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About PorkChopExpress

  • Birthday 07/31/1976

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  1. Funny that "GRF" can be shorthand for "grief." That's what the field should be called, "Grief Field," because that's what all the fans are left feeling after every game.
  2. Something has to change with how our how our hitters prep. How does Eloy not know by now that sweeper/slider away is all he will see? All of our hitters swing at garbage off the plate and takes strikes down the middle. Contrast that to opposing hitters who seem able to lay off anything that is not in the zone. Are our pitchers that bad, or are opposing hitters just better prepared?
  3. This has been an issue basically since “framing” has been a stat. I watch our catchers catch a close ball and either drop it or immediately move the glove and throw back to the pitcher and get zero calls, while at the same time it seems like every catcher on the other team catches the pitch and moves it into the zone and waits for the ump to make a call. The results suggest that affects the unp’s call. So why do our catchers not do what most, if not all, other catchers do?
  4. So here’s my take at this point. Maldonado was a wasted signing. He’s worthless on both sides of the field. Should have let him retire and then hire him as a coach if that’s why you wanted him. Benentendi is no longer good and should not be hitting lead-off. It’s a repeat of last year when they kept hitting TA first even though he sucked. Stop playing these guys based on some historical stats and start playing them based on how they’re performing now.
  5. They probably wanted to bring this guy in sooner, but had to be sure Tim Anderson wasn't coming back first.
  6. Also, does this mean that Reynaldo Lopez is going to have an injury soon?
  7. So maybe he amped things up after getting traded to impress his new team, and did the damage then?
  8. That's funny because I think that's Davis Martin, who's listed at 6'2". But I'm thinking the other guy is 6'9" Lane Ramsey.
  9. Didn't Garfein do a podcast on this? Ozzie Jr. was on to discuss it because Ozzie is Puig's manager right now in whatever Venezuelan league he's in. He's supposedly matured, and is crushing it in that league. Or he was at the time of the podcast. Count me in as interested in giving it a shot. Minor league deal with an invite to ST. It likely wouldn't cost them much, and if it doesn't pan out, just cut him.
  10. Have you seen the other thread in which Garfein quotes Getz as saying their intention is to use him as a starter in 2024?
  11. So far, he's just plugging holes with low-cost AAAA and low-risk bets. I don't see any problem with that, and frankly, I'm a little optimistic that some of these guys are going to prove to be good to great signings. Were there better FA options at C than Stassi at league minimum? Maldanodo for $4M-ish? I think it was a shrewd move. And now there's more money to try and sign a guy like Giolito. Maybe even go after Teoscar Hernandez. I like what Getz is doing so far. Maybe he's constrained by budget, but I think we have to wait and see.
  12. I was kinda hoping the Yankees would trade for Moncada since they're one of the few teams who can afford his salary. Then they can use LeMahieu as a super utility guy instead of their primary 3B, or put him at 2B and we somehow get Gleyber Torres in the deal. I realize there was almost no chance it would happen, but adding Soto's salary probably crushes whatever little chance there was.
  13. If you’re suggesting the Sox start playing at the same level as the rest of mlb, I’m all for it.
  14. I think teams looking to add multiple starters, including at least one of the top FA's, might also look at getting Cease now as a selling point to those FA's. "We're serious about winning. We already went and got Cease, and with you and him and [fill in names], we're going to have one of the best rotations in the league."
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