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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 08:45 AM) The catchall thread has some responses, all of the fire those dispactchers now, variety. methinks I should start catching up on the catch-all thread before making new posts.
  2. QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 08:40 AM) Well I am a die hard sox fan! I wish that I didn't have to work! But I can't fix that can I! Especially since we all need to work to make a living some way or another! What the hell is so wrong with my friends giving me updates about the game? Hey last year I felt so bad because I really didn't pay attention to my White Sox that much because of my busy life and I felt really bad! I made a vow to myself that I will always try to keep up with the White Sox organization no matter where I am! I don't know why you are giving me such a hard time, at least I am trying to be updated! Well, your vow should include scheduling. There is no White Sox game tonite. This is why we are giving you such a hard time. Remove your finger from the smiley button and Chillax™.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/10/911.lawsuit/index.html
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 08:22 AM) Noted. Also, I'm not usually around for night game threads, but did "get 'er done" make a cameo a time or two? Yeah. But with the (lack of) success of the Larry the Cable Guy movie, I think it was retired in embarrassment.
  5. When Tiger was focused completely on Golf, and nothing but Golf, Mickelson couldnt stand in the same room with him in terms of competition. Now that Tiger seems to have all these things going on in his life(his fathers declining health first and foremost, he got married, has his foundations, etc.), he isnt winning as much and Mickelson seems to be taking charge. It will be interesting in the next couple years to see what happens.
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 08:18 AM) It's your fault. Get back to the "rip 'ems" and "hell effing yea's" and all will be right again, slacker. you are forgetting "Get to da Choppah!"
  7. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 05:57 AM) Exactly or else they mighten else bother. It's not as bad as what Young said last year anyways. I dont think either statement is really bad, and I think they both are pretty close to the same thing. Didnt a few indians take some "We are better than them" shots last year too? It dont mean a thing without that ring. No worries here.
  8. Well tonite is a very special game and its a shame you have to miss it. Once in a lifetime opportunity.
  9. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 04:58 AM) I am surprised that it was only 4 years, which is a good move on Boston's part. He has been aided by playing at Fenway and his pre-Boston compared to his current numbers reflect that. It is said that lefties are helped out tremendously by the big green monster if they can hit opposite field with regularity. I know that Ortiz gets those "cheap" hits, but I swear that he hits balls out and to the deepest part of the park more often than not. I wouldnt say that the field helps Ortiz out as much as the fans and the excitement helps him out.
  10. Kyyle23


    Snakes on a Plane review Pacific Air 21, LMAO
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 05:51 PM) The wrong thing at the wrong time? The kid talks about skinning hookers? When exactly is the right time for that? I mean gosh do you have some hilarious Jews in the ovens jokes too? Yes he is a sick son of a b****. Im having a terrible time trying to phrase what i am trying to say, I dont really know how to come across without sounding like an idiot( ). I guess I am desensitized is what it comes down to. I watch a youtube video called "Im Juggernaut, b****" and I laugh my ass off. I can honestly see this lacrosse player having a vile lingo that him and his buddies converse with and this statement, while crass-insensitive-homicidal-crazy it might sound, means nothing. If it actually applied to his knowledge of a rape, then to me he is a sick son of a b****. If he knew nothing about the rape and was just writing some off-the-wall-crazy-ass text message to his buddies, i really dont consider him a sick son of a b****. It seems I am in the minority, so I wont try to aggravate the issue.
  12. LOL, I like how Dolby threatens Britneys money. classic.
  13. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=2404002 So tell me now, is this kid a sick son of a b****? Or a foul mouthed kid who said the wrong thing at the wrong time?
  14. http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/1680458/ I cannot even imagine the phone call that took place between the police officer and these kids mother. One of the strangest police blotters I have ever read. Lets see: Open container of alcohol---check Speeding---check unrestrained child riding on front passengers lap---check crossdressing unrestrained child riding on front passengers lap---check crossdressing unrestrained child riding on front passengers lap and not even admitting to being a boy---check We have all the ingredients for a batch of WTF?!?
  15. QUOTE(WCSox @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 02:48 PM) Glad to hear that Freddy's hitting the low/mid '90s again. Didn't get to watch it on TV, but it sounded like Comerica's spacious dimensions saved Garcia's ass a couple of times. Is that accurate or was Farmer exaggerating a bit? I like Ozzie's use of B-Mac and Jenks in a must-win. Also nice to see Paulie have a nice day at the plate. The only downside was that Pods was wretched. Winning two in a row and beating a Sox-killer (Bonderman) were huge. Great job! Farmer? Exaggerate? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Next thing you will be telling me is that he hopes for a homerun in every inning for every batter of every game!
  16. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 02:38 PM) It might have seemed that way but I believe August was one of the better months for the pitching staff era wise. ERA-wise, yes, but not win-wise. Hopefully this pastes correctly. I dont know. Hermanson started losing his stuff around this time, Pods got hurt, Buehrle lost his changeup, Crede got hurt, Blum became a starter. This was a pretty crazy time period for the champs last year. I still feel that Buehrle sets the tone, and the rest follow suit. hopefully Im right
  17. This is what happens with the starting pitching staff. Its just my observation, but Buehrle sets the bar, and the rest follow suit. I dont understand it, but I swear that everytime Buehrle has a good start, the rest of the staff mimics him. It seemed to happen a lot last year too. When Buehrle "lost" his changeup late in the year last year, the Sox started skidding big time and the only pitcher who could stop the bleeding was Jose. We all blamed it on Pods being injured, but I thought the pitching was losing its edge as well. Like I said, just my observation.
  18. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) OK, I literally just walked back into my dorm. Can someone please break down the pitching today? No. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) Are our fears about Garcia and Jenks eased for the time being? Yes QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) How did the hitters look, besides Pods who I see is hitless again today? Good. Is that in-depth enough?
  19. LOL @ Hawk not even knowing that Crede hit a homerun until Joe was almost to 3rd base. Great game for the Sox, they need to start putting some things together, and met a team which has been an offensive juggernaut for the past 6 games. They shut down the tigers offense for the most part, and todays win looked a lot like a win from last year. You know, the thing I love about Thome is that even pitchers that are notorious sox-killers cant get him out. 440 foot bomb off of Bonderman? f***ing Awesome.
  20. QUOTE(Wedge @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 08:14 AM) Nobody's stepped up and made this thread! I figured it was appropriate since today I do my defense for my Master's Thesis. Wish me luck! Watch out for the tie fighters wedge. Red Leader out.
  21. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 01:01 AM) Wow... just wow... I feel sorry for all of the brainwashed MVP lemmings... Not only are the Graphics so much better on 2K6, the controls are awesome... Swing stick took awhile to get used to. I also love the more realistic pitching... and how they incorporate natural breaks and movements to the pitches... MVP 2K5 was the most baseball game to come around since triple play. It was an awful game that I had to take back after one week because the PS1 graphics and horrible controls made me vomit every time I turned on my PS2... I'm feeling really sorry for you people... LOL, when you post I swear that 99.9% of the time you take the contrarian side. I could tell the 2K6 graphics sucked hardcore by the commercials they are showing on TV, there is no way you can convince me that 2K6 has better graphics, in any aspect of the game, than MVP2005.
  22. This topic is like the movie "Groundhogs Day". Buehrle didnt even say anything about St Louis this time and he is having quotes attributed to him. The Dispatch is just talking s*** right now because their Cards just got swept by the Cubs, which is pretty bad for thier standards. I am not even going to think about Buehrle leaving, because it aint happening this year. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a jeopardy show to memorize, a piano lesson to master, and I am going to take a bath with a toaster to see what happens.
  23. bmags, are you at Bonnaroo?
  24. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Apr 9, 2006 -> 08:29 PM) Think reason he is a #3 on depth charts for obvious reason's. so says the department of redundancy department.
  25. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 9, 2006 -> 10:27 AM) WHOA, where did all the love for Local H come from suddenly? Nice. Scott Lucas is Chicago's best kept secrets even though he's been on the scene for like 15 years and plays out all the time in lots of different outfits. At that Halloween bash, Local H Has played as: Nirvana, AC DC, Joan Jett, Bruce S, Hall and Oates etc, always funny and always good. They also did a GREAT cover of Brittney Spears 'Toxic' on their last record. TRUST ME, you have to hear it. Scott also DJs at Smart Bar every Sunday night and does solos acoustic sets here and there all the time. I have "Toxic" on my Ipod. When i worked at WTAO in Marion we recieved that single, and my PD didnt like it so we never played it. I thought it was awesome though.
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