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Official 2009-2010 NBA Thread

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 05:51 PM)
I have no problem with those that want VDN gone. But it bothers me very much that it seems to be popular opinion that this would be a much better team with a different coach. There's no coach, past or present, that would take this particular team past the first round. Orlando, Cleveland, Boston and Atlanta. We're miles behind any of those 4 teams regardless of who's the coach. The one guy that should really be on the hotseat is John Paxson. But Jerry Reinsdorf is loyal to a fault. Paxson would have to quite before Jerry let him go.


If the playoffs started today, we wouldn't even be in the playoffs, which is regressing from last season. I didn't expect this team to be a top team, even with the hot start we had against top teams early, but I didn't expect this team to be this bad either. Hell I thought we were a 6th or 7th type seed (progressing from last season) because of the horrid Eastern Conference. We can't even match the 8th spot as of right now and I know we are still a game back or something like that.

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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 06:02 PM)
If the playoffs started today, we wouldn't even be in the playoffs, which is regressing from last season. I didn't expect this team to be a top team, even with the hot start we had against top teams early, but I didn't expect this team to be this bad either. Hell I thought we were a 6th or 7th type seed (progressing from last season) because of the horrid Eastern Conference. We can't even match the 8th spot as of right now and I know we are still a game back or something like that.


We've done this for the last 4 or 5 years, no (save 2007)? Up and down all year until a strong push the last month. I really don't care about winning 45 games when we're a lock to get bounced in the first round by any of the conferences elites.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 06:09 PM)
We've done this for the last 4 or 5 years, no (save 2007)? Up and down all year until a strong push the last month. I really don't care about winning 45 games when we're a lock to get bounced in the first round by any of the conferences elites.


Which is why 2010 class is so vital to this team's future success. I was hoping we would at least not suck this year to help make a case for the FA to come here, to help justify this franchise. (and not just the whole large market ordeal) This rarely, at all, happens in the NBA as far as legit superstars potentially moving in one offseason. (not those Elton Brand, Baron Davis, etc.. type players) Those earlier teams overachieved under Scott Skyles, which kind of spoiled us to a degree IMO.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 06:15 PM)
Which is why 2010 class is so vital to this team's future success. I was hoping we would at least not suck this year to help make a case for the FA to come here, to help justify this franchise. (and not just the whole large market ordeal) This rarely, at all, happens in the NBA as far as legit superstars potentially moving in one offseason. (not those Elton Brand, Baron Davis, etc.. type players) Those earlier teams overachieved under Scott Skyles, which kind of spoiled us to a degree IMO.

Any smart FA would look at our coaching situation and GarPax's inability to build a contender and stay far, far away. There are too many other options. The 2010 situation is going to be eerily similar to begging FAs (T-Mac, Hill) to sign with us, but then having to throw money at E-Rob.


Ugh. E-Rob.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 06:18 PM)
Any smart FA would look at our coaching situation and GarPax's inability to build a contender and stay far, far away. There are too many other options. The 2010 situation is going to be eerily similar to begging FAs (T-Mac, Hill) to sign with us, but then having to throw money at E-Rob.


Ugh. E-Rob.


"The curse of Michael"? I think it's getting to that point. This teams looks years away from contending for anything outside of the 7th/8th spot in weak conference outside of the top 3 or 4.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 11:18 AM)
Any smart FA would look at our coaching situation and GarPax's inability to build a contender and stay far, far away. There are too many other options. The 2010 situation is going to be eerily similar to begging FAs (T-Mac, Hill) to sign with us, but then having to throw money at E-Rob.


Ugh. E-Rob.

Especially when Miami is probably going to be the main competition, and it could be very similar to that FA class where both Hill and T-Mac signed with Orlando, you could have Bosh sign with Miami, just because it's a very attractive franchise with the no state income tax and warm weather, and getting to play alongside Wade.



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 05:31 PM)


I also saw this quote from Noah to KC Johnson


If you were my friend, I would tell you a lot of things, but I feel like if I say something, it's going to make things really bad.


This isn't the first time I've heard that VDN gets no respect. IIRC, didn't Gordon pretty much embarrass him in front of the team after VDN tried to "discipline" him.

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The thing that saved VDN is that none of the players want Bickerstaff to take over, and none of the other assistants would do a better job than what VDN is doing right now.


Like it or not, the Bulls are going to have to wait til the off-season to upgrade their coaching position.


And they're going to have to make a big splash if they want any chance of attracting a quality FA.

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Dec 26, 2009 -> 01:26 AM)
The thing that saved VDN is that none of the players want Bickerstaff to take over, and none of the other assistants would do a better job than what VDN is doing right now.


Like it or not, the Bulls are going to have to wait til the off-season to upgrade their coaching position.


And they're going to have to make a big splash if they want any chance of attracting a quality FA.


Agreed. And honestly if they dropped VDN (I believe there was a report anyways they wanted to wait till January to see where we are) I wouldn't mind seeing Pete Myers (who the players really like) take over. Sad to think he had much more experience than VDN did when he was hired.

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Dec 26, 2009 -> 01:26 AM)
The thing that saved VDN is that none of the players want Bickerstaff to take over, and none of the other assistants would do a better job than what VDN is doing right now.


Like it or not, the Bulls are going to have to wait til the off-season to upgrade their coaching position.


And they're going to have to make a big splash if they want any chance of attracting a quality FA.


They also made it sound like Bick is doing most of the play-calling at this point anywhere, so they are afraid nothing would change if VDN got fired anyway.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Dec 26, 2009 -> 10:39 AM)
Honestly, unless Doug Collins, Byron Scott or Avery Johnson are willing to sign on the dotted line, right now, i'd let VDN ride it out. I don't see any of the interim guys doing any better.


You pretty much have to do it that way. Remember the coach you sign now is going to be the guy that will be trying to recruit superstars to come to Chicago. You don't want to hire a chump at this point.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 26, 2009 -> 09:56 PM)
Wow, is Tyrus Thomas that important?


Well I wouldn't say THAT important, but he is a huge part of what they do on the defensive end thats for sure. Having another big body really is beneficial to Noah, who seems to take a heavy load of work in the paint guarding the really skilled players, not to mention with Taj usually in foul trouble (also a rookie and the mistakes), JJ never really seeing the floor (though he had a solid game yesterday) Miller... slow and not a defensive guy, etc.. Plus he can give you that 10-20 ppg the Bulls really need, since points at all is really hard to come by with this team. Now.. not saying this means anything, but I love Tyrus of course and I'll throw this out there and end the homerism.


Bulls are 4-2 with Thomas, and 7-15 without him.

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Can't complain.

The decision to fire head coach Vinny Del Negro has already been made, according to sources with knowledge of the Chicago Bulls' thinking. The fact that the Bulls' front office has not been able to settle on a replacement is the main thing keeping the embattled Del Negro employed, the sources said.


There were discussions recently within the organization about having John Paxson, Chicago's executive vice president of basketball operations, take over the team, but Paxson ultimately decided against it. Then, according to sources, Chicago contacted former Bulls coach Doug Collins, a candidate for the job two years ago when Del Negro was hired, but Collins was not interested in coaching the club.


Phone messages left for Paxson and Bulls general manager Gar Forman were not returned.


Chicago, which will have approximately $15 million in cap space next summer, would like to have a permanent coach in place well before the long-awaited free-agent bonanza of 2010 begins.


The Bulls would prefer not to promote an assistant coach, either Bernie Bickerstaff or Pete Myers, to interim status, but if they can't settle on a permanent replacement for Del Negro, they may have to go that route.


A strong run by the Bulls, who beat New Orleans Saturday night after the return of Tyrus Thomas from a broken arm, could delay Del Negro's eventual firing, but there is practically no chance he would coach the team beyond this season.

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