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  2. they also seem to have a bad habit of sucking
  3. i know a lot of broke ass people and they wouldn't go to a white sox game with a 25 dollar gift card and a ride
  4. why do teams keep drafting catchers that cant catch if they're just going to turn them into first basemen unless their hitting peripherals are through the roof
  5. intelligent writers are smart enough to have a career outside of journalism, little alone being a fucking white sox journalist
  6. The biggest problem was the replacement for Renteria...not really a debate about the need for someone else with more winning/playoff experience who could "take that next step." There were a lot of other names out there like Bochy and Hinch at the time, for example.
  7. My bullshit meter is sounding its alarm.
  8. This is an excellent post but as a weird fan, here's my take from it: The Sixers have been OK even though they've yet to make The Finals in the Embiid era. The Sox and Bulls equally stink with neither front office having a clue. Maybe the Bulls' philosophy blows, you make a strong case for that, but the Sox philosophy blows as well. And it all started with the tank job (Sale trade) and has continued til today (cept for one playoff appearance after which Ricky was canned stupidly).
  9. We should have fucking listened to Bill, man. We should have kept Ricky.
  10. On one hand, I could make a point about WSI vs. here, about how there are differing opinions in sports, about how you could hold your own. On the other hand:
  11. And the most famous place for pastrami in NYC is Katz’s and who’s our pitching coach? Works for me. Although I’d trade both of them for a sandwich. On rye with brown mustard.
  12. If the Tigers can send down Torkelson, then… you know the rest.
  13. That's a great call. Jason needs someone who has fun with him. It's why the Walton calls were the best
  14. "The Process" never really had a chance to come to fruition. Hinkie was forced out and black-balled from the NBA, replaced by crony father and crony son, who would go on to run that team into the ground (relatively speaking). Anyway, to be a successful team in the NBA, you need to have a "superstar", and drafting early in the lottery multiple times increases your odds of finding one. It's really that simple. Having later draft picks is good too, you can find useful players that you don't have to pay much, then you have cap space to spend inefficiently on players who fill a specific need. That's basically the only sustainable team-building strategy in basketball, but step one is to have one of the top 10 players in the game. Clearly it worked for the 76ers anyway, they contend for a title every year because of Embiid. I'd love it if the Bulls had the success of the 76ers. Or, you know, the Warriors who were perpetually bad before drafting a couple superstars. Or pretty much every good team in the league that is now good as a result of previously being bad. You either tank or treadmill in basketball. The Bulls are committed to the treadmill and the team is impossible to watch. My hot take is that the Bulls are more embarrassing than the Sox. The Bulls would've kept Giolito, Lynn, etc because they weren't technically eliminated from the playoffs yet. Dylan Cease would still be on the team. We'd still be god awful, maybe not, ya know, historically bad. But still bad and not making the playoffs. At least the Sox said "yes, this isn't working, let's find a new general manager and get rid of all the players". The Bulls refuse to admit that. If they had admitted it years ago, the team might already be good again. Instead they're gearing up for another 35 win season. They're talking about trading up, more future assets, so they can draft a stiff who will 'contribute now'.
  15. Jason very clearly loves/loved the Sox — it was after all, his actual dream job — he was just a pro on the mic. There were little slips during that opening series where it felt like he was calling for the Sox. He needs a Stacey King-type as his color guy to be the bombastic homer. Sox fans are used to getting color from the play by play guy.
  16. That's where I differ from most modern fans. It makes total sense because I like him and actually want to see him play for the Sox until he turns into total badness. It makes no sense for the builders, those who think we're actually capable of reconstructing a winner thru the flip player at the break method. It also made no sense to sign Beni who is gawd awful. At least Pham is worth 2/10th the price of admission. Most of the Sox are worth 0/10th the price of admission,
  17. Pham certainly looked like he was prepared to fight, loosening up his shoulders like a boxer as he walked to the outfield. He's been in the news before for altercations, most notably in 2022 when he slapped Joc Pederson over a dispute in their fantasy football league. Earlier that season, Pham challenged Luke Voit to a fight after a hard slide at teammate Tyler Stephenson. Last year in San Diego, Pham got into a verbal altercation with a fan who was heckling him in the on-deck circle. The fan claimed that Pham was looking to pick a fight, but Arizona Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo defended Pham, saying he was taking plenty of abuse from Padres fans. Perhaps fortunately for all involved, the White Sox and Brewers don't play again this season. So there shouldn't be any concern over Pham revisiting his hostilities with Contreras. https://sports.yahoo.com/white-soxs-tommy-pham-says-hes-always-prepared-to-f-somebody-up-after-confrontation-with-brewers-william-contreras-225356495.html Feels like he definitely belongs in the NL... This guy realizes that he plays....baseball, right?
  18. He was great when he filled in with the Bulls. Way better than Amin. My criticism of him is consistent: he wasn't a big enough homer. He did too many national games. I think the conflict of interest in his two jobs didn't allow for him to the do the Sox job its full justice. I like Schriffen's shtick; the hubris, the homerism. Imagine Bob Uecker saying, "just a bit outside", I think that character is what the local broadcaster should aspire to be. Schriffen is in that mold but needs to figure out how to not sound like a complete asshole. There are a lot of other things that he could potentially do better too. I hope he gets better. It's funny, he did actually sound way better with Beckham...at least, it wasn't adversarial. Maybe Stone is a major impediment. Just please don't replace him with Beckham.
  19. He used to care. He called out the Cubs and Piniella 14 years ago. Now he is just riding the loyal Reinsdorf employee gravy train.
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