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  2. Even if they do, you will only get the usual bull from Pedro and Getz.
  3. I really, really want a reporter to have the balls to recite this exact tweet to Getz and/or Pedro.
  4. Today
  5. I've said all along the pitching staff is close cept for the need to either rely on our system and throw guys in there to improve the bullpen or buy 2 in the free agent market to go with the starters u suggested. That's half a completed rebuild, then just work on the lineup. Now I'm all for trading Pham, Lopez, DeJong maybe even Fedde ( if we keep Crochet) if we can get some bodies for them but I'd not trade our few stars. Again, nobody will put out a plan but u did with names so I thank u. It's not healthy to be this bad last year, this year and say, 3-4 more years. That's silly.
  6. I agree....but Getz has a profile that he wants for better or worse and yeah STL is not a great fit. I'd rather have Beavers +, but I don't think it will be BAL.
  7. This Sox team has to be one of the worst MLB teams in history, if not the worst. With one of the worse managers ever in Grifol and owner in JR. It is a total embarrassment and disrespect for the fans. At least fire the manager, do something to change direction.
  8. All I was doing was commenting on how to get a stepped-up basis without paying income tax on the increase. Someone has to check out. What you say is correct but I never said it wasn’t.
  9. It’s starting to feel like the only thing that could save the franchise. Unfortunately Jerry would never nut up for that and would prefer a lineup of David Eckstein’s.
  10. I hope this results in no team offering a legitimate trade package over the next year or so, Crochet pitching like the best pitcher in baseball and staying healthy, and JR finally realizing it’s time to offer him an extension this time next year. Yes I know, I can dream.
  11. Did you literally come up with this plan and forget about our best prospect and one of the three or four best pitching prospects in all of baseball?
  12. I still can’t believe Crochet went to the media with this s%*# after what the org has done for this year. Just what an absolute fucking disaster. Every start from here on out will be watched the greatest angst until if/when he’s traded.
  13. I just can’t get behind this as our only big trade. We desperately need offense wherever we can get it from and that’s not Scott. I think there are better options than St. Louis for Fedde.
  14. The Sox have full control over what happens with Crochet over the next two years, prior to 2027 when he becomes a free agent. That’s when Crochet gets to demand a contract to his suiting from all MLB teams.
  15. Agreed. I expect if Fedde is moved to STL, Getz will want Victor Scott II and another piece. His vision is all about speed, defense and contact over power and I wouldn't be shocked at all if it's something like Scott (50) and like a 45. That would be Robert's replacement in center and would provide GG defense plus speed on the basepaths.
  16. Sure, it makes sense, but have you not watched what trades Elias has made? He has not made one move in which he has traded his higher-end prospects. It’s not happening.
  17. They won't get Sasaki but should at least try. Corbin Burnes, Max Fried (hurt), Flaherty, Pivetta, Severino and Scherzer top of FA market for pitchers. Only one true difference maker in Burnes... ton of mileage on that arm the last five years. No quick fixes other than gambling on Sasaki... who should be better than Matsumoto as long as healthy.
  18. Yeah, it’s better than trying to come up with countless excuses for a terrible GM. Perhaps you will see the light once Getz fails this trade deadline but I am sure you will continue making excuses for him once he does indeed fail it.
  19. Speaking for someone who lived through restrictions in asia its still a pain in the ass
  20. Yes, but it still doesn't work to get more than two articles per month or whatever.
  21. I'm starting to doubt Robert. His BA hasn't been much over .230 all season. His stats blow chunks. He passes the eye test but more as a graceful center fielder than as a hitter where he kind of stinks frankly. I wouldn't give up much for him if I were another team's GM, that's for sure. He kind of blows.
  22. Hard to predict but man those people were right haha
  23. by far the most incompetent franchise in baseball, even worse than the Angels.
  24. At least that's a plan. I've been asking Sox fans who approve of tanking to at least outline a plan for the future. You, who aren't the biggest tank fan ever, have outlined a frickin' plan. Thank you. It seems reasonable to me.
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