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Kyyle23 last won the day on September 13

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About Kyyle23

  • Birthday 05/26/1978

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  • Location
    Lake In The Hills, Illinois

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    The low low prices cant be beat!
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2008: Underrated Poster
  • Favorite Sox player
    Mark Buehrle
  • Favorite Sox moment
    2005 World Series Game 3. All of it
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Robin Ventura

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Curious how the post season presser goes. I’m sure Rosenthal will get some of that good ole JR sass about that article and deny most of it
  2. If the Sox won 100 games next year, the fans would be in the park
  3. It’s not on life support, it’s in hibernation. And it will come back if the commitment is made
  4. Love when the story breaks and your depressing futility is the stinger of every story
  5. What is his vision and why is it different? Because he is hiring a navy seal to talk about culture and leadership? Hiring a few new names doesn’t change the fact that the minors has absolutely zero infrastructure investment and that hasn’t changed since the last time Hahn told us this all will change please explain to me what is so different
  6. Except Cleveland, somehow lol
  7. Nothing means less to me than this quote. What a hollow, meaningless thing to say ESPECIALLY when your team is about to be the worst in history
  8. Eh doesn’t look obvious enough to overturn at second, that’s really close
  9. I didn’t deputize you but if you insist. I just love your optimism it’s great
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