIT is where he is just because he tried hard. It's a combination of effort and intelligence.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:17 PM)
Depends on what you're studying. You can get away with just trying hard in a lot of fields. However, you can't tell me that a theoretical physicist from MIT is where he is just because he tried hard. It's a combination of effort and intelligence.


But it also doesnt mean that hes smarter than someone at a community college who just never tried and let their brilliance go to waste.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:17 PM)
Depends on what you're studying. You can get away with just trying hard in a lot of fields. However, you can't tell me that a theoretical physicist from MIT is where he is just because he tried hard. It's a combination of effort and intelligence.


Ok, that's valid. But theoretical physicists from MIT can still act like idiots, making people superficially question their intelligence.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:14 PM)
And I'll wait here for you to tell me where I said he is unintelligent.


You more or less called him an idiot. The definition of idiot is "a stupid person." The definition of stupid is "lacking intelligence or common sense."


So there you go.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:20 PM)
You more or less called him an idiot. The definition of idiot is "a stupid person." The definition of stupid is "lacking intelligence or common sense."


So there you go.


OOOOOOh s*** someone be readin dem books and got der english learning out.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:18 PM)
But it also doesnt mean that hes smarter than someone at a community college who just never tried and let their brilliance go to waste.


Meh, part of being smart is to not let your brilliance (whatever it may be) go to waste.


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:18 PM)
But it also doesnt mean that hes smarter than someone at a community college who just never tried and let their brilliance go to waste.

I was the perfect combination of dumb and not trying in school. :)

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:25 PM)
Dude just deflected a ton of media attention from a 2nd year, young QB. Seems brilliant to me.

Also turned himself into a national sports media spotlight for a few days before the Superbowl, and of course it'll be brought up again in all of the pre-game run-up. As long as he doesn't s*** the bed in the Superbowl, this should be good for him.

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So are some of you seriously thinking that people are making a big deal out of this Sherman thing just because he's black?


I know the extremely racist people of this country may think that way, but I'd like to think they're not the majority. If Sherman was white, Asian, Hispanic, native American, whatever race you want to come up with and acted the way he did after the play, during the interview, and after the game, I would think of him in the same way as an arrogant ass with no sportsmanship.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:25 PM)
If you are going to be subjective. But if objectively we quantify intelligence by IQ, then it has nothing to do with success.


If you want to go even farther than that Mr. lawyer, we can talk about how IQ isn't a 100% objective way to define intelligence. :P

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It's interesting to look at things that way. A lot more people know who Sherman is today than did last week. Also, being an accessory to murder (at worst) or an obstructer of justice (at best) didn't stop Ray Lewis - so talking some s*** after a huge victory is no big deal when it comes to being a broadcaster.


Also, like, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, why is this such a big deal? The dude was jacked up. It's not like he pulled a Roy Hibbert and dropped a "no homo" during a press conference. He was jacked and interviewed seconds after winning the NFC Championship!

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:25 PM)
Dude just deflected a ton of media attention from a 2nd year, young QB. Seems brilliant to me.


It'd be a bit more brilliant if Peyton Manning was his QB, but I don't know if the story line for the SB would have centered around Wilson had Sherman not done what he did. It would have been about whether or not Peyton can win another ring with another team.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 21, 2014 -> 04:31 PM)
If you want to go even farther than that Mr. lawyer, we can talk about how IQ isn't a 100% objective way to define intelligence. :P



Thats why I said "if". Im not sure currently there is a perfect way to tell if someone is smart or not. Other than if I meet them and judge them :D

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