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Everything posted by Soxnfins

  1. Grandal & Wheeler would be a legitimate perfect offseason for me. Figure out RF via trade. Those two fill two very obvious and holes. Grandal 4/68 Wheeler 5/95 Sign me up.
  2. Might be just me, but I still think anywhere from 5/92-98 gets it done for Wheeler. Knowing the Sox, they will want a team option somewhere in that deal, so maybe the offer will have like a $20MM team option for ‘25. Who knows, just going off of history here.
  3. Exactly, which is why if we are giving up a pick and slot money I kinda prefer Grandal. Kinda stuck in between a rock and a hard place.... Would almost be better to go Grandal, NC, then Ozuna. I mean Ozuna isn't a slouch with the bat, but the NL/AL thing has scarred me, but for 15MM/yr, I don't think it would hurt AS much if he hit like 240/323/462 in that area... 25 or so bombs, 80ish RBI, I think that's about right for the monetary value.
  4. I'd take Ozuna at DH for 3/45-50, I think that would be worth it. Still would much rather have Grandal though.
  5. Usually then Passan follows, if that happens, I like the odds. For some reason I always get Zack Wheeler and Dylan Bundy confused, which is why I didn't like the interest as much. I'm ok with going 5/100 for Wheeler as a #2. Wheeler was dealt for Beltran.... Bundy was never dealt. I'll get it one day.
  6. ........if he agrees to an Eloy-esque extension he will be. Lol
  7. Zack Wheeler - "Richest White Sox in history of the franchise"
  8. If it is a 3y deal, i'd assume the 3rd year is an option, I said 3/38, and if it went to 3/40, close enough. $13.33MM/yr for Abreu is not bad whatsoever.
  9. Ozuna for DH? Sure. For RF, dear lord no. I'm still scared off by NL hitters coming over to the AL since Dunn, LaRoche, etc. At least he's got age on his side, but I wouldn't offer more than $15MM per, but he's going to be the one in this class that will be grossly overpaid IMO.
  10. He won't take this, but I honestly wouldn't be upset to see a deal at a 3/58-62MM deal for Bumgarner. Within 2 years, 20M/yr will be #3 type money, if it already isn't there now. Essentially you are betting on MadBum to produce like a #3 over the life of the contract.
  11. 2/25 with a 3rd year option for $13M makes too much sense for both sides. 3/38 is where I had him pegged before FA started.
  12. And any $1 Dog Mondays, up to 5.
  13. So, you're telling me that $260M GTD is not better than $300M GTD?
  14. 8/260 with 'unlikely to be earned incentives' to make it 10/350? We're at the table, and our offer will trump even a guaranteed offer of 10/350! IT'S ALL BINARY!
  15. 3rd or 4th piece, sure. But I'd be willing to bet that he'd be the second best behind someone like Wheeler (maybe), then we are tapped.
  16. No, I totally get it. But I'm still failing to see how this opens up 'flexibility for better F/A' and how 'the money will be spent.' Not trying to piss you off, but I have zero faith that any spending will actually go on. Kind of lost faith in that and something will come visa trade instead.
  17. Typical cheap Sox move I could see happening. You can do worse than him, but he's just a 'meh' addition for me.
  18. It is still kind of comical that JR has only given out a 6/66 contract as the biggest in Sox history, but he can take on someone like, granted different sports, Otto Porter $82.3M over 3Y. Two different markets, but holy hell.
  19. I don't think we need him at this point. All he'd do is block Vaughn's ETA.
  20. Color me shocked when he goes into the market and only gets offer 3/38 and comes back to the Sox and takes the QO.
  21. Who knows, maybe we can toss them Spencer Adams and he's a right colored Sox this winter. Boston can't afford him, he pretty much screwed them and his forcing their hand to deal him.
  22. Jesus, I didn't realize Soler hit 48 bombs... that's nuts
  23. lol Covey has unlimited lives with the Sox. Not surprised though.
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