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Everything posted by soxrwhite

  1. The post is "if you had to". I guess if you put Sale with Rios or Pierre and asked for nothing in return some one might take over the salary. I did not say the Sox should do that but you have to bundle some good or potentially good cheap player with a high useless salary to get a taker.
  2. Two steps forward and one back for the good teams. One forward and two back for the not so good teams. Just how baseball is, with the few exceptions of 100 win teams. C'mon a month ago we would have been excited to know we would be 4.5 games back by June 12th. The quit on this site was sickening. It's a long season and it will be the Sox, Minnesota, and Detroit just like we thought all along. How about an outfield of Quentin in left, Lillibridge in center, and Viciedo in right? With Lillibridge leading off. Not any worse defensively and better offensively.
  3. This one hurt....................Santos is not the answer either........................I guess closer by committee is up.
  4. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 11:33 PM) I know, that was the picture I was trying to paint that Pierre was out of position and got such a bad read that Morel had to venture all the way out to LF. I was at the game last night. Pierre was playing where he was positioned by the coaches as they all do. He was deep in a no doubles position. A high fly ball to short left was hit and Morel kowing how deep Pierre was charged hard well into left field. Pierre got a bad read and then pulled up because of Morel. It was the left fielder's ball and should have been caught. What really got me was the two perfectly executed Mariner bunts later that inning. The Sox have trouble getting even one down and other teams seem to use this tool when ever they need to, flawlessly!
  5. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 6, 2011 -> 07:08 PM) Good! That's all we can ask for in the end. As long as they try their best and have fun out there, I'll be happy. I hope that was sarcasm.
  6. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 09:58 AM) Maybe if we put him on waivers, an idiot GM will claim him! Isn't KW the idiot GM? Rios, Peavey,Jackson,etc. Do the rest of MLB's Gm's play him for a fool or what?
  7. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 06:16 PM) Groins typically don't heal quickly either. Don't be so gullible to believe so easily it is his groin. Smokescreen for more arm problems?
  8. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ May 31, 2011 -> 04:20 PM) So you believe Dunn will hit .190 for the remainder of the contract? No.......... .175
  9. Ramirez is too good a hitter, and too poor a bunter to be hitting number two. Vizquel seems like a better fit there. Dunn? If he didn't carry a past reputation he would be cut. So far he sucks big time. Rios bad. Just when Morel starts to hit Ozzie stops playing him. Ozzie is very frustrating. Pierre is coming around but still scary in the field. Konerko is great. Quentin and A.J. are what they are. Beckham is a ? Cleveland is frightening me.
  10. In 2005 the White Sox got off to great start and the Indians had a tremendous run but the lead was too big. Don't let them get too far ahead and make some mid-season moves to strengthen them. Having said that, it is division games that will tell the tale and there are plenty of those left. Catch K.C. and then go Tiger hunting. We will relocate the Indians to their second place reservation when we get there. A good road trip will help but a bad road trip could be disaster.
  11. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ May 22, 2011 -> 02:40 PM) Is anyone else positive we're going to come back and get in 1st at some point this season only to blow it in September? Did you have to say that?
  12. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 17, 2011 -> 02:16 PM) Come on, rant? My post was not even close to a rant. Jesus Christ, guys. The slightest big of negativity and the person is a raving lunatic now? I agree with this. Look at things objectively and say the White Sox are not doing so good on an issue or simply say they suck, if they do, and you get labled a quitter, loser, bandwagon jumper,etc. I have been a White Sox fan my whole life and have lived on the south side and the south suburbs my whole life. My loyalty is beyond question, but not seeing things as they are doesn't make you a traitor it makes you a Cubs fan.
  13. Peavey was great everything we have waited for. It has been two years of nothing and now one great start. I hope he can continue along this path but I will wait for a few more gems before feeling comfortable with him. 2 games behind K.C. and closing!
  14. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 18, 2011 -> 02:35 PM) 3 of the top 5 teams are under .500 & 4 of the bottom 5 teams have winning % of over .550. Just sayin. Exactly what I was thinking. It seems like the bottom teams have more wins.
  15. This has been happening for years now. Every one runs on the White Sox. Only Buerhle (maybe Danks) can hold runners close. Maybe this is something the great Coop should "fix". A.J. is a very good reciever but is slow down to second. Really slow. Beckham and Ramirez do not get good position to make a tag. If our philosophy is so heavy on getting ahead in the count and throwing strikes then pitch outs can not be used.
  16. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 12, 2011 -> 06:25 PM) Sucks almost as much as Pierre, soooo why do you want him? Getz is hitting.221. You are right. I just felt a guy who went through most every level in the organization ( when people on this site are always saying we have no home grown talent ) deserved a better shot. Especially when Beckham is.......well Beckham, but Getz is doing no better. Vizquel could lead off and play second or third.
  17. Stone is a pro but I don't feel real comfortable with a broadcast with him and Hawk. D.J. was a real beginner when he first started but improved quite a bit, but never was as good as Drydale and Hawk and then Paciorek and Hawk. I have been tired of Hawk for some time now, and I hope he retires soon. Maybe Paciorek and Stone could make a good team. The best man overall for listening to was John Rooney. If something occurred between Hawk and Wimpy I'm glad two baseball lifers with a long history have patched things up. 5 games behind K.C. lets get them and then the Tigers. GO SOX!!
  18. Viciedo in right, Quentin in left and Lillibridge at third. The pitchers may as well just give up. To get Viciedo in the batting order I guess you must put him in left or right, but yikes what an outfield. Not much worse than it is now though with Pierre. Who leads off? Vizquel, the second baseman. I can live without Beckham in the starting lineup. I too wish we had Getz at second and leading off.
  19. QUOTE (knightni @ May 10, 2011 -> 07:27 PM) Just a little food for thought today. I'll give you guys multiple answer options. This almost happened a few times since 1968. They actually played some games in Milwaukee about 1970 or so. Governor Thompson saved them from moving by forming the Illinois sports commission when they built the new park. These memories are too painful. Why bring up such an ugly topic. Don't plant any seeds you don't want to harvest. You should have put 1. go on a murder rampage 2. commit suicide...................as other options.
  20. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 9, 2011 -> 09:52 AM) Hawk & Wimpy will be in the booth for the A's series! Stoney on vacation. Vacation! Isn't getting 5 months off in the off season enough?
  21. He should appear on the ballot, but probably not get in. Similiar to Harold Baines. Depends though on who else is on the ballot with him. Another few very good years and he could be on the cusp especially if druggies are excluded. Although he was very inconsistent earlier in his career he has been better of late. Also his fielding has continued to improve to where he very good around the bag. This should count for something. I like that the HOF is difficult to achieve. Only the crem' de la crem' make it and I'm not sure he is quite there. He would not have played this long with the Yankees because they would have brought in high priced talent to replace him when he went into half season long slumps.
  22. Put names in a hat and draw them out for batting order. It would be fun and relax a pressing team. What the f**k if we are out of it lets have some fun! Konerko gave himself up to make sure the cement foot Dunn would score.
  23. Time to drop Beckham and Morel and Sale to Charlotte or lower. Play Teahen at third and Vizquel at second. If Vizquel gets injured use Lilibridge at second. If Teahen gets injured use Vizguel at third and Lili at second. Bring up Viiciedo for right field and put Quentin back in left. Using Pierre for pinch bunting, pinch running and utility outfield. Bring up Jordan Danks for center field until Rios toe is healed and then late inning defensive replacement. Bring up Marquez and groom Sale for starting while in minors. Bat Vizquel at leadoff.
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